The mirage demon is west of the sea, under the golden scale slope.

All over the mountains and plains are dark golden mica-like rocks, thin and sharp, like blades, layer upon layer, stretching for hundreds of miles.

This place is desolate, without any greenery. The demonic energy seeping out of the ground and the blowing wind are like knives, with the coldness and sharpness of nine cold winters.

Some demonic insects with small bodies and big heads, with huge plier-like mouthparts, rustled in and out between the mica gold rocks, gnawing at the rocks.

A black crow flew from the mirage sea, circling in the air, looking for it.

Suddenly, a black claw stretched out from between the rock formations like lightning, grabbed a demonic insect and retracted like lightning.

Within two breaths, the demonic insect was thrown out again, with teeth marks on the pliers, and it fled in panic.

The black crow's eyes lit up and it flew straight there. As soon as it got close, a murderous intent came from behind.

The dark little beast swooped down and pinned the black crow beneath it.

"You are the black crow next to my brother, aren't you? Tell me where my brother is, and I will eat you!"

The black crow struggled violently, its feathers flying wildly.

"Forget it, you'd better stop talking and let me see for myself!"

Jiang Yuebai took a bite, and the black crow was broken into pieces by her into a handful of demonic energy, which she sucked into her mouth and swallowed.

"It turns out it's not the Black Crow itself, it's just a hair. There's no useful information at all. Forget it!"

Jiang Yuebai sat on the ground, scratching her belly with her hind hooves, and scanned the entire Jinlin Slope. After choosing a direction, she turned into a small black whirlwind and crossed the Jinlin Slope with lightning speed.

Their mirage territory is in the remote southwest corner of the Demon Realm, across the mirage sea, which is the territory of the Golden Demon Tribe.

There is a map and book records in my brother's bookstore. The entire Demon Realm is not big. It is almost as big as the seven or eight human realms combined. However, the number of demons in the entire Demon Realm is about the same as that of the human race.

Even taking into account those newborn demons with little clear consciousness, the number of demons is several times greater than that of humans.

The human race is simply too bad. They occupy so much territory and don't give any part of it to the demon race. As a result, they can only squeeze together and have to fight to absorb the demonic energy.

When she is promoted to a real demon in the future, she will definitely go to the battlefield and kill those majestic humans!

However, when these mirage demons go to the battlefield, they are all used as tool demons, and they probably don't have much chance to fight on the front line.

From ancient times to the present, there have been eight main tribes in the Demon Realm. According to the explanation written in the human books collected by my brother, all things are born from chaos. The clear air rises to form aura and breeds human demon spirits. The turbid air sinks to form demon air and breeds demons. .

Therefore, the Five Elements and Three Miracles that later evolved from the spiritual energy of heaven and earth also have yin and yang sides.

The demon clan has also evolved slowly from the era of chaos demon rule, producing branches of the Five Elements of Yin and the Three Wonders of Yin, which are the eight main tribes of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and wind, thunder, and ice.

Other scattered tribes, such as the Sword Demon, are a branch of the Golden Demon tribe, the Sand Demon is a branch of the Earth Demon tribe, and so on.

In addition to these branches generated by the Five Elements of Yin and the Three Qi of Yin, the demons also have some special branches that are not included in this list.

For example, they have a clan of mirage demons, as well as the inner demons that the human race often talks about.

The tradition of the demons is that the strong are respected, and their nature dictates that they are promoted by devouring all things in the world. Before entering the realm of magic and demons, which is what the human race calls the golden elixir stage, most of the demons are in a state of confusion and can only devour everything. instinct.

Only after entering the realm of magic and magic can one gradually become smarter, learn to restrain one's own desires like humans, and know what to eat and what not to eat.

Through the ages, the eight major tribes have stood firm, and the branch tribes below have changed one after another. Today they are eaten away, and tomorrow they mutate, and the cycle goes on and on.

It is true that the mirages are the weakest tribe in the entire Demon Realm, but if any tribe really eats up all the mirages and exterminates them, then be prepared to bear the thunderous wrath of the demon masters of each tribe.

Since ancient times, mirages have been born with the ability to ignore space and distance and enter the dreams of living beings, which makes mirages an important communication tool on the battlefield.

As long as the two mirages smell each other and give the other a little bit of the dregs of their respective demon hearts to devour, they can open up the dream channel between the two mirages and quickly transmit information.

In addition, there is another way that two mirages enter the dream of a living being at the same time. This method involves a third party, is unsafe, and has been abandoned by the demons.

The two sword demons went to the mirage demon sea to capture the mirage demons in order to provide communication tools on the battlefield.

As for the special tribe of inner demons, they do not live in the demonic realm, but only exist in the human race. They are bred by the human race's own greed, anger, stupidity, resentment, and evil thoughts, and the demon lord has no control over them.

When the battle situation on the frontline is urgent, the Demon Realm will issue a protection order to the demons on the battlefield to prevent other demons from devouring these demons.

Otherwise, it is not uncommon for high-level demons to devour low-level demons. For this reason, most demons who have reached the realm of magic and magic are willing to go to the battlefield.

Being able to avoid being devoured by high realms, and being able to go out to eat fresher and more delicious food, there are more opportunities for advancement than staying in the Demon Realm.

But going to the battlefield is not something you can just do if you want to. Except for those who are called up by name, other demons must first prove their abilities if they want to go to the battlefield.

Jiang Yuebai thought, if she could capture fifty or sixty yuan demons and eat them, surpass her brother, and be promoted to a real demon like the old mirage demon master, would it be considered a proof of her ability?

Then apply to go to the battlefield and refuse to be a tool demon!

On that day, her brother will definitely be proud of her!

As for the innate abilities of her mirage clan? These are all small details, nothing to worry about. Maybe she is the first mutated new species of the mirage clan in history, opening up the powerful branch of the mirage clan.

The territory distribution of the eight major tribes in the Demon Realm is arranged in a circle according to the order of the five elements. The five major tribes of metal, wood, water, fire and earth are in the outer ring, and the three tribes of wind, thunder and ice are in the inner ring.

I heard that her brother has been in the Ice Demon Tribe for more than ten years. She needs to cross the entire Golden Demon Territory to the Water Demon Territory, and then from the Water Demon Territory to the Ice Demon Territory.

In addition to walking, there are void rifts that lead directly to various territories, just like the human race's teleportation array, but I don't know if she is qualified to use it.

Demonic energy occasionally overflows from under the rock formations at Jinlinpo. There are golden demons that were born during the Breathing Ceremony a few years ago, fighting and devouring each other under the rock formations.

There was so little demonic energy that I couldn't even feel it stuck between my teeth, and the demonic insects inside were smelly and unpalatable.

Climbing up the Golden Scale Slope, when Jiang Yuebai stopped, she turned into a human girl. One foot was hanging on a thin piece of mica gold rock. She raised her hand to block the sunlight above her head. Her black hair was flying and she looked up into the distance.

In the center of the distant valley, a large area of ​​black mist surrounds a large area, with huge mica gold rock layers diagonally inserted into the ground, layer upon layer.

There are many golden demons and sword demons gathering under those rock formations, watching the two demons fighting in the central area, the mountains are roaring and the tsunami is roaring, it is very lively.

"The Demon Race Arena is great!"

Jiang Yuebai cheered and rushed straight towards the fighting arena. The two sword demons inside who were fighting happily seemed to be in the Yuan Demon realm.


I'm stuck. I wrote too much and too fast at the beginning. The plot outline and the various settings and characters of the Demon Realm are not perfect in the back. There is no more to add today. I need to stop and sort out the outline.

In addition, I have to get a flu shot tomorrow morning, and I have some personal matters to deal with. I will update the code in the afternoon, and there will be two updates tomorrow. I will continue to add updates the day after tomorrow or starting from Monday!

See you tomorrow afternoon~

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