She Made The Whole Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 895 Yan Miao (please vote for me)

Jiang Yuebai followed the retreating army of the Wu tribe and found that most of the Wu tribe soldiers began to station themselves in place after crossing the desert, seemingly ready to fight back at any time.

Only a small number of Zhangwei Mountain shamans dressed in obviously different clothes returned in three groups.

Zhulong and Zhu Jiuyou have long since disappeared. This time, the Wu clan lost most of the dragons they had tamed, and the beasts suffered heavy casualties.

After Jiang Yuebai had been observing for a few days, he suddenly saw the female leader of the tribe whom he had met before, Yan Chiyu, who was carrying a bow and arrows among the Wu warriors stationed on the spot.

At this time, she had put on black leather armor with the Zhangwei Mountain totem printed on it. There were old scars all over her body, and she looked weathered.

The people around her are no longer the people in the tribe they once were.

Jiang Yuebai waited patiently, and when Yan Chiyu changed his defense and patrolled to the desert area, he quietly spread the lifeless sand boundary to separate Yan Chiyu and his followers.

Yellow sand filled the sky, and Yan Chiyu was panicked by the sudden small-scale sandstorm. He didn't speak out in shock until he saw the figure walking out of the sandstorm clearly.

"It's you?"

Yan Chiyu still recognizes Jiang Yuebai. Even though she now knows that Jiang Yuebai used the pseudonym Fuyi and used someone else's name, she still has no ill intentions towards Jiang Yuebai.

Yan Chiyu put down his bow and arrow, and the fire dragon bone talisman on his body gradually extinguished.

Jiang Yuebai looked at Yan Chiyu. She remembered that in the memories of the great witch and Tao Xian, this small tribe was destroyed at the hands of Zhu Jiuyou eight times before, and no one survived.

But this time, things have changed.

Was it because the wordless slate Zhu Jiuyou was looking for was taken away by her, or was it for some other reason?

"Why did you take refuge in Zhu Jiuyou?" Jiang Yuebai asked bluntly.

Yan Chiyu did not feel repulsive towards Jiang Yuebai because Jiang Yuebai was from the human race, and the human race and the Wu race were currently at war.

She glanced around and asked Jiang Yuebai if it was safe here. When Jiang Yuebai nodded, she slowly said, "It was the child Yan Miao who changed us."

"Yan Miao is still alive? Where is she?" Jiang Yuebai was a little surprised.

Yan Chiyu said, "Back then, on the night before Zhu Jiuyou's men attacked our tribe, Yan Miao suddenly returned from abroad and learned a lot of skills. Even I suffered a loss at her hands and almost lost to her."

"Later, Yan Miao took the news she had gathered along the way and said that we alone could not compete with Zhu Jiuyou's power. She learned a saying from the human race, keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood. She wanted us to surrender voluntarily. "

"Although many people scolded Yan Miao for being spineless at that time, the great witch stood by her side and supported her. In the end, I convinced the people below and took the initiative to join Zhu Jiuyou when the people arrived."

"I remember that day, the man who led the troops was a very good-looking young man. He looked like a human, but had the wings of a feather witch. He readily accepted our surrender without too much embarrassment."

"Later, we were all taken to the vicinity of Zhangwei Mountain. The warriors in the clan who could fight joined the army, and the others were taken to build the Zhulong Palace. Yan Miao continued to make meritorious service in the army, rose to prominence, and was reused."

"Yan Miao is now one of the guards of Zhu Jiuyou's inner palace. In fact, I have always felt that Yan Miao was promoted too quickly and too smoothly. There seems to be some reason for this because of the feather witch. I am always afraid that Yan Miao will be taken advantage of by others. ."

For outsiders like Jiang Yuebai, because of the turbulent flow of time, they feel that less than a year has actually passed.

But for the existence of the Great Wilderness, they have spent at least twenty years.

Yan Chiyu sighed heavily, but Jiang Yuebai's eyes lit up.

The feather witch Yan Chiyu mentioned was definitely Shen Huaixi. Shen Huaixi had already paved the way for her to sneak into the Zhulong Palace in Zhangwei Mountain.

If she can find Yan Miao in Zhangwei Mountain, she can get close contact with Zhu Jiuyou.

Zhulong was seriously injured before, and Zhu Jiuyou and Zhulong were not together. If she could use the ice beetle Wang Yuchen in Zhu Jiuyou's sea of ​​consciousness to try to awaken Zhu Jiuyou's memory of the time when he was Bai Jiuyou, she could bring Zhu Jiuyou away. Fight over it and use it as your helper to deal with Zhulong and Wei together.

It's risky, but worth a try.

Even if it fails, Zhu Jiuyou must be controlled first and stuffed into the small world of Lotus Terrace to prevent her from getting in the way at critical moments. After leaving the wilderness, he will find the Mahayana Immortal Lord to find a way to solve Zhu Jiuyou's problem.

"How can I contact Yan Miao?" Jiang Yuebai asked Yan Chiyu eagerly.

When Yan Chiyu heard this, he looked at Jiang Yuebai with a strange expression for a while, and then took out a red crystal stone carved into the shape of a fire dragon from his sleeve.

"Before Yan Miao left with Zhangwei Mountain's troops, he specifically gave this thing to me and said that if you find me, he will ask me to hand it over. When you get near Zhangwei Mountain, you can crush it and Yan Miao will come to see you. you."

Jiang Yuebai took the things and was sure it was Shen Huaixi's arrangement.

Yan Miao's cultivation and status can be promoted quickly, and he must have put in a lot of effort behind the scenes just for this moment.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yuebai took the spar and originally wanted to remind Yan Chiyu that they should leave the place of right and wrong earlier to avoid being involved in the possible war that would follow.

But when the words came to his lips, Jiang Yuebai swallowed them again. The people of Dahuang coexisted and perished with Dahuang. No matter what they did, they could only change the present, but could not change the destined destruction in the future.

Jiang Yuebai said nothing, took back the Yuan Magnetic Ruler, took a step back and disappeared into the long yellow sand.

Yan Chiyu stood there for a while. Although he didn't know what Jiang Yuebai was going to do, he had an intuition that something big was going to happen at Zhangwei Mountain.

She quickly retrieved her two men who were lost in the desert, and prepared to take her tribe members with her to find a way to stay away from the land of right and wrong.


Jiang Yuebai and Ao Juan worked together again and used the power of space to directly reach the northernmost part of the Wu clan's territory, near Zhangwei Mountain.

Standing on a mountain top, Jiang Yuebai ignored Ao Juan's objection and forced her back into the small world.

Jiang Yuebai looked to the north. Black clouds were pressing down on the top of the mountain. The sky was dark and the earth was dark. Pure black mountains were rolling up and down. The tops of the mountains were constantly overflowing with crimson magma, flowing down like waterfalls. Large magma lakes were formed at the foot of the mountains, reflecting the dark sky into a blood-red color. .

The air was scorching, with a suffocating sense of oppression, as if there were some ancient giant beast quietly dormant in the dark magma.

The tinkling sound of hammering echoed in the silent night, accompanied by bursts of chants. There were shirtless shamans everywhere on the mountain. A dozen people together dragged huge statues and stones with thick ropes. .

The mountain is carved to look like a candle dragon roaring towards the sky, and the largest lava waterfall flows out from the mouth of the candle dragon.

In the center of those magma lakes, there are nine dragon bridges, leading to the magnificent dark palace in the mountains.

The entire palace is built in the mountains, and the exposed palace gate alone is hundreds of feet high and magnificent.

Outside the magma lake, there is a huge black stone city. The city is brightly lit and bustling with people. Even late at night, there are still many shamans walking on the streets, buying and selling, and it has a market atmosphere.

Jiang Yuebai disguised himself as a shaman from Zhangwei Mountain, then concealed his body and aura, sneaked into the huge black stone city, stopped at an unnoticed corner of the street, crushed the fire dragon spar, and waited for the flames. Wonderful doorstep. (End of chapter)

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