Nine worlds

Episode 262

Oh my God!What kind of existence does it take to pick up such a giant sword; could it be that it was used by the Titans in ancient times! !Everyone was amazed by the scene before them! ! !

Young master, I always feel that the giant sword is very important, but it's better not to get close to it unless necessary. .

Wang Ling nodded: "I know if you don't tell me. I don't know if you have paid attention to the giant sword?"Brother, is there something tricky around the giant sword?Can Yi looked back with some doubts. .

When Tianyin and the others wanted to see what Wang Ling said was around the giant sword, all they could see were some thin cracks all around the giant sword and nothing else!The flares fell to the ground and went out one by one at this moment, and the whole space returned to pitch black again!With the bright light in everyone's hands, the vague shadow of the giant sword can still be seen vaguely; there seems to be nothing around the big brother except for some cracks that opened when the earth dried up?

Wang Ling looked at Tianyin and said softly: It's not because of the dryness of the earth, but it's on the bottom of the sea, not somewhere else.

Yeah, how did I forget that; if it wasn't the cracks from drying out, what was?Could it be, it seemed that Tianyin had thought of something, but before Tianyin said what he thought of, Wang Ling said, "You're not mistaken, it's the sword energy, caused by the sword energy of that giant sword!"And it’s been years and years; if it wasn’t like this, by the time we got here, those cracks would have disappeared due to the compression of the earth’s crust; but this is indeed the case now, I’m afraid the giant sword can’t be approached at all; I don’t know It was the great master in ancient times who left such a giant sword here. It seems that some myths and legends are not groundless. .

Master, what do you think? ?

It's very dangerous, at least now we are no different from looking for death in the past; Levi III rarely shows a trace of dignity in his face, if there is the only way to pass through the gate of the world, then we can go back!Even if we can get across this chasm to the opposite side, we will be helpless! !

Brother come quickly. .

What's the matter, Sixth?Brother, this looks like a rope ladder!However, it has already rotted away. Looking at the fixed position of the rope ladder, it should have fallen into the crack. .

Well, Sixth Sister is right!Young master, is the boundary gate under this crack? ? ?

Wang Ling shook his head: I don't know, but it's better than going to the opposite side; Grace and his party who heard the movement also came over and nodded and said: Mr. Wang is right, it seems that we are going to go down and have a look: John called the buddy Let's get ready the tools and let's go down to have a look; good boss, it didn't take long for Grace's people to fix the rope nearby and distribute the pulleys to everyone. After everything was ready, John led the people down the crack first. . .

Can one, Tian Yin, the second child, the third child, the fifth child, the sixth child, and the seventh child must be careful after going down, and if anything happens, don’t worry about the others, and return to the top as quickly as possible. .

Well I got it bro!Several people agreed and jumped down the crack one by one. .

Wang Ling didn't delay, and jumped down too!A group of people went all the way down, and soon everyone found that the bottom of the crack was full of barbs and they were extremely sharp. Donnie's subordinate Henry was cut on his arm by those barbs as tall as half a person: Oh, damn it! What is it? Why is it so sharp? Seeing the blood oozing from his arm, Henry was a little annoyed. .

Well, Henry must have been slightly injured, so there's nothing to fuss about, let's move on. .

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