Nine worlds

Episode 252

Wang Ling dived all the way to follow the road signs left by Grace's men when they explored the road. Sure enough, he saw some remnants of high wall stone pillars, among which there were many stone statues mixed with people. Judging from their appearance, they were similar to the facial contours of Orientals. There is an essential difference: is this really the remains of "Atlantis" that Grace said!Regardless of whether it is just a piece of ruins now; Wang Ling, who was not interested in these things, did not stop much, and followed the road signs at an extremely fast speed, and what soon appeared in front of Wang Ling was a crack in the seabed. When the flashlight shines in, it is directly swallowed by the endless darkness in the depths of the dark and bottomless canyon rift, and nothing can be seen clearly!

I don't know how deep this submarine rift is. Could it be that the depth that Grace said is beyond the scope of modern human technology is this place!Watching Wang Ling, the road sign inserted obliquely on the ground, continue to dive under the gap!At the beginning, the faintly shining road sign could still be seen from a distance, but it was not until Wang Ling smelled a little blood that he stopped on the spot while holding a protruding rock beside the crack in the seabed!

Can Yi and Tian Yin, who followed closely behind, soon arrived at the place where Wang Ling was. .

Master, what's the matter?

There's something wrong with this place, do you smell a faint smell of blood?

Bloody smell?No, young master, Can Yi and I are wearing oxygen masks so we can't smell anything!Except for the foreign devils who came to explore the way first, there should be no other people here. If there is a bloody smell, it is probably left by them. Could something happen to them?

Brother, look at what that is, and when they heard Can Yi's words, the two of them turned to look at the place Can Yi pointed at, and the spiritual senses of the few people also landed on the shadow at the first time, and there seemed to be something caught by the shadow there. The rock protruding from the chasm is hooked!

Tianyin, it seems that your estimate is correct!It was Grace's man and he was already dead. As he said that, Wang Ling stretched out his hand and took the corpse directly in front of him; how could the young master have such a big blood hole in his chest?In doubt, Tianyin saw Wang Lingshi seeming to be groping for something: I think this person is not only cut such a big hole in his chest by some sharp weapon, but if I am not mistaken, all the internal organs of this person are gone!

What?The internal organs are all gone, but there doesn't seem to be any wound on the man's abdomen!As Tianyin said that, he put his hand on his abdomen, the young master was right, all the internal organs of this person were gone!

It seems that there must be something we don't know about this crack in the bottom of the sea. Wang Ling cut off half of the corpse's head with a light swipe of his fingertips; Subconsciously, I almost didn't spit it out, and there was a burst of turmoil in my stomach: Brother, this person's brain seemed to be smashed by something, and then it was all sucked away; several people looked at the sticky dot floating in the sea. Thick liquid; what on earth could make such a disgusting thing?But looking at this person who seemed to have no pain and a happy face when he died, this is really evil!

Yes!Uncle Yin, look at this man's facial expression as if he is doing something with a woman, enjoying himself!It is estimated that Grace's foreign devil does not know that his subordinate is dead!Otherwise, I would not have not informed everyone; but I am really curious about what makes these people show such an attitude after death!

No matter what it is, the road ahead will not be so peaceful!I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but this person died within an hour at most, and all the blood in his body was drained!Wang Ling looked solemnly at the dark abyss under his feet and said.

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