Netherworld Immortal

Chapter 416 Golden Crystal Array

The sky is bright, and the eastern morning sun rolls out a piece of golden light against the sea, which is gorgeous and brilliant.

The expedition fleet of the Grand Palace of the East China Sea, docked outside the Punishing Island, looks like a group of huge sea beasts entrenched day and night on the sea not far from the east side of Punling Island.

The flagship of the fleet is a large ship with three layers of islands. It is the giant leader of this group of giant beasts, with a huge momentum.

On the deck of the flagship's bow, there are four huge main guns that are as thick as buckets.The muzzle of the black hole is staring at the porpoise island on the opposite side, ready to destroy everything it sees with ruthless artillery fire.

The flagship's command room is located on the second floor of the island, and the interior is as spacious as a hall.

At this time, Bo Luo, the golden armored general, was sitting on a large gold-plated throne in the center of the command room.The seat is carved with exquisite scale dragon patterns, and the two armrests happen to be the heads of two scale dragons baring their teeth.

On the left and right sides behind General Jinjia, there are four tall, neat soldiers in leather armor standing on each side.

The Jinjia general on the seat tapped the dragon-head-shaped armrest lightly with the index finger of his right hand, making a slight thumping sound, while listening attentively to the report of the person standing opposite him.

The person who reported was the black-faced lieutenant Mo Chen who captured Shalong last night.

Mo Chen was still neatly dressed in silver armor, but his face looked a little tired.

"Report to General Boluo. Three of the seven people who attacked the fleet last night were captured by our side, including the main criminal. The other four were killed by our artillery fire on the spot. Ten of our soldiers were seriously injured. It is being treated. Only the deck and side of No. [-] ship were slightly burned by the blasting sesame oil thrown by these people, and it has been repaired so far, and the other ships are intact." The black-faced vice-admiral reported in detail.

"Well, has the identity of the principal culprit been confirmed?" General Jin Jia nodded slightly after hearing this, and then asked.

"This subordinate is incompetent, and interrogated for a whole night, but the principal criminal is extremely stubborn. He has used all eighteen tortures specially used for interrogating prisoners, but he will not let go. The subordinates are afraid of continuing the trial. He couldn't get any clues, so he decided to stop the interrogation." The black-faced lieutenant general said, and buried his head even deeper.

"Oh? A man who can withstand [-] tortures is considered a man. It doesn't matter if he lives temporarily. Besides, a dead man can only be thrown into the sea to feed the fish. It is of no use to our mission. What we want It's accurate information." General Jin Jia didn't mean to blame the other party.

The soldiers standing behind General Jinjia heard it clearly. Although they didn't dare to speak out, they all looked at each other in dismay when they heard the words "Eighteen Ways of Torture", with surprise in their eyes.

The eighteen tortures on the expedition fleet copied the tortures in the sky prison of the Grand Palace in the East China Sea, and were even more severe.

The first way is to kill the power stick.

An iron rod weighing one hundred catties was swung up, counted in hundreds.Many people, even warriors or monks with cultivation bases below the cultivation level of Yuanyuan, will either die or be disabled within the hundredth killing power stick.

But when the killing stick landed on Shark's face and made a loud noise, Shark's face smiled and sarcastically said, "Is this something for children to tickle?"


The eighth way, Soul Devouring Whip.

The iron whip blessed with soul-breaking materials will not only tear the skin and flesh, but will directly destroy the original soul.

The welts looked like blood centipedes crawling on the shark's bare shoulders, bloody and terrifying.At this moment, the shark's face was slightly turned up, with his fangs bared halfway, staring at his round fish eyes and said: "Although you pump hard, if I blink, I will be considered a loser."

And the pair of fish eyes in the shark face has no eyelids at all, and he can't blink at all, he is just so stubborn.


No.18 Road, broken soul nail.

As the last torture, it is also the most ruthless.The nails made of poisonous sea urchin thorns unique to the deep sea of ​​the East China Sea were nailed down from the palms and soles of the feet to the limbs and torso. There were a total of [-] nails, which just stabbed [-] important acupuncture points.Not to mention the pain of the nail, the severe pain caused by the stinger of the sea urchin is more like the bite of thousands of ants at the same time.The higher the cultivation base, the greater the damage.

A total of one hundred and eight broken soul nails were nailed to the acupuncture points all over the shark's face, making him look like a bloody hedgehog.But the shark face only said: "Can it hurt more? I feel so fucking sour right now."

"I know that you are a member of the Sharktooth Clan, and you are probably the big leader. The tattoo on your body reveals your identity. Who planned this operation, and is there anyone else? Tell me quickly, so as not to be hurt again. The suffering of soul nails." The black-faced lieutenant-general who was the presiding judge of Shark-Face said sharply.

But the answer he got was silence, the silence and stubbornness as deep as the bottom of the East China Sea.

Perhaps, the pain caused by these one hundred and eight broken soul nails can't be compared with the pain of hatred buried deep in Shark's face.

When Sharkface's consciousness began to blur in the irresistible pain, there was a voice in his mind that said proudly: "My lord, my lord, your son Shalong has not disgraced you or the Sharktooth family!" , the shark-tooth clan is a stubborn clan, a clan that will never admit defeat..."

In the heart of Sharkface, there is always a flag of the Sharktooth tribe waving in the wind. The blue shark on the flag bared its teeth and wagged its tail, stubborn and unyielding.Just like the first time he saw this flag, it fluttered high and never lowered.

This is the first person that Mo Chen, the black-faced deputy general, can survive eighteen tortures.He couldn't help being shocked, and secretly admired Shark Face as a pure man from the East China Sea.

The black-faced lieutenant even had an inexplicable thought in his heart, if the Heiyu clan were so stubborn back then and did not submit to the East China Sea Grand Palace, maybe the members of the Heiyu clan could still live freely in the East China Sea, even if there were only a few of them .

"Give me liberty or give me death..."

The black-faced lieutenant general who turned and left whispered in a very small voice.

Walking out of the interrogation room, the black-faced lieutenant immediately ordered left and right: "Please ask the best doctor in the treatment class, this prisoner cannot die."


"Just tell me what information you have gained." General Jin Jia asked decisively.His experience made him conclude that the vast majority of people cannot resist eighteen tortures.

"The other two captured accomplices have already confessed. A total of seven people who attacked the fleet this time were all members of the Sharktooth tribe on Punishing Island. There are more than 700 members of the Sharktooth tribe on the ground." The black-faced deputy quickly reported. "The Sharktooth Clan, could it be the Sharktooth Clan that has been ordered to be wiped out by the Grand Palace for decades?" General Jin Jia's eyes lit up when he heard the word Sharktooth Clan, as if he was a little surprised.

"It should be this shark-tooth clan without a doubt. Each of them has old shark-tooth tattoos on their bodies." The black-faced lieutenant affirmed.

"I didn't expect that the shark-tooth clan that has been chased by my Grand Palace of the East China Sea for decades has not yet disappeared. It is an unexpected harvest to live on the same island with the Dolphin Spirit Tribe on the coast of the East China Sea. This Shalong will be escorted back to the Grand Palace , and hand it over to His Majesty the Great Emperor himself. As for the other Sharktooth tribesmen on the island, after we complete the mission first, we will arrest Yun Qiaoer, Xu Yang, and Liu Haiyu. We will give these Sharktooth tribes Let the clansmen be buried in boats and cannons." General Jin Jia said lightly.

"Boat cannon burial" is a common method used by the expedition fleet of the Grand Palace.To put it bluntly, it is to use the sea artillery on the fleet to blast the opponent to nothing.

The fingers of General Jin Jia's right hand no longer tapped the armrest of the seat, but rested on his chin, as if he was thinking about something with his heart.

After a while, he abruptly stood up from the large seat, the cloak fluttering behind him, and the scale dragon totem painted on it stretched its teeth and claws, showing a fierce look.

"Yun Qiao'er has been arrested for three days, and there is still no movement of the other two criminals, Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu, but a Shalong has been attracted. This means that Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu are probably not on this porpoise island. Or they think they are not strong enough, so they have already gone to find other helpers. And we can't rush to the Zhongyuan Continent to search, so as not to have a direct conflict with the sects on the Zhongyuan Continent. As for the Qingshui Master and Hai Monk People from Zhongyuan Continent cannot be completely trusted. We must think of a comprehensive plan." General Jin Jia said with a murderous look in his eyes, sweeping across his eyes like two lightning bolts.

"Follow your lord's arrangement." The black-faced lieutenant repeatedly said.

"Pass down my order, use the "Golden Crystal" on the fleet to set up the "Golden Crystal Formation" here. Bind Yun Qiaoer to the eye of the formation, and I will guard it myself. The other three formations?"

After a pause, General Jin Jia continued to arrange: "The first position will be garrisoned by Kemba and Bamu, the two subordinates of the Seventh Prince. It is up to these two people to confirm the identity of the prisoner. After all, the rest of us No one has ever seen Xu Yang and Liu Haiyu. The second position is guarded by Master Qingshui and Hai Monk, let them fight to the death. The third position is guarded by you and Mo Chen. No matter if there is only Xu on the opposite side Yang, Liu Haiyu still has other people, as long as they dare to come to rescue Yun Qiaoer, none of them will leave."


On the surface of the East China Sea, the [-] warships of the expedition fleet formed a team of [-] ships, forming a semi-enclosed, relatively large area in the middle.

It only took half a day, and in the area surrounded by the fleet, four golden crystal towers with a height of five or six feet were built.One of the taller ones is in the middle, and the other three are in front of the three fleets.

There is a strong golden energy flowing between the four golden crystal towers, like a golden scale flood that keeps moving.

And under a crystal tower in the middle, Yun Qiaoer in white clothes was bound under it.At this moment, Yun Qiaoer closed her eyes tightly and fell into a coma.

Bo Luo, the golden-armored general, laid down the "Golden Crystal Formation" and waited for the fish to take the bait.

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