Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 2323: kill! kill! kill!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

The shock of this moment.

At this moment, it has reached an astonishing extreme.

Just see.

The many demon dragons swept openly and frantically. All the demon powers, in a shocking posture, completely exploded without any reservations at this moment.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Various spells, various moves.

In an instant.

The overwhelming flames, ice storms, wind blades, lightning, and rocks, at this moment, with a terrifying posture of covering the sky and the sun, frantically swept towards Chu Jingtian!

But Chu Jingtian didn't care at all.

His whole body was full of real energy, poured into the lotus platform of good fortune under his feet, and he saw a burst of light shining from the lotus platform, and countless spiritual energy turned into huge petals, constantly surrounding him.

The numerous attacks hit the lotus petals, like an egg hitting a stone, it was completely shattered on the spot, and even the slightest ripple could not be caused.

Only those demon dragons of the celestial level could shake this lotus platform for good fortune, but it was just shaking.


next moment.

I saw that Chu Jingtian had already stepped out and came directly in front of a wind dragon. The foot of this wind dragon is seven hundred and eighty feet long, and the whole body is cyan, like a forged jade. Surrounded by gusts of wind on all sides, he can attack and defend.


Almost the moment Chu Jingtian appeared around him, this Fenglong suddenly felt an indescribable murderous intent, and with a crazy tide-like posture, it was already swept in quickly on the spot, wrapping around his body.


At this moment, even the scales of his whole body stood upside down involuntarily, like a cat with its tail stepped on.

There is no hesitation.

When he turned around, he had already exploded all the demon energy in his body, desperately shooting towards the rear, trying to escape from Chu Jingtian's vision.


His reaction was fast enough, but Chu Jingtian's speed was still faster.

Almost at the moment he retreated violently, Chu Jingtian had already stretched out his palm slowly. As his palm reached out, he saw a giant hand forming directly in midair.

This giant palm is three thousand feet long, and the wind dragon, under this giant palm, is like an earthworm.


As Chu Jingtian shook his hand, he already grasped the wind dragon in his palm on the spot!

"Let go!"

Almost at the same time, another blazing dragon already roared, and the billowing demon energy was completely released on the spot and swept away at this instant.

At the same time, as his two claws swiftly swung, and the flames rolled, a huge blade was directly formed. When it was formed, it was already slashing towards the huge palm, as if to be At this moment, directly split the giant palm in half!


See this scene.

Chu Jingtian didn't move at all, just snorted coldly, and suddenly clenched his right hand. Seeing that the big palm had almost no signs, it had already closed quickly.

He only heard a burst of crackling noise, and the wind dragon didn't even have time to make a scream, and there was only a puddle of mud left.

And the previous attack of the flame demon dragon didn't even play a role, and it couldn't even stop it.


See this scene.

The blazing monster let out a violent roar, and its huge tail slammed the sky heavily, bringing up a loud sound like a long whip. With a swift and shocked posture at this moment, his body was already frantically rushing towards the location of Chu Jingtian!

"court death!"

Seeing this scene, Chu Jingtian couldn't help but snorted and directly raised his hand with a wave.


In an instant.

A terrifying force, already in the next moment, in a shocking posture, without a slight restraint, it has already poured out fiercely, and rushed towards the flame demon dragon.

At this moment, the entire void trembled suddenly.

Just see.

In front of this terrifying force, the flame demon dragon didn't even have time to make a scream, it was completely blasted into powder on the spot.

And this violent force, with an unabated attitude, rolled backwards and swept back toward more monster dragons, and in an instant it was wrapped by dozens of monster dragons. In it.


Only a violent sound suddenly sounded.

Just see.

The dozens of monster dragons that followed were already crushed into powder on the spot.

It has been rushing to the distant void, and even the entire space is penetrated by life at this moment.



The number of demon dragons present is still too much, as if at this moment it is impossible to kill them at all. At the same time, with an earth-shaking posture, they continue to rush towards Chu Jingtian. And to.

"Good job!"

Seeing the crazy sweeping gestures of these many monster dragons, Chu Jingtian was not surprised, but instead he laughed.

Just see.

Chu Jingtian stepped out suddenly, his right hand gripping the Di Yuan sword in his hand.


Pause time.

He brought up a shocking sword light on the spot.

This sword glow rolled around, continuously rotating around his body, forming a huge sword ring. The numerous attacks were already completely split in half before they approached, and they were completely wiped out on the spot.

"Damn it!"

"Why is this kid so strong?"

"Can't it hurt him?"

Seeing this scene, many demon dragons roared.

Facing such an enemy, they simply feel helpless. He tried his best to attack, and he couldn't do anything about it. The opponent can easily kill them with a single blow.

Such existence made their scalp numb to the extreme.



Amidst the exclamation of the many monsters, Chu Jingtian suddenly stepped out. It was at this moment that he swept the sword ring around his body, with an amazing posture, facing the many Where the monster dragon was, rushed away fiercely!



"Do not……"

Pause time.

The sound of howling ghosts and wolves continued to resound.

Just see.

Where Chu Jingtian passed, the many demon dragons were already beheaded on the spot by this indestructible sword ring. Amidst a splash of blood, many demon dragons already screamed and fell to the ground.

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