Nine worlds

Episode 130

Brother, why don't we go to the platform first and take away the contents of the coffin?That way no one knows we've been here.

Do you think I don't want to?But I always feel that something is wrong. I care more about the jade platform than the coffin. It feels very subtle to me, as if something has been staring at me. .

Don't you feel wrong? Brother, isn't that a platform paved with jade?That's a lot of chatter. . .

We'd better be careful, no matter what's wrong with that table, we'll wait for those foreigners to go up and talk about it, I still don't believe they can take things away from my nose. .

Eh!I said, why did the group of dead people lie in the sarcophagus one by one? ?

I don't know. Fortunately, it didn't cause us any trouble. We don't care about the rest!If it weren't for the whereabouts of Tiandishi, I really don't want to come to this ghostly place?

Why, big brother, do you know the whereabouts of that heaven and earth stone? ?

Hehehe! !I wasn't sure when I came here, but when the group of foreigners opened the mechanism, I was sure that the Heaven and Earth Stone must be here; now I'm even more sure. .

The elder brother quickly saw them going up; I saw Hai Erwen and the others boarded the platform one by one. .

It's so beautiful, it's a miracle!This jade coffin and this jade platform are completely natural, and it has been hanging here for an unknown number of years, but they can't feel any warmth, but feel a bit chilly. .

Just when Walker, Sebila and others were sighing!Haierwen has already rushed to the place where the coffin is placed in the center of the platform; the look of excitement in his eyes cannot be expressed.

Quick Walker, open this jade coffin. . .

Listen to Heilwen's orders!Walker picked up the dagger and crowbar in his hand, beckoned a few people to go up and planned to shovel open the jade coffin; just when Seby pulled up with force, he grabbed Walker's wrist; said hastily!Don't move yet. .

what happened? ?But Walker didn't continue to go to the jade coffin either. It was obvious that Walker was more willing to believe Sebila's words than Heilwen. .

What are you doing Mr. Sebira?Why stop Walker? ?

Helwen!What you have to do now is to calm down first, I always feel that there is danger around us; when we first got on the platform, there was nothing to approach this jade coffin, and then something is obviously wrong. .

What's wrong?Sebila, you may feel this way because you are too tired all the way down; I’m already here, I can’t return empty-handed, so how can you and I explain to the boss?I believe that you, Mr. Sebila, know better than I what the things inside mean to the boss. If we want us to go back like this, I believe the boss will definitely break our necks. .

Alright, everyone pay attention to the surrounding area. After saying that, Sebila let go of Walker's wrist, so be careful. . .

Walker nodded without hesitation and gave a few people a look, then covered his mouth and nose with a collar hanging around his neck, and then vigorously pried the crowbar in his hand. When the person moved away, the moment the jade coffin was opened, two black shadows rushed out of the jade coffin, and disappeared in the openings around the rock wall after a while. Before they realized what was going on, they saw Two of the few people who pried the jade coffin just let out a scream, and their bodies slowly shriveled up, turning into shriveled corpses in the blink of an eye.

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