Nine worlds

Episode 278

Time flies, more than a year has passed since the Longji wedding. .

Meng'er is still practicing sword at this late hour? ?

I saw that it was my father! !Dimeng withdrew the long sword. Father, it has been a year, but I haven't made any progress. Could it be that the influence of the holy pattern is really so great? ?

Di Yan approached and stroked Fu Di Meng's shawl red hair and said: There must be an influence, but it's not absolute!I believe that as long as you work hard, one day you will become as strong as your mother. You see, you have not been out of the house for more than a year, and now young people from all the nobles have returned to the Imperial Palace; Take a vacation by yourself and go out for a walk; your father has prepared for you in Xinghai, so you can go have fun and adjust yourself. .

Di Yan was so cautious that he even asked himself to go out for a walk and arranged it when the school started in the temple. Di Meng didn't know that his father was worried about him, but how could he keep doing this: Father Xinghai, I won't go!Maybe I didn't make much progress in this year, but that incident has passed in my heart. Father, don't worry about me being wronged outside!So I'm going back to the temple. .

What back to the temple?Absolutely not! !You know more about the virtues of those noble children in Meng'er Temple than your father. If you go back, your father will really worry!

Father is fine, I always have to face what needs to be faced!I can't hide at home all the time and don't go out. .

But. . . .

Father, I know what you want to say, I understand all this, but Father, one day you will be proud of me! ! !

Seeing the persistence in Dimeng's eyes for a long time, Diyan sighed: "Okay, since you have made a decision, then go, I will order my servants to prepare the carriage for you." .

Well, after talking about Dimeng, he went back to his room and packed a few clothes. After putting on his armor and sword, he walked out of his yard. The moment he stood outside the gate of the courtyard, Dimeng had a deep sense of long-lost memory and remembered his breakthrough. When I was in the ranks, my father also stood in this position to welcome me home! !Taking a deep breath, Dimeng strode out the door and got into the carriage that Diyan had prepared. As soon as he got into the carriage, he saw his father also sitting in it: Father, who is this? ? ? ?

hehe! !Father will send you there, butler can leave. .

good grandpa! ! !Soon the carriage moved slowly, and the traffic along the way seemed to be the same as before in the imperial capital!But Dimeng knew that it could be said to be an earth-shaking change for him!In the future, no matter whether it is in the temple or the emperor, I am afraid that I will be alone!It didn't take long for the carriage to arrive at the gate of the temple in the center of the imperial capital. .

Alright, Meng'er's father will send you here, you have to take good care of yourself after you go in, and visit your sister Diyan when you have time.

I know my father, then I will go!After speaking, Dimeng jumped off the carriage and stood in front of the vast and majestic square of the temple. After thinking for a while, he took out a black cloth strip from his pocket and tied his coquettish red hair together. Faint holy patterns immediately appeared in the eyes of other people coming in and out, and whispers of discussion followed one after another, and Di Meng didn't care about turning back to Di Yan who was on the carriage with a slight smile before striding on a pilgrimage Walking in the hall, the voices of discussions behind him did not affect Dimeng's footsteps at all. . .

Wei Er, our children have really grown up!Also more and more like you.

Butler, let's go back. . .

good grandpa. . .

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