Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 690: Not a gadget

"It's the owner of Huang Shenglong!"

"Although Huang Tang's temper is hot, he is a real top alchemist. Not only is he the best in Dan Yao Tang, but he is also the top existence in the entire avenue!"

"I don't know how he will challenge Chu Tangzhu? However, as Huang Tangzhu, I'm afraid I won't ask some idiot questions."

"Yeah, Zhanwutang's lunatic, dare to look down on our Dan Yaotang, how shameful he is this time!"

Some disciples who arrived later heard the story here, and naturally clashed with their enemies, dividing Chu Jingtian into the villain directly in his heart.

Many people are stunned and want to see how embarrassing Chu Chutian is.

As the deputy head of the Dan Yaotang, Huang Shenglong's level of elixir is obvious to all. Chu Chutian is just a warrior in Zhanwutang. If it comes to fighting, Danyaotang will naturally be out of favor.

But if compared to alchemy, they are definitely not weaker than others!

"Chu Jingtian, you said that your level is not weaker than me, then you first take a look at this elixir. If you can recognize it, let's talk about the next thing. If you ca n’t even recognize this elixir If so, don't be ashamed! "

Huang Shenglong said nothing and took out an elixir directly from his arms.

As soon as this elixir appeared, a strange fragrance appeared, and several people in Zhai Lintian could not help but frowned, thoughtfully.


"What kind of elixir is this?"

"This scent is like a fascinating dan, but also a meditation dan ... how do two opposite scents mix together?"


When Huang Shenglong took out the elixir, everyone around him also cast his eyes forward.

They thought that when they could easily recognize the elixir through experience, they suddenly realized that the elixir had exceeded their cognitive scope.

"I'm afraid it's not good this time!"

When Meng Fan, who came with Chu Jingtian, saw the situation in front of her, she could not help frowning.

He found that the disciples present, and even the existence of the rank of deacon, were all confused, unable to recognize the origin of this elixir.

Even the priests of Zhai Lintian's level are sinking into condensing.

"The master of Chu Church is too confident!" Meng Fan secretly said: "Although these alchemists have bad tempers and high eyes. But in alchemy, they have absolute real materials. They only need to put themselves in alchemy. If you come up with a difficult problem, it will be enough for a pot! "

Some careful people took everyone's expressions into their eyes, and immediately looked at Chu Jingtian with a bit of irony.

Dare to look down on their panacea, it will make your face shame later!

Many people simply put their eyes on Chu Jingtian's body, wanting to see how he answered.

Who would have thought, Chu Jingtian frowned, and sneered: "If I read correctly, this one should be the‘ Awake Tian Qi Dan ’” that restores mana to the magician! ”

"Yes, I didn't expect you to see it!" Huang Shenglong was slightly surprised.

With so many disciples and deacons present, including even some church-level existence, none of them could recognize this elixir, and unexpectedly Chu Jingtian recognized it at a glance.

However, recognizing this elixir is just the beginning, and the real problem lies behind.

"Chu Jingtian, I don't make it difficult for you, just ask me to comment on this sober Tianqi Dan!" Huang Shenglong held the elixir and looked at Chu Jingtian with a smile.


When everyone heard Huang Shenglong's words, everyone was slightly confused.

Commenting on an elixir is nothing more than saying the advantages and disadvantages of this elixir.

However, some people have reported it, and thoughtfully said, "This sober apocalypse is used to restore the mana of the magician. The mana of the sorcerer requires a long time of meditation. After taking the awake apocalypse, the progress of meditation can be accelerated. But this elixir is just ordinary fifth-order elixir. Any good reviews? "

As soon as the words fell, someone nodded: "Yes, and the existence of this level of Huang Tangzhu, refining the sober apocalypse, it is even more difficult to grasp. This comment must not only say the advantages, but also indicate its shortcomings. Otherwise The review is incomplete ... "

The two people discussed were the chief deacons of Dan Yaotang.

They didn't deliberately lower their voices either, so many people present were listening clearly.

Many people shook their heads again and again.

Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy, and he doesn't use any ancient alchemy problems to trouble you. He just takes out a refined elixir for you to comment on, and it is still the most popular elixir.

I'm afraid even Zhai Lintian can't comment?

"I didn't expect you to improve this sober Tianqi Dan?" In the eyes of everyone's expectations, Chu Jingtian took a deep breath of Danxiang and couldn't help admiring it.

"You can see this? Huh, but it's just a sentence, not a comment!"

Seeing that Chu Jingtian said that his refined elixir was improved, Huang Shenglong could not help but whisper.

But let him admit that it is impossible for the opponent's Dan Dao to be better than himself!

"Okay, so I'll comment on that!" Chu Jingtian retracted his gaze on the sober Tianqi Dan and said loudly: "It is well known that although the sober Tianqi Dan is a fifth-order elixir, it has a short duration and has always been popular Rickets. And the elixir you have refined improves this shortcoming and doubles the time. "

"At the same time, several medicinal materials have been added to the elixir, so that the divine mind can quickly stabilize and enter the state of cultivation!"


Chu Jingtian's remarks immediately made an uproar around him.

Everyone looked fiercely towards the sober Tianqi Dan.

"Yes, it is Huang Tangzhu!"

"I don't know how many people want to improve the sober apocalypse of Danfang ~ ~ but none of them succeeded, but now they are completed by the master of Huangtang!"

"Yes, the owner Huang Tang will definitely stay famous in the future!"

All the people present couldn't help arguing.

Listening to the praise and admiration around him, Huang Shenglong just felt that the whole person couldn't help floating.

He also recently made this elixir successfully, but it has not been adjusted. If it was not because Chu Jingtian despised them, he would not take this elixir in advance.

Listening to the words around him, he looked at Chu Jingtian with a smile: "I didn't expect that you could see so much! But that's not enough. The so-called review must point out the shortcomings of this elixir in addition to its advantages. "

Chu Jingtian looked at Huang Shenglong and sighed: "Since that is the case, I will tell the truth. There are too many deficiencies in this elixir. If I really let me comment, I will only say four A word! "



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