Tang Siyi is that embarrassing.

Although she often gets into trouble, she doesn't do it so often.

She still has some small advantages occasionally.

Tang Siyi hugged her neck and seemed to be upset. It was rare to see her face up and said: "Mom, mom, you can't be so prejudiced against me. I don't like to get into trouble so much. Look at me, I'm still behaved occasionally. Very obedient."

"Well, very well-behaved, very obedient, then what do you seem to do with me?"

The child Tang Siyi hugged her neck and said: "Mom, that bad guy is gone. He was driven away by his father. I saw it with my own eyes. It was my father who drove people away. Mom, I can’t tolerate that bad guy."

This little guy, are you here to sue now?

Oh, it's not right.

No matter how you look at it, it seems to be for sweets.

Tang Yi pressed her forehead, nodded silently, and slowly said, "Oh, I see."

"So, Mom, don't leave Dad."

"Dad is very good and didn't mess with the woman under her." Tang Siyi said sternly, as if afraid that she would not believe it, her eyes were round and round.

Tang Yi sneered.

"Really, is your father very good? Why didn't I see it." That man would be good?

What a joke.

He is probably the most unbehaved person.

Tang Yi shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

Seeing that the little girl was trying hard to recommend, she just smiled, said she knew, and then sent her off.

However, those things really went beyond her expectations.


There is also.

After all, it has been misunderstood for so many years.

But, the others.

What else can she do?


Tang Yi shook his head helplessly, hugging Tang Siyi, and said, "Do you only recognize me as a mother?"

Tang Siyi digs out her heart very quickly and earnestly: "Yes, I only have a mother like you, and I don't want anything else."


It's okay.

Tang Yi rubbed her little head and said, "Okay."

"Mom, what do you mean?" Forgive her.

Sometimes, she is really stupid.

At least, at this time, she really didn't understand the meaning of a word.

Tang Yi raised her eyebrows, with a playful look: "It means, you daughter, I recognize it."

Tang Siyi blinked.

After a long while, he nodded vigorously: "Well, but there is still my father."

"You also want to recognize my father."

"Look at his performance." Tang Yi dropped these words directly.

Everything suddenly became clear.

They waste so much time.

She really didn't have much energy, so she continued to toss.

Since it looks like this, it looks good like this.

She also saves a lot of trouble and time.

Everything is the best arrangement, isn't it?

Yes, she recognized it.

She didn't want to care about the rest.

What will happen, what will happen, just follow the fate.

Tang Yi suddenly wanted to open it.

Also look away.


But she didn't expect that something happened the next day after seeing it.

Tang Yan did not come back.

When she received the call, she knew that he was still in the bar and he was drunk.

Qin Muchen's voice came coldly.

"Many women here are staring at him. If you come one step later, I guess you can only come and collect his body. I'll go back first."

go back……

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