Nine worlds

Episode 134

Sebila took the jade box and looked at it carefully, nodded and said: "It's exactly the same as the thing on the boss's picture; it should be right, since we got the things, let's leave here as soon as possible. It is estimated that people from the Kyoto Security Bureau have noticed this." It's quiet. .

Well, that's right, we have to leave now. .

Brother, they have already got the things, why don't we do it?It looked like they were about to withdraw. .

Don't worry - that thing is not what I want.

It's not big brother, it's not what you want?It seems that there is nothing else in the jade coffin, otherwise the group of foreign devils would not be so kind as to refuse to take it, right?

Don't talk nonsense and just stay quietly for me, the things are still waiting for them to leave and it won't be too late for us to get them.

As soon as Wang Ling finished speaking, he saw the sound of the jade coffin cracking, which was particularly ear-piercing in this quiet underground cave. .

But before Haierwen and the others figured out what was going on, they saw a figure jumping out from the bottom of the shattered jade coffin, still holding the female corpse just now in his hands; After looking around, he put the female corpse in his hand aside and rushed towards Haierwen and others not far away. .

Let's disperse, but Sebila is still too late to remind!With a single pounce, the figure threw the person in front of Walker directly to the ground, opened his mouth, and bit the person's entire neck off with a bite; the person didn't even make a sound. died.

Only then did Walker see clearly that the thing rushing towards him was a woman in white. Her long hair was as black as ink, and her eyes were empty, and an unknown black liquid kept flowing out. The silent catacomb looked particularly hideous and terrifying; the blood in the mouth was dripping and staining a large area of ​​the woman's chest red. .

Seeing the man lying under the woman, Walker let out a mournful growl: Take the guy and kill this monster for me. After speaking, he immediately pulled out the pistol on his back, screaming and slamming at the woman non-stop. Trigger, the others also woke up from the bloody scene just now, and they all took out their weapons and greeted the woman. .

Haierwen was also confused by the scene just now, and was still vomiting non-stop. Just a little bit later, he saw Walker and others going crazy. The woman who just appeared was already behind the other person, and the sharp five fingers passed directly through the back of the person, and the heart held in the hand was still beating slightly; but Walker and the others seemed to have not noticed the same hand at all. The gun inside was still spitting out flames. .

What are you doing, dodge, that thing is behind you, dodge, Haierwen kept yelling at Walker and even Sebila seemed to be entangled with something, wait for Heilvin to stagger and run behind Sebila When grabbing Sebila who was hitting the air, he was almost punched back by the crazy Sebila, but just when Sebila's fist was about to hit Heilvin's face; Sebila seems to have come to her senses, why is it you, Heilwen?What happened just now!

Haierwen didn't answer Sebila's words, looked back at Walker and the others, and saw that Walker and the others were still shooting wildly at the air; venting the frustration in his heart!

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