Nine worlds

Episode 228

Seeing the dead people in the courtyard, the fourth elder also felt a sudden shock, but before he could say anything, he heard Wang Ling say coldly: Why did you stop?Don't let me say the second time that no one will be left behind; Tian Yincan nodded and then rushed to the Zhao family members who were hiding aside, the screams resounded through the entire Zhao family garden, which was creepy. .

Hearing Wang Ling's murderous words, Mr. Lin didn't have time to ask how things got out of hand, so he hurriedly called Mr. Liu and the others to stop Tianyin and the others; Before he had gone far, he was blocked by Wang Ling. .

Wang Ling suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, not to mention Mr. Zhuo, even Mr. Lin didn't realize when Wang Ling stood in front of Mr. Zhuo; Mr. Zhuo, who had no time to think carefully, shouted angrily: "Wang Ling, what do you want to do?"Do you want to kill everyone here? ?

Mr. Zhuo, you four old people, don't mind your own business. This is all my grievances with the Zhao family and has nothing to do with them. You are right, I am going to destroy the Zhao family today. .

Wang Ling, stop it for me, can this be considered a nostalgia?This is not a place for you to come here in Kyoto. Can a family that has stood for a hundred years be destroyed as soon as it is said?Lin Lao volleyed a few steps and came to the two of them: "Second brother, you and the third and fourth, hurry up and stop them, this kid, I will restrain him."

Good brother, Mr. Zhuo who answered with a slap turned around and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, Wang Ling raised his hand and slapped Mr. Zhuo on the back without saying a word; Mr. Lin felt the power of Wang Ling's palm and turned pale , if he didn't want to raise his hand, he just greeted him with a palm; in an instant, the palms of the two collided, and Mr. Lin was sent straight away by Wang Lingzhen. If it weren't for Mr. Liu who arrived later, they might catch him. This time, Elder Lin would be injured.

After removing the strength from his elder brother, the hands of Mr. Liu and Mr. Zhao also felt numb for a while, and the three of them looked at Wang Ling who was not far away in disbelief: How is it possible that his palm can't be completed by the three of us? Next, what kind of pervert is this kid. . .

Big brother, third and fourth, how are you doing?Elder Zhuo who turned back looked at Elder Lin and the others worriedly. .

We're fine, but we're in trouble today. I'm afraid the Zhao family is really going to die. After speaking, he looked at Wang Ling in the distance solemnly. .

No wonder I haven't been able to see through this kid. It turns out that his strength is far above ours. . .

Well, stop talking about these useless things now, Mr. Lin let go of his fourth brother's support and said to Wang Ling: Son, tell your people to stop. Now it's a society ruled by law, and it can't be solved by fighting The question is, are you strong enough to run the state machine?Although it's a bit late for you to stop now, it's not too bad. In fact, what the Zhao family has done over the years is too much. Everyone knows about it, but it's not yet time to close the net. Do you understand? ?

snort! !By the time you collect the net, I'm afraid Ji Yao would have been forced to death by the Zhao family. Wang Ling angrily scolded: "I don't believe that you four elders don't know the nasty things the Zhao family did?"Now that you know it and don't stop it and let it go, you go and take a good look at what Ji Yao's situation is now?You are all cultivators, and I don't believe you can't see that Ji Yao's three souls and seven souls are on the verge of collapse. Have the Zhao family secretly tortured an upright and youthful college student like this?If I hadn't received the news and came back in time, Ji Yao would have been reduced to a puppet after today's wedding. You had better not intervene today. In any case, the Zhao family must not leave any dog ​​or dog behind. .

I knew there would be problems with Ji Yao, but what I didn't expect was that the Zhao family was so vicious and used such vicious methods under our noses. They really deserve to die. .

We were at fault, and everyone in the Zhao family deserved to die, but Wang Ling, you can't include yourself in it!It is estimated that the country's regulatory authorities have already taken action. Do you really want to let yourself have no foothold?

So now you hurry up and ask your people to stop. I swear to you that the Zhao family will get the punishment they deserve. . .

No need, whether it was Fang Tianhua, Wang Qian back then or Zhao Gongao now, I have given warnings, but their self-esteemed noble family is a beast in their bones. Today I must destroy the Zhao family. Whoever blocks me will die. , Wang Ling's murderous and calm words immediately shocked the four elders.

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