Nine worlds

Episode 217

It's that simple? ?

Yes, Mr. Wang, it's as simple as that; Grace looked at Wang Ling sincerely, his eyes full of expectation! ! !

Suddenly Wang Ling stretched out his hand; Graceton, who understood what he meant, smiled and quickly held Wang Ling and stretched out his hand. .

hehe! ! !Mr. Grace, I agree to your conditions; but we still need to speed up the time. I believe you know where the third key is. If you need help, please speak up. After all, we are running out of time, right? ! !

hehe! ! !Mr. Wang, there is no need to look for the third key, because I already know where it is!When I am ready, I will inform Mr. Wang that you will go with me!What my ancestors brought out back then was not only the news of the World Gate, but also the location of one of the three keys. .

Hearing what Grace said, Wang Ling felt calm!This foreigner is really shrewd and saved his hand very early. If I hadn't agreed to him, he probably wouldn't have revealed the whereabouts of the last key; but hehe! !Wang Ling smiled mockingly: Mr. Grace, you are such an old fox!It's a pity that you are unnecessary. I want to use the means to keep the secrets in your head no matter whether you say it or not. After speaking, I let go of my hand and walked out. .

Thinking that Wang Ling had seen through his thoughts, Grace withdrew his hand in embarrassment, and was about to go out with Wang Ling. .

Oh, by the way: Wang Ling, who was about to open the door to go out, suddenly stopped and turned around and asked: If Grace didn't show up, you wouldn't just open the gate of the world to try your luck, wouldn't you? ?

Wang Ling's sudden question: Grace was also a little at a loss, so he still smiled and said: Mr. Wang, you are joking, why am I interested in the unknown new world? But now that I have Mr. Wang, I don't need to ask him. I believe that man is really like an ant in front of Mr. Wang. .

hehe! !What an era of dehumanization!Some just use each other.Wang Ling looked at Grace: Then why are you willing to tell me so directly?Aren't you afraid that I will kill and steal Mu Niaofei and the Fairy Mirror? ?I believe you are not afraid of risking the risk of extermination to talk to me about this.

In fact, I also had this idea before: but I didn't make up my mind to cooperate with you until Michelle came out!Being a businessman is not much different from being a gambler. .

Then you've made a big bet this time; but you've won! ! !Well, send someone to notify me when you are almost ready, I believe you have my contact information!But before that, shouldn't you give me some time, you can't make me wait endlessly, can you?After speaking, Wang Ling turned around, opened the door and walked out. .

Grace thought for a while and hurriedly replied: Then it will be half a year later. I have a private island in the Nansha Islands. After half a year, I have dealt with some aftermath, and we will go to that round!As he spoke, he took out a white card from his arms and handed it to Wang Ling: This is a private card I specially customized for my friends. As long as it is a ship of the Rod Quinn family in any port in the world, no matter who holds this card, Both cards will be regarded as VIPs of my Rod Quinn family, and they will serve you unconditionally. Of course, Mr. Wang, you can also call me directly, and I will arrange everything. .

Wang Ling looked at the diamond-encrusted card in his hand. There was only a simple picture and a phone number on the back, nothing else: This picture is the historical monument of your family. .

Seeing Grace's surprised expression, Wang Ling knew that he was right, and without saying anything, he casually threw the card to Can Yi who was walking forward. .

Can Yi catches the card thrown by Wang Ling: Whose business card is this big brother?What is it for? Why doesn't it even have a name? ?

Grace, who was still following behind, regained his senses and explained the purpose of the card again; Can Yi nodded and put it in his pocket. .

It’s been a few days since we left this time; Canyi tidied up and we changed back; it’s time to leave, so it’s good to say goodbye. .

what! !Brother, are you serious? It's a big night now, why don't you leave tomorrow?After finishing speaking, I did not forget to glance at Michelle not far away! ! !

But it was Michelle who greeted Can Yi with a cold look. . .

Now Wang Ling smiled and joked, "Then you just stay for one night, right? A white light flashed by and disappeared on the deck of the bow."

Hearing that his elder brother readily agreed to stay for one night, Can Yi was not happy for a while when he saw Wang Ling in his spiritual consciousness leaving in the sky. .

Eh! !Brother, wait for me!The anxious Can Yi didn't even have time to say hello to Michelle, so he jumped out of the deck and ran wildly on the sea. .

Watching the two of them disappear on the boat in between breaths, Grace took a deep breath: It seems that my choice was right, and he turned to John behind him and said, "Let the boat go back, and then everyone entered the cabin one after another. Soon the roar of the cruise ship's engine sounded amidst the turbulence of the sea. .

Michelle was the only one left on the empty deck, silently looking at the direction Can Yi left, remembering the voice that suddenly sounded in his mind just now: I don’t want to carry Xuetu with me, please keep it for me next time we meet Returning me; after thinking about it, he stomped his feet fiercely: What do you think of me?Are you your warehouse keeper?Michelle, who was caught by his sudden thought, suddenly smiled; Joseph, who was hiding aside, was full of grievances! !It was Norman who patted Joseph: Don't be wronged, in fact, you understand very well in your heart, you had no chance before, and now you have no hope!Come on, let's go get a drink, we should all have a good drink for the sake of us coming back alive and for the guys left behind; what do you say?Joseph.

Norman's words may have reminded Joseph of everything in the tomb of Emperor Qin under the sea, and he nodded with desolate eyes: Tonight we will not get drunk or return! ! !

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