Nine worlds

Episode 190

Knowing the head, I have not forgotten the purpose of our coming here. .

Then it's good to rest in place for 10 minutes and take care of the injured area. We don't know what will happen next. .

hey-hey!I said, Joseph, why did you become so silent? Are you frightened out of your wits? ?

Get out of your way Tim. .

Then why are you so quiet now? This is not your style, Joseph! ! !

snort! !What do you think?There are terrible things everywhere in this ghost place, and the young man's glance just now made me break out in a cold sweat, which made me have to be extra careful; Tim, if you want to die, you can continue to do so. .

Asshole Joseph who wants to die?I was just joking to get rid of the depression accumulated in everyone's hearts!Unappreciative pull down. .

It didn't take long for Michelle to walk through the bronze door with the rest of the people. . .

Brother, when are we going?It's been a long time since I've been here, except for the same stone wall corridor, there is nothing, and even the mechanism is strangely absent. .

Is there any other way to move forward? After talking about Wang Ling’s speed is getting faster and faster. From the cautiousness when he came in, now Wang Ling no longer cares about any mechanism. There is always a tense feeling in my heart. .

Just like that, the two of them walked in the dark corridor for a few days, and when Wang Ling was restless, a light suddenly appeared in front of the corridor; Can Yi was overjoyed and shouted: Brother, look at the light. .

I am not blind to nonsense; when Wang Ling walked out of the tunnel and came into view, Wang Ling gasped; Can Yi was also startled, his pupils widened, and the corners of his mouth quivered slightly: Why are there so many dead people's bones? The light I saw was just the will-o'-the-wisp glow that often appears in the wilderness.

Wang Ling went to a skeleton and squatted down to examine it carefully. After looking at several places in a row, Wang Ling stood up slowly and sighed: These skeletons are all children, there are males and females.

What big brother? Could it be that there are children hanging on this huge square wall?In addition to the piles of corpses on the ground, I'm afraid there are no less than tens of thousands; who and how can be so vicious? These are all children who don't know anything, and the red light in their eyes suddenly shot violently. The gas became sharper. .

Seeing this, Wang Ling patted Remnant helplessly, calm down, the fate of these children is beyond our control, let's go if death is like a lamp going out!

Can Yi put away the anger in his heart and stopped looking at the corpses around, followed Wang Ling and continued to walk deep. .

This walk lasted for another few days until Wang Ling felt that something was getting more and more wrong, he stopped and looked at the surrounding stone walls of the corridor; Can Yi, did you feel anything wrong?

Wang Ling suddenly stopped and asked Can Yi, who was following behind him, didn't know how to answer. After a long time, he shook his head and said that he didn't feel anything wrong. He used it when he walked to the square corpse pit. In a few days, maybe the tunnel in front of me is longer than before?

Hearing Can Yi's answer, Wang Ling felt a little uncertain, turned around and glanced at Can Yi behind him, could it be my illusion?The emperor of Qin had nothing to do to build such a long corridor. He would not plan to use this method to exhaust the tomb robbers to death.

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