Nine worlds

Episode 204

Damn it! ! !

You don't need to call out Norman, just make the decision to take someone out; head, leave it to me, and I will definitely let her go back to the top safely, I swear to God. .

Joseph don't you? ? ? ?no. . .

Joseph took a sharp puff of the cigarette in his hand, then threw it on the ground and kicked it away fiercely with his feet; the figure who was not talking quickly disappeared into the darkness, and soon disappeared. .

Norman looked at the direction where Joseph disappeared: Head, Ryan, Joseph, you must come back alive; turn around and lift Tim on the ground, call Becky to pick up Cook, and walk in the original direction. .

Wang Ling returned to Can Yi: I feel better now, can I go? ?

Brother, you are back, it’s all right; what about the silver-haired foreign girl and her group? ? ?

You kid won't really take a fancy to him, right? .

Hehe, brother, I was just asking, nothing else, Can Yi said in a low voice with some embarrassment. .

Well, don't pretend to be stupid, I don't know about others, but that woman is behind; just after the voice fell, I saw Michelle appearing behind Wang Ling, but her face was obviously more gloomy than before. .

Seeing Michelle's disfigured appearance, she hurriedly turned her face away in embarrassment. .

Immediately afterwards, Ryan and Joseph appeared behind Wang Ling one after another. . .

Ryan, Joseph, why are you here too! ! !Didn't I ask you to take someone out? ?

Head, stop talking, how could we leave you and go out alone; it is enough for Norman to take Tim out. .

It seems that you are not useless. You still have a few decent subordinates. . .

you. . . .Now Michelle really has no confidence to refute Wang Ling. After all, he brought so many people down and almost died. If Tim hadn’t gone to explore the road first, he would have been the same as Tim; you, you for a long time His face blushed alive.

That's the only way to look like a woman, do you want to be an old maid for the rest of your life with a high-spirited look all day long! ! !

Hearing what Wang Ling said, Michelle, who was excited, stepped forward and wanted to fight Wang Ling; fortunately, Joseph stopped him in time: "Head, don't be impulsive; Joseph, let me go." .

Yo, why do you still want to fight with me? ? ?

Can Yi was watching from the side, the whole person was not well, his face was deformed from holding back, thinking that the big brother is the big brother, the mouth is still so poisonous, suddenly Can Yi recalled the years in the mountains, he was physically and mentally exhausted, and sometimes he was beaten My elder brother said that he wanted to die. .

Laugh if you want, don't you think you are a relative of bastard?Make a good adjustment and we will go down later. .

Wang Ling's sudden remark immediately made him misfired and pulled his head. .

After a stick of incense! !Seeing that everyone had almost rested, Wang Ling looked at Michelle Joseph and the others: There is a spiral stone staircase going down in the center of the hollow. I know that if I go down here, I will be close to death, so it is too late to regret leaving now; after speaking, Wang Ling pinched his brows, and it seems that this place is too damn depressing when he goes back and waits for a good sleep; Go to the hollow center. .

Can Yi followed closely behind; Michelle and the others silently followed behind, but no matter how she looked at her face, she looked like an angry little daughter-in-law. .

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