Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 2320: Show great power


this moment.

Between heaven and earth, fell into a dead silence.

Even at this moment, the wind roared and the killing sound shook the sky.

For many demon dragons.

this moment.

It seems that time has been completely forbidden.

All the demon dragons, their eyes widened at this moment, could not help but look forward. It seemed that I couldn't believe everything in front of me. It was clearly just a flying sword, and it was already capable of killing a demon dragon of the heavenly immortal level.

If not seeing it with your own eyes.

The many demon dragons above the heavens couldn't believe their eyes.


They have to believe what happened in front of them.

With their eyes.

At this moment, it seemed to have been extended for hundreds of years, and it seemed to be only a moment. It seemed to have fallen into a strange silence, but soon, this silence was already broken in an instant.

Just see.

The many flying swords already burst out in the next instant, with a more ferocious posture.

These flying swords pierced the body of the black dragon with swift violent holes. The amount of violent violence contained in the flying sword and the sky-shattering sword aura, at this moment, it was already a complete explosion and swept away, directly engulfing the body of the black dragon. To be completely shredded.

Even as it was torn apart, the remaining power remained undiminished, and it shot towards the many monster dragons in the sky that week!

"Puff puff!"

The originally silent void.

Almost in an instant, it was completely interrupted. I saw that the numerous flying swords had already soared up into the sky and greeted the body of the demon dragon fiercely.

For ordinary people, the whole body of the demon dragon, the scale that has existed since its birth, grows and is constantly tempered by the demon energy. It is simply an invulnerable scale that flies on this handle. Under the sword, for a while, it was as fragile as white paper, and it was easily torn apart on the spot.

At the same time, they blasted through their bodies, in an amazing posture, with patches of blood, constantly rushing out and rising into the sky.


It was almost an instant.

It was already seen that the area above the sky was already turned into a killing field for Shura. I saw that flying sword with an astonishing attitude, even though it had penetrated the body of these monster dragons, and then rushed out without any loss.

Every flying sword brought a piece of flesh and blood, and a splash of blood.

Some demon dragons wanted to avoid this flying sword, but the sword directly penetrated through it. The sword body blasted into seven inches, and the strength above the blade's blade was undiminished. It burst out in shock, carrying the body of the demon dragon, retreating towards the rear, and nailing it directly to a huge cliff. Above.

Some demon dragons, facing this astonishing sword, are naturally unwilling to die, but they firmly believe that no matter how powerful Chu Jingtian is, not every sword can maintain the same level as before, it is already right now. There was a roar, with a rolling demon spirit, and with an attitude of shaking the sky, he swept towards Feijian fiercely.

The result was that this flying sword pierced through the body on the spot, and blood spilled into the sky.

Some demon dragons saw other companions doing this, and in shock, they could only move the demon energy swiftly, trying to resist this sword. But Dang Even had been split in half by this sword, and the broken body Dang Even had already fallen heavily on the ground.


Almost in an instant, the many demon dragons in that week had already been killed by 70% or 80%. 163

After all, the number of these demon dragons was too much, and Chu Jingtian's power was scattered and unable to concentrate at all. Many demon dragons still avoided this shocking blow.

However, he was still vomiting blood and flew out.

Only some demon dragons of the immortal level, because they were discovered early enough, escaped this fatal blow from the overwhelming sword rain.


this moment.

The demon dragons in the entire Black Dragon Mountain almost stared out their eyes.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe what happened before them.


In their opinion, no matter how strong Chu Jingtian is, it is absolutely impossible for him to deal with these many monster dragons with one enemy. But the result was beyond ordinary people's expectations.

Not only did he easily withstand the many monster dragons, he almost attacked them wave after wave, like a tide. Even raising his hand with a single blow, it was already killing these thousands of monster dragons.

This level of strength is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"No wonder Master Greedy is still calling him at the last moment..."

Many demon dragons immediately understood.


They still don't know why the Greedy Dragon is still asking for help from Chu Jingtian when the Sky Demon Dragon is madly sweeping this week. In their opinion, even if Chu Jingtian rushed over, with their strength, I am afraid they could not cope with such a but.

When they really faced all this, they realized that their previous thoughts were really wrong. The strength of this young man is more terrifying than they thought.

"Maybe, he can really help us defeat these monster dragons!"

"Yes, is this the boss of Greedy Dragon? I was still wondering why Master Greedy's strength is so strong, and he would be willing to recognize other people as the boss. Until now, I completely know the reason..."

"His strength is too strong!"

"But, how easy it is... The previous blow by Mr. Chu killed a lot of demon dragons, but most of those demon dragons were not too powerful. The real high-level demon dragons still survived. Go!"


"It's actually true..."

this moment.

The demon dragons who were originally cheering were silently stunned with this sound, as if they were strangling their throats, and the joy in their eyes gradually faded.


Chu Jingtian's previous blow, although it seemed very ferocious, killed many demon dragons, but although only a few survived, their strength was the most powerful demon dragon of the heavenly immortal level.

"Don't worry!" Yinyue turned his gaze and said lightly after hearing the many conversations around him: "With the strength of that kid, it is really easy to kill these demon dragons at the immortal level."

"is it?"

"real or fake?"

Hearing Yinyue's words, the demon dragons of Heilongshan couldn't help but froze for a moment, and then each of them widened their eyes and couldn't help looking forward.

They wanted to see if Chu Jingtian was really as good as Yinyue first, and could easily deal with these demon dragons at the immortal level!

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