Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 428: Decisively

Full text and no ads Chapter 428 Resolute and Decisive

Yamaxian Changjing stood with a gun, his chest constantly undulating, and his horns rushed down into the sky. There were a pair of pupils in the red ghost mask that covered his face. The anger sprayed directly on the two of Masazu Tsube and Mitsuken Nagasaka. (Free download of full text e-book)

He deeply remembered the rebellion that took place in the treason when Takeda Yoshinobu was stirred up. What kind of role played by these two people, especially Masabe Tsutomu, played a role in fueling the flames. After the incident failed, Takeda Yoshinobu was imprisoned, his elder brother. Iifumi Tiger Masaji cut his belly, and these two people only changed the door to regain the trust and reuse of Takeda Katsuyori.

And now they have achieved an ordinary victory, the two of them actually began to brag about and slap horses to the master of the museum, and do their best to flatter them.

The so-called treacherous minister, but so.

Although Yamaken’s intention was to target Katsushige Obe and Mitsuken Nagasaka to remind Takeda Katsura, Takeda Katsura disagrees.

Takeda Katsuyasu was immersed in the first big victory commanded after he became the Patriarch, but at this time, the elder of the writer Masakaki Yamaxian, in front of the vassals and samurai, unceremoniously splashed Takeda Katsurai. Basin with cold water.

Takeda Katsuyori's face was a little bit too much for him at the moment.

Masazu Atobe took the lead and said: "Shanxian Ministry of War, please pay attention to your attitude, and do not apologize to the master of the museum."

Mitsuken Nagasaka also said from the side: "Shanxian Ministry of War, your Excellency is the number one minister of the family, can you hold your own identity and not keep the master of the museum in your eyes?"

Compared to Katsusuke Obebe, Mitsuken Nagasaka's words are tantamount to a naked provocation.

Shanxian Changjing raised his eyebrows and looked at Nagasaka Mitsuken, his eyes full of anger.

But he thought Takeda Katsuyori would forgive his guilt, but he didn't expect Takeda Katsuyori to sit on Maza with a gloomy face, holding the military manpower in his hand, and not saying a word. (Free download of full text e-book)

Seeing this scene, Yamaxian Masaki suddenly felt cold. Takeda Katsuyori clearly meant to tacitly agree to the opinions of Nabe and Nagasaka, asking him to personally apologize to Katsuyai.

At this time, the horse farm Xinfang saw Shan County Changjing's face full of anger, and said on the side: "The lord, Lord Shan County, also made a momentary failure, but he won a game for his family, and he can make up for his own merits."

Takeda Katsuyori nodded and was about to speak. At this time, Yamaxian Masaki waved his hand and interrupted the horse farm letter room. He knelt in front of Takeda Katsurai and said: "I just made a mistake, and I ask the Lord to forgive me. The minister now feels exhausted from the next fight and asks to return to camp and rest."

After Takeda Katsurai listened for a moment, Yamaxian Changjing got up in anger, and suddenly withdrew from the camp.

Takeda Katsuyori wanted to get up from Maza and stay, but in the end he was restrained by the lord's self-esteem.

Most of the people present saw the rift between the new museum owner and the chief family member, and they were suddenly worried.

Only Katsuji Rube and Mitsuken Nagasaka saw their success in instigating the relationship between Shanxian County and Katsurai, and their faces were filled with contentment and hateful smiles.

That day, after Takeda Katsuyoshi defeated the first team.

Nobunaga held a military meeting to reassess the combat power of the Takeda Corps.

Kazuki Takikawa, who had just rushed to the reinforcements from Nagashima, arrived at the battlefield when the war was about to end.

He naturally saw the Oda Legion, under the attack of the Red Legion, a scene of defeat.

Seeing the military discussion, Nobunaga hesitated about the strong impact of Akabe. Kazukawa Takikawa suggested to Nobunaga: "Lord, in the face of a powerful impact, you must use distance, effective barriers, and sufficient Long-range kills to defeat."

Takikawa Kazuyuki's words sounded like a wild horse, but Nobunaga was the only one among the generals who understood the meaning of his words.

Nobunaga nodded and said, "I understand, you are talking about the tactics of anti-horse fence and iron cannon, right?"

Kazuka Takikawa nodded and said: "Exactly, the anti-horse fence is indispensable for dealing with the riding team, and the three-stage tactics of Zahezhong are also the best way to use iron cannons today."

Nobunaga Oda nodded after hearing Kazuki Takigawa's words. He had seen three shots when he conquered Ishiyama Honganji.

On the side, Hashii Hideyoshi said: "The lord, the ministers have heard that iron cannons are a thing of the savages, but they are undoubtedly sharp weapons on the battlefield. Takeda general Li Xiao is even more adept at using large iron cannons that are several times the size of iron cannons. To attack the city, we should learn from the enemy."

Akechi Mitsuhide said: "Li Xiao is not only good at using big iron cannons, he is also good at using ordinary iron cannons, he is also good at using a tactical similar to three-stage shooting to break the Shibata Corps under Kajida Castle. You must be cautious if you play against it in the future."

Yuchai Hideyoshi said: "I have heard from the Nanban missionary that the tactics used by Li Xiao is exactly what they are used to in Europe. It is called the Spanish phalanx. It is not his original creation, but it is indeed the best one today. Excellent artillery warfare."

Mingzhi Mitsuhide gave a faint utterance, and said, "Master Chikuqian Shou seems to be very concerned about Li Xiao's affairs."

Hideyoshi Yuchai smiled and said: "Of course, Li Xiao is definitely an opponent worth paying attention to with twelve times the energy."

When the generals were discussing, Oda Nobunaga told the vassals on the spot about his shocking decision.

"Tell those Nanban missionaries that I said that Nobunaga decided to convert to their church and be officially baptized in exchange for the support of the Nanban people for my Oda family weapons."

Nobunaga's conversion to Catholicism was not the first person at the time. At that time, the overlord of Kinki, Miyoshi Changqing, a half-man of the world, had completed this matter ten years earlier than Nobunaga.

But at the moment Nobunaga's power is far better than that of Miyoshi Changqing, and every decision he makes is very important today.

For Nobunaga at this moment, converting to Catholicism in exchange for the support of the Nanbans is purely an exchange of interests.

But even here, Nobunaga made this decision.

The Oda family will have known this lord, he likes Nanbari, is keen on surprises, and it is not surprising that he makes any strange decisions.

What's more, this decision could not have been easier in exchange for the support of the Nanban people, the preferential purchase of the iron cannon, the big barrel, and the technical support.

Oda Nobunaga listened to the words of his subordinates and nodded, Huo Ran stood up and squeezed his fists, and said loudly: "Whether it’s an iron cannon, a big tube, or some Spanish battle Fa, I must get all of these in the Oda family, not only to get it, to master, or to surpass the original master. This is something we absolutely want to do."


After hearing Nobunaga's decision, the retainers of the Oda clan suddenly took his orders.

After the military meeting was over, the Oda Army decided to temporarily avoid the edge and retreat to avoid the war.

Nobunaga's consideration was also because although Asai and Asakura had been destroyed, the forces such as Miyoshi, Nagashima Honganji, and Matsunaga were still there, so they decided to prioritize the elimination of these forces and then gather all forces to fight Takeda.

Nobunaga does not shy away from facing the setbacks of Katsuyoshi for a while, but instead settles to foster the emotion of defeating Lai and underestimate the enemy, and it is Nobunaga's free-receiving attitude to use troops that will make the Oda family generals fight against Takeda Oda in the future. Take a breath.


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