Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 2 Chapter 650: remains

"what did you say?"

Hearing this sentence, no matter how calm the summer morning, could not help frowning.

The deputy chief of the Zhenfa Hall was actually above the formation, and was crushed by the people in the Zhanwu Hall.

It's so shameful to say this!

Originally, some of the deputy church owners who were still angry and ready to go to Zhanwutang to find trouble, stopped immediately when they heard this sentence, and looked at Baiyutang with disbelief.

"I was defeated by the kid's ice and fire polar array!"

Bai Yutang almost gritted his teeth.

"how is this possible?"

"The ice and fire polar array, that kind of formation method is completely relying on brute force to generate power, as long as I raise my hand, I can crack it!"

"Bai Yutang, you are also the old man in the Zhenfatang. How could you lose in this formation?"

For a while, everyone cried out.

The formation is difficult or easy.

This kind of ice and fire polar array is naturally the simplest one.

For such matrix formations, neither Bai Yutang nor anyone else knows how many were cracked. Now I heard that Bai Yutang was defeated in Chu Jingtian's hands, and still defeated in this formation, it is incredible for them.

"That kid's formation is a bit strange, the ice and fire poles almost merge into a perfect balance, and can't be broken at all!"

During the previous battle, Bai Yutang naturally did not feel it.

But now, in retrospect, he also has to admit that Chu Jingtian's formation is superb. But as the deputy chief of the Zhenfatang, if it is impossible to break even a layman's formation, wouldn't it be too shameful?


Everyone looked at Bai Yutang in wonder.

What was Bai Yutang's personality, they naturally knew it.

But they did not expect that even Bai Yutang admired Chu's amazing formation?


With a cold hum in the summer morning, slowly said, "Is Jiulong holding Tianshan, I'm going to meet this kid's big team for a while!"

"Wait a minute!" Bai Yutang hurriedly said, "In addition to the ice and fire polar array, there is a giant magic array outside this boy. This magic array cannot be underestimated."

As soon as the words fell, someone laughed: "Bai Yutang, it seems that you are frightened by that kid. Can we still stop so many of us with a magical array?"

Zhanwu Hall is the door with the least number of people at the entrance of Xianzong Nine Hall, so there are only three deputy masters and one master.

But Zhenfatang has six deputy leaders!

Together with a church owner, this is a total of seven people. It can be said that the level of the formation of these seven people is absolutely top-notch in the entire avenue of Xianzong. It is not easy to crack a large array.

"Let's go!"

Get up in the morning in summer.

Several deputy church leaders followed, and the fish kept coming out.

Seeing this scene, the entire Zhenfa mountain range exploded.

You know, the appearance of Bai Yutang's embarrassment made many disciples of Fatang feel horrified. Now when I see the church leader and several deputy church leaders dispatching at the same time, everyone is sensational.

"what on earth is it?"

"What happened? Are there any matrix formations on Avenue Avenue Zongzong that need to be repaired?"

"But, even if it is to repair, it doesn't need so many people to start at the same time?"

Everyone was puzzled.

At this time, some disciples who knew the original party hurriedly told the truth.

Once these things came out, they immediately detonated everyone.

The disciples present couldn't believe it.

"What a joke? Our deputy head of the Zhenfa Hall, actually lost to Mr. Zhanwutang in the formation? This is almost as ridiculous as cooking a cook and losing to a tailor!" A disciple cried.

"Who is Mr. Chu?" Some people didn't understand. Didn't Zhanwutang always have only three masters, when did one come out?

"It is the new deputy chief of Zhanwutang. It is said that the character is arrogant and arrogant, and no one looks at it. It is said that the last time he defeated Fan Xuanran for a piece of spiritual treasure!" Introduced to everyone.

Everyone heard it, it was incredible.

A young man about the same age as them, not only became the deputy chief of Zhanwutang, but also defeated another. This time it was the deputy chief who defeated them ....

This is too exaggerated?

"Then where are they going this time?" Everyone looked at Xia Chenchen with a few deputy church leaders and killed them angrily, unable to help but wonder.

"I heard that I went to Jiulong Tianshan in Jiulong for the purpose of stepping on the ground! Mr. Chu collected Jiulong Tianshan as his own cave house and set up a large array. Zhenfatang naturally wanted to step down to find it His formation! "Some disciples guessed.

Everyone heard the words and lingered.

This is going to happen!

"Let's go, let's go and see, that Mr. Chu's formation!"

"Yes, what kind of formation can a man from Zhanwutang have?"

"Bullying came to our formation, and we dismantled his formation!"

The disciples who heard the wind immediately followed behind several church leaders and deputy church leaders in an outrageous manner, aggressively gushing towards the Tianshan Mountains in Jiulong.


"So it is!"

After hearing Han Feiying's introduction of the ruins, he nodded and couldn't help.

It turned out that the ruins were a palace abandoned in a barren land, and Han Feiying also discovered it by accident. This ruin has been ruined for many years, but the formation still exists, preventing outsiders from entering.

Han Feiying cleared up the surroundings, but was eventually blocked from the ruins' formation.

Although he is powerful, he knows nothing about the game.

After several attacks without success, he could only think of asking Bai Yutang to help. Although Bai Yutang lost to Chu Jingtian, he also has a certain strength in the formation method, otherwise he will not hold the position of deputy church master.

But then they got stuck on the outside formation, so the two agreed to come back some time later to break the formation. Who knew that Baiyutang in Tianshan in Jiulong was defeated directly.

"Is this ruin?"

Chu Jingtian was carrying his hands.

From the outside, the ruins are like the ruined Xianjiadongfu, and nothing looks special. The clouds are turbulent and turbulent, hiding this invisible killer in the ordinary.

Even the divine thought spread into it, as if it were sinking into the sea, as if it had been swallowed, without any response.

"Go ahead and talk!" Chu Jingtian stepped forward, thinking about it, looking back at Han Feiying, and commanding: "You are here waiting for me for a moment!"

After speaking, without waiting for Han Feiying to speak, Chu Jingtian already stepped into the ruins.

The mist was faint, but Chu Jingtian stepped out, as if he had stepped into another world, but suddenly disappeared in the eyes of Han Feiying, and even the divine thought was invisible.

But Chu Jingtian told him that even if he was anxious, he could only hold back.

But at this moment, Chu Jingtian was in a different situation after entering the ruins. All around was covered by a thick white fog, and five fingers were out of reach, as if the whole person was caught in a white world.

"Is it the easiest fog?"

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes and looked around.

However, even if it is a large fog, it will have different effects when it is arranged by different people. This misty array seemed calm, but in fact it was a dark tide, and if accidentally, it was drawn into it and torn into pieces.

"Well, although the formation is dangerous, it is too quick to make a profit!"

Chu Jingtian slowly shook his head.

A trail full of bones, no matter who stepped in, the first feeling was to raise vigilance to the highest level.

But if it is a garden full of flowers and butterflies, then everyone will unconsciously relax.

It looks like the formation of his arrangement in the Tianshan Mountains in Jiulong, which looks extraordinary, but it is like a beautiful garden. The poisonous snake hidden under the flowers is the most deadly existence.

"found it!"

After a moment, Chu Jingtian raised his eyebrows and drank in a deep voice:



Suddenly, the entire mist was like boiling, as if torn apart by a pair of big hands. Amidst the loud noise, everything in front of him was bright and cheerful.


Han Feiying saw this scene, it was incredible.

You know, Bai Yutang didn't know how long it took to crack this big array. It is deduction and calculation. Stayed outside the ruins for seven or eight days.

Later, it couldn't be broken, Bai Yutang said that he would go back and study the composition of the matrix method first, and then come again. He thought that Chu Jingtian would be like Bai Yutang. It would take three or four days. Even if Chu Jingtian had a higher level of formation than Bai Yutang, Han Feiying would not think there was much difference.

But how long did Chu Jingtian go in?

"This ruin?"

Looking into the ruins, Han Feiying could not help frowning.

He originally reported a lot of hope that there were many treasures in the ruins, but now that the ruins have been ruined for at least 10,000 years, all the buildings have been fragile and without the protection of the formation law It was just a breeze and it turned into fly ash.

I don't know how many years this ruin has been abandoned, I am afraid that there are not many things left.

Chu Jingtian doesn't matter, he just walked by the scene and had a good relationship with Han Feiying. The really unhappy one is Han Feiying ~ ~ He spent more than half a year for this ruin. He originally thought that there would be a big harvest, but the result was nothing.

If you change who you are, you will not be happy.

"This is just the periphery of the ruins. If you don't go deeper into it, who knows if there are any leftovers inside?"

Chu Jingtian naturally saw the somewhat ugly Han Feiying and reminded him a little.

And Han Feiying realized that it was too early for her depression, and soon got excited.

"It's nothing, since it's a trip, naturally it can't be so powerful, so take a look to see if there is anything left!" Han Feiying exhaled a long spit, spreading the thoughts of God.

Chu Jingtian followed Han Feiying's side and extended the divine thought.


Not long after the divine thoughts spread out, Chu Jingtian frowned, and it was already discovered.


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