Song Anran's expression did not change.

Looking at An Xu's promise, the corners of his lips raised contemptuously: "This is my home, An Xu promises that you will dare to move me. Do you think you will get out of here safe and sound?"

Actually still dreaming about killing her?

"If you want to avenge your child, you must also look at your own weight."

"An promise, you can't hurt one of my hair, whether you believe it or not."

Can't hurt, can you?

An promise gritted his teeth and rushed over suddenly.


Really hate it.

I hate it, I can't wait for Song Anran to disappear!

She admitted that she really didn't overdo Song Anran.

Even, saved her several times.

Even if it was because of Bai Hangjin's face, it wasn't her promise after all, Song Anran had never known how many times she had died.

Now, she said, An promise deserved it.

Indeed, if she hadn't saved Song Anran before, then no one would have harmed her child.

Also, her life experience...

If it weren't for Song Anran, that would be great.

If she doesn't exist, that would be great.

This thought flashed.

An promise's eyes suddenly became heavy.

She rushed over.

But, after all, she was still in a high fever, and she was no match for Song Anran, and she was thrown to the ground after two or two strokes.

Song Anran stepped on her injured hand and lifted her chin with a sneer: "An Xu promise, I said you, you are not my opponent at all, this is the Song family, how much can you hurt me?"


Song Anran stroked her cheek and said with a sneer: "I hate you when I see your face. It's you who came to my side to find the fault. Then in the course of the argument, even if you are injured, it belongs to me The consequences of self-defense, can't be completely blamed on me, right?"

Song Anran snatched the knife from her hand, sneered and patted his cheek with the back of the knife: "An promise, don't blame me."

"This, you came to me by yourself."

An Xu promised struggling desperately, holding the knife with his injured hand, and instinctively pushed Song Anran away with the other hand.

Song Anran didn't expect that she could resist.

The two argued.

Then, in the course of the argument, the sharp knife suddenly slipped and slashed Song Anran's face.

Song Anran screamed, covered her face and backed away, and slammed into the cabinet. An antique fell off and hit her head, then fell off and fell to pieces on the ground.

Song Anran lost his balance because of a smash with his head, and his body fell down.

Unfortunately, her face was pressed against the ground first. Suddenly, her face was stabbed by the fragments, and the pain in her heart spread to her whole body in an instant.

Song Anran was startled.

She raised her hand in astonishment and stroked her cheek.

After touching the blood on one hand, she finally lost control, clutching her face, and screamed sharply: "Ah!!!"

The Song family was taking the key and opening the door to come in. Seeing Song Anran with blood on his face, some cowardly servants also screamed out.

An Xu Nuo looked at the **** knife in her hand in shock, shaking her whole body, she hurriedly threw away the knife, but staring at the blood in her hand, she still couldn't help panicking.

She, she killed someone?

Did she really kill someone?

Did you kill Song Anran?

An Xu promised to look at Song Anran whose face was bloody, and clutching the position of his heart, he took a step back and fell to the ground.

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