Nine worlds

Episode 265

A group of people rested near the entrance for a long time, and the suction in the middle also appeared from time to time.

After a long time, Wang Ling opened his eyes, stood up, walked to the entrance of the cave and looked in, but he didn't find anything in Palm Soul, and he didn't know where the suction came from. .

How are you, Tianyin and Canyi?We should go. . .

Hearing Wang Ling's notice, Levi III also came over: You are very strong!I was mistaken to be able to lead so many people so quickly by myself alone. Let me re-introduce: My name is Levi, and I put one hand on my chest and gave Wang Ling a gentleman's salute. .

It doesn't matter to me who you are; Grace, if you can't guarantee your own safety, I advise you to follow me closely. After leaving this sentence, Wang Ling entered the cave; Can Yi and Michelle also followed Li Wei, who stayed where he was, smiled evilly at Wang Ling and led Peter in. Grace, who was caught in the middle, followed behind the crowd with a helpless face. Maybe this was the first time he was alone with him. Alone, although Michelle is still there, Grace knows in her heart that she has parted ways with him. .

A group of people walked in the wide and deep cave, and large and small forks can be seen everywhere, but the smell of mud and stench became stronger as they walked in. Come!Wang Ling suddenly felt a stuffy heart and a feeling of suffocation, and the others were even more unbearable, and then a stronger suction swept away Wang Ling and others, and the group was in no hurry to resist this suction; After Wang Ling woke up, he felt sticky and slippery all around, and when he took out the palm soul cage, he saw corpses everywhere, and Can Yi, Tian Yin and others also fell to the ground and fell into a coma; don't think too much about Wang Ling After waking Can Yi and the others one by one, he saw that they were all just like himself, but their minds were shaken by the tremor just now, so he was relieved.

Master, what is this place?What happened to that muffled sound just now? I feel like my head is about to explode. .

Don't ask, get up, we have to leave quickly; the corrosive acid here is everywhere, if we don't leave, we have to be like those people. Said Wang Ling pointed to the men brought by Grace not far away.

Isn't that the person brought by the foreign devil? ?How would it appear here?

Do you still need to ask?It is estimated that it was swept over by the sudden suction before. .

Is everyone okay? ?

It's nothing serious, but Grace's guy is a little bit bad, and that shot almost killed him just now.Brother, where should we go now? It's too big here. .

When it was difficult to make a choice, Grace coughed and woke up: I understand the meaning of the painting left by my ancestors on the family monument.

Mr. Wang, we are probably in the belly of a giant beast now. If I guessed correctly, the tremor just now should be the sound of the beating heart of this giant beast. .

How is this possible, such a huge beast in the world?

Mr. Wang, if you think about it carefully, the sharp barbs we encountered along the way are not the teeth of this giant beast!And the suction force that appears from time to time is caused by the breathing of the giant beast. As he said, Grace took out a printed photo from his arms, and it can be seen that the photo has been waterproofed; this is on the monument of my family recorded pictures.

Wang Ling took the photo in Grace's hand, and saw a gigantic beast being crushed tightly under the continuous mountains, and the ground shook when it opened its mouth and exhaled; and there were some human-like sculptures on the top of the mountain. The marks are just too small, and Wang Ling doesn't know if there are people on them. .

I used to never understand what this painting left by my ancestors meant!But now it seems that this is a super huge ancient beast; if this is the case, then we are not far from the place where the gate of the world is located, Mr. Wang, you are looking at the special marked place in the painting because It's not too far from us. .

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