G City, the former Biyang River, the river water is clear and bottom-out, and there are groups of fish and shrimp in the river.

However, since G City became an economic development zone more than 10 years ago, many factories and companies have moved to G City.

Compared with the small villages more than ten years ago, G City has now become a first-tier city, full of high-rise buildings.

It's a pity that the Biyang River is so polluted. The current Biyang River, not to mention, is black and turbid, and exudes a foul smell.

Especially in the summer, not only do there be a lot of mosquitoes, but the smell makes people not want to smell it a second time.

Industrial wastewater, as well as sewage from underground waterways, etc., all the wastewater of a city is discharged into the Biyang River.

"Really, what the hell is the environmental protection department in City G doing? It is said that tens of millions of dollars have been spent on the treatment of the river, and now it is useless. "The residential area along the river was originally sold at a high price for real estate. The riverbank house was fired at a high price at that time. And now, those who bought it regret it.

It sounds great, but now the residents don't dare to open the windows to ventilate.

"Today I seem to be seeing the environmental protection department breaking up the concrete on the riverbank, as if they are going to plant plants and green the riverbank. Wei Wu said.

Wei Wu, a retired elderly man in Province G, was originally an employee of the Electricity Bureau of Province G, but he worked in City G for more than ten years, and then he was assigned a riverbank building a few years ago.

"Hmph! It's definitely useless! How many times have we dealt with it, and if we want to treat the symptoms, we must strictly investigate those enterprises and factories. "Mrs. Wei has been desperate for the improvement of inland rivers, and she has not felt at ease for more than ten years.

"How many times have I said it, we sold this house and went to the city where our children lived to buy a new house, the environment is good, the air is good, and we don't have to continue to endure the stench. Mrs. Wei said.

"What to sell, that's the allotted house. What's more, even if you sell, how much do you think it will sell? Because of the river, housing prices are very low now. Wei Lao said dissatisfiedly.

Regarding the issue of moving out, the two of them have talked many times, Wei Lao has lived in G City since he was a child, and he has never left G City for almost 70 years since he was born. For him, G City has always been his hometown where he grew up, and perhaps it will be his burial place in the future. Most old people don't move out of their hometowns.

Mrs. Wei no longer persuaded her, and she was actually reluctant to leave.

Then people in the community discovered that the environmental protection department had spent a whole week planting a tree and rattan plant every 100 meters or so on both sides of the riverbank.

"What kind of strange plants are planted, and they don't have any greening effect at all. Could it be that tens of millions of dollars were spent, and they were the ones who spent tens of millions?" Wei Lao was very dissatisfied, and he was completely dead set on the pollution of the river.

It's just that soon, something seems to be changing in the water of the river, which is rich in a lot of pollution.

At the beginning of the new one, I didn't care at all about these woody vine plants.

When planted on the tenth day, the vine began to climb a large number of grounds, river bank locations.

Especially behind his house, there is a piece of wooden rattan on the riverbank. And at the position of the rhizome, you can see a black crystal.

Then he felt that the Biyang River was changing day by day, and the black Biyang River was slowly becoming clearer. As a result, Wei Lao began to become interested in the plants in front of him.

When he was idle, he squatted in front of the bank of the Biyang River every day, witnessing the growth of strange Teng plants in front of him.

Then, to his astonishment, the river began to improve. The plants seemed to absorb all the pollutants in the river to the roots, condensing a layer of crystals.

"Elder Wei, what a coincidence, why don't you go to play chess with others today? "

Behind him, someone greeted him. He turned his head and saw Tang Lin, a worker from the environmental protection department who was in charge of planting a few days ago.

"Tang Lin, what the hell has your environmental protection department planted? Although they are not beautiful at all, I feel that they really have a purifying effect on the river water. Wei Wu asked curiously.

"Haha, Old Man Wei, its name is Pure Water Wood Vine. The municipal government specially allocated 10 million yuan to buy thousands of water purification wood rattans, just to control the pollution of the Biyang River. You see, the water of the river becomes very clear when it is treated with wood and rattan. With that, Tang Lin took out the scissors and began to cut the end of the wooden rattan.

A scene that surprised Wei Wu appeared, and a clear water source actually flowed from the end of the wooden vine, like a plastic water pipe.

"How...... How can it be. Boss Wei said in shock.

"Not only that, but the purified water quality is better than mineral water, and you can drink it directly. Tang Lin demonstrated, took the wooden vine and took a sip.

Suddenly, he showed a cheerful expression. G itself is subtropical, and although it is the end of April, the temperature is almost 278 degrees.

After an afternoon of work, the thirsty Tang Lin drank a sip of the water from the water purification wood vine, and his body seemed to be full of vitality again.

"Elder Wei, why don't you try it too. Tang Lin smiled and handed the wooden vine to Wei Wu.

"This ...... Can you really drink this? Elder Wei was a little worried.

"Don't worry, the purified water of the water purification wood rattan has been tested by our environmental protection department more than a dozen times, and it is definitely good water, and the water sold on the street is not as good as this. Tang Lin nodded and said.

Wei Wu tried to take a sip, and was immediately shocked.

"Good...... It's amazing. Wei Wu said dumbfoundedly.

"Right. I believe that in another ten days, the Biyang River will become clearer than before. Tang Lin said with emotion.

"I am amazed that the country has transformed such a miraculous plant. Wei Wu said excitedly.

I heard that I could control the Biyang River, which was enough to make Wei Wu happy and couldn't sleep.

"Haha, then you are wrong, the water purification wood rattan is a product purchased by the environmental protection department of our G city, from our Huaxia Star Planting Company. That company was amazing, inventing a lot of interesting plants. Tang Lin said.

"Starry Sky Planting?" Wei Wu muttered.

"yes. But you can only buy it online, and you have the opportunity to ask your children to buy it back for you, indoor potted tomatoes, indoor potted lettuce, indoor grapes, are all plants that can be grown in the room, which is magical. Our family bought a lot of groceries and never went out to buy groceries again. Tang Lin said.

"I see, no wonder in the past few months, I have noticed that the wet market has become much more deserted than before, it turned out to be this. "Elder Wei began to have a strong interest in starry sky planting.

The water purification wood rattan also opened the first shot of purifying the city's inland river governance. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read-

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