Nine worlds

Episode 111

I said that Dr. Helvin has been in the wrong place for several hours, why hasn't he found the entrance yet?

No, no, Mr. Linton, I'm sure the entrance is around here, we just haven't found it yet.When I got the map, I was [-]% sure that it was in this place. My grandfather left a lot of useful clues, but unfortunately he didn't come back that time.

Alright, Dr. Heilvin, keep looking. I'm going to eat something to replenish my strength. I believe that Mr. Sebila will be responsible for your safety.

Big brother, why they haven't found the one named Hai Erwen after searching for so long? You can't find the wrong place, right? ?

The place is definitely right. .

How do you know it's the right place?Did you find the entrance, brother?

I didn't find any entrance because my spiritual consciousness is suppressed here and I can't let it out!It looks like we have to be more careful when we go down.

If you can't even use your spiritual sense, brother, then there must be something wrong with this place. .

kindness!Let's wait patiently for the foreigner to find him.

I don't know why those things keep following, are they just for watching the show, or is it the same as our purpose?

They are not watching a show, but they are not yet sure whether to make a move. Looking at the expressions of the three people, they believe that they must have a certain connection with this place. They are more like guarding something than being orioles. .

Brother, according to what you mean, they are all grave guards? ?

Because it should be, I think if those people find the entrance, they will kill it. .

Brother, you see that there is movement, and the foreigner seems to have a clue. .

It seems that's right, those things are hiding around the campsite, it's probably going to be lively tonight. .

Mr. Annington, you came just in time. I think I have found a place to open the entrance. Could you send some people over to help.

Hey guys, give me some hands!Well Mr. Helving what shall we do now?

Eh, see that little piece that's exposed in that depression?If I'm not mistaken, that thing is the opening mechanism of the entrance. Now I want you to go over and turn the exposed thing clockwise six times as I said. .

Good work guys!After talking, a few people excitedly stepped on the knee-deep depression and walked towards the center; ah!What the hell, I got bitten, all right Peel, oh!I'm fine, maybe the little bugs in the mud are saying hello to me haha! !But this place really stinks.

It's much more smelly than the toilet at Sasiman's house, oh God, let's finish our work and go up and stay here. I will be so smoked that I will go crazy. Compared with the latrine of Sasiman's house, it is a star hotel. . .

Peel, you bastard, don't talk about my house, if you didn't tear down my toilet, I would have moved out for a week!When you go back this time, you have to pay me the cost of moving out. . . .

Alright dude we're talking when we're out, can we give this damn thing a spin now?

You should be optimistic about yourself, Peel, I have already prepared, I shouted the slogan one, two, three, work hard, buddy. . .

Under the two people's push, the roulette-shaped stone pillar in the center of the depression was slowly pushed by the two of them, and eight deep pits appeared around the center of the depression before long. .

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