Nine worlds

Episode 127

Helvetia, what do you think we should do? ? . .

Then let's take that waterway, everyone, be careful and try not to make any noise, and exit immediately if there is any situation; Sebila ran to the waterway that Walker and the others said, explored for a while, and then jumped into the waterway; the rest The people also jumped down one by one. .

In this way, Haierwen and his party came to a small room through the water channel of the underground palace; it seems that this is the place where the craftsmen who built the underground palace took a break; everyone first tidy up in place and I will go to the front to see if there is a passage entrance. .

It didn't take long for Sebila to turn back, and found a door in front of him who didn't know where it was leading to; Haierwen, I think we should find a place to go out first at this point, the casualties are too great now, if If we encounter any trouble, we will all have to be planted here.

Why!I understand Sebira, once we exit now, we will have no chance to come here again. I believe that the news here will reach the local police in a short time. Do you think the security agencies of eastern countries are just decorations?

Well then, Helving; some men go ahead and pry that door open for me. . .

Not long!Sebila took the remaining dozen or so people into the hole that had just been dug. .

hey walker what are you doing ?

I saw Walker looking back at Heilwen who was approaching him dumbly!With a trembling finger, he pointed to the dark place in front of him and said: Doctor, do you think that is Peel? ?

What Peel?Heerwen was also shocked when he heard Walker's words!I hurriedly looked at where Walker was pointing, and sure enough, there was a person crouching and gnawing on something in the direction Walker was pointing at; Sebila and others who heard the news also surrounded him one by one. .

That's right!Really Peel, my god did we see the hell?The terrified Jayne rushed over as if possessed, and kept chanting!Impossible, absolutely impossible, he is obviously dead, it is impossible to be alive; Heerwen and the others have no time to stop it!

Peel, who was eating, was disturbed by Jayne who was approaching quickly!He turned his head and screamed at the approaching Jayne, and rushed towards Jayne.Jayne, who didn't react in time, was thrown to the ground immediately. Jayne, who hadn't woken up from the fact that Pierre was still alive, felt a pain in his shoulder before he calmed down. Jayne's shoulder was directly bitten off by Pierre. A piece of flesh and blood has been stained red, and Jayne's shoulder hurts and rolls all over the ground. Peel, who was subconsciously kicked away by Jayne, got up and rushed towards Jayne again. Fortunately, Walker who caught up shot him and forced him to retreat; When Sebila and others came around Jayne, there was still Pierre's shadow; only the gnawed corpse proved what happened just now.

At this time, someone suddenly shouted: "The doctor is not good, something is approaching us." .

What do you know what it is? ?The man shook his head and said he couldn't be sure what it was. .

But one thing I'm pretty sure they must be coming for us, and there are not a few of them. If we don't leave here, I'm afraid we will be in trouble. . .

Rare asshole Has God abandoned us?Damn it; Walker, let's go behind Jayne's back. .

A group of people quickly changed direction and entered another corridor;; how did Pierre become like that?

Doctor, we have to speed up. The things behind have been chasing us. .

There is no way for Haierwen to go on like this. Running around like this can only sit and wait to die without being killed by those monsters. We are exhausted and exhausted.

There is a fork in front of the doctor. .

Oh fork in the road, Hai Erwen hurried over to have a look. .

How should we go that way?We don't have much time. .

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