Nine worlds

Episode 200

How about Haowei Mengxi. . .

What else can I do? My grandfather doesn't believe such things at all, and he still wants to tell Grandpa Duan to discipline Lou Xiao for speaking such crazy words; he dares to spread them to the outside world.

I'm the same, because of this matter, I was scolded by my sister, and laughed at me for being frightened because I didn't know what kind of strength the family had; now I have tried everything I should say and do, and they I can't help it if I don't believe it.What happened to Gong Ao a few nights ago? ?

How about it! !That kid got drunk right away, and when we got to the bar, he had already been carried back by the people he brought. . .

Looks like we all end up with the same result! ! !

Brother Long, what should we do now?You can't just watch things happen in Gong Ao's house like this! ! !

Anyway, I'm out of luck, what can I do if my grandfather doesn't believe me?I hope that the person Lou Xiao said is different from what we imagined.

So what should we do now?I'm not in the mood to go back to school right now! !I just dozed off and didn't talk, the key is still useless

Li Longqiang thought for a while and smiled: How about we go to Lou Xiao to make gestures? ?

Ah, isn't it right? Brother Long is now gesturing to Lou Xiao, have you forgotten that punch he gave a few nights ago?

Of course I haven't forgotten the nonsense, don't you think that Lou Xiao will do his best to us?Although Gong Ao didn't say anything that night, I can guess how he humiliated Lou Xiao because of his virtue, but in the end, Lou Xiao didn't hit Gong Ao hard at all, and just punched him in anger. ;If it weren't for this, it would be useless for Lou Xiao's punch Gong Ao to be followed by many people.I've been itching for a few days. .

Eh, yes!Why didn't I think of it, let's go, let's go to that kid Lou Xiao to make gestures.After making up their minds, the three of them drove towards the place where Duan Louxiao went to work. .

I said Haowei let go, what's the matter with you, I'm at work. .

It’s a big deal what class you go to. We’ll pay you today. Go, go, go find a place. We’ve been practicing together for a long time.

Duan Louxiao couldn't resist them and could only compromise helplessly: "Yes, yes, yes, then you have to let me change clothes and tell the manager."

At this time, the manager who heard the noise came over and saw that it was these young ancestors. Originally, the young master of the Duan family came to work in his place, which made him worry all day long. Hearing that it was the manager who came to see Duan Louxiao, he hurriedly asked Duan Louxiao to change his clothes and prepare for today's vacation; he thought that today he would finally not have to worry so much; the manager was so excited that he almost cried, wishing that these people would come every day If I go out with Duan Louxiao, I'm willing to pay for it myself! ! !

I said that today you three pulled me out, so I just lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. That’s not okay, I’m telling you that I haven’t even warmed up yet. .

Mu Haowei lay on the ground panting heavily and said without saying a word: Hey, it can't be done!Damn it, this is basically a unilateral beating, don't you think so, Brother Long Mengxi? ?

That's right!Lou Xiao, you don't want me to point, how can I say that she is also a girl, can you do it like this! ! !

Eh!Mengxi You can't blame me if I just let you in; how can you improve yourself through sparring? ?

What Lou Xiao said is right, since it is training, we cannot fake training, otherwise we will not only fail to improve ourselves, but also make ourselves regress, come on!After speaking, he swept towards Duan Louxiao again, and it was conceivable that Li Longqiang was put on the ground by Duan Louxiao again. .

Duan Lou Xiao smiled slightly after seeing the strength of these people: I think we will stop here today, if you want to get together, then set a time for us to improve our strength together. .

it is good! !This is the best. . .

kindness!That’s right, since that’s the case, let’s make it an odd number every week. If Lou Xiao has to go to work during the day, how about we make a meeting here after [-]pm? ?

I don't have anything, you can decide, then I will go back first. . .

Eh!Lou Xiao, don't be in a hurry to leave. You haven't said why you don't teach us the method you practiced?

In fact, there is nothing to say. The method I practice is suitable for me but not for you. I don’t know the specifics. Anyway, if you learn it, not only will it not improve yourself, but it will harm you. .

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