Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 491 Dooley’s trump card

Some kind of special magic tool?

Or is it the other party's awakened special ability?


While he was doubting, thin white needles shot towards him rapidly.

It's so fast!

There's no way to avoid it!

He instinctively raised his hand to block.

However, those thin white needles actually passed through his arms, shot everywhere on his body, and then merged into his body like salt blocks blending into sea water.

Every place hit by the white needle felt numb, and this numbing feeling was spreading to other parts of the body.

After his whole body becomes numb, he will let the other person eat his flesh, right?

A deep fear emerged within him.

This man is definitely the strongest enemy he has ever encountered since he lifted the demon seal and stole the magic power!

Don't be careless!

He just turned around and sprinted somewhere.

"Want to escape?"

Roja's body did not move when he said this.

Dooley came to the edge of the basement wall and punched the wall.

He took out a half-finger-long glass bottle of potion from the secret compartment hidden in the wall.

"You forced me!"

Dooley threw the bottle directly into his mouth, bit it into pieces, and swallowed the glass shards and the potion together.


After drinking the potion, Dooley was like a balloon being continuously inflated by a pump, and his body continued to expand.

The muscles bulged, the skin became charred and hard, and hot steam was rising all over his body.

The teeth in the mouth grew suddenly, and four of them were particularly long, piercing the lips like canine teeth and exposing them to the air.

In the blink of an eye, Dooley has transformed from an ordinary office worker into a two-meter-tall black monster.


Dooley growled.

A dull sound containing some kind of magical power spread around.

Everything in the basement shook violently and made a crisp "ding-dong-dong" sound.


He waved his right arm violently!

The aroused air turned into an air whip and hit the wall. The wall suddenly cracked and an obvious whip mark appeared.

"This is my real power!"

"Now I won't lose even if I face a senior knight!"

Duli's strength has increased dozens of times, and his self-confidence has grown to an unprecedented level!

Although this strange man who suddenly broke into his basement possessed some kind of special magic tool or had strange abilities, he was not physically strong. Although he had not successfully attacked the opponent just now, the aftermath of the attack was enough to The other party caused a lot of skin injuries.

Now his physique has increased dozens of times.

With the opponent's weak physique and slow speed, could he continue to dodge his attacks?

Even if the opponent is really allowed to dodge, the aftermath of the attack, which is dozens of times more powerful, is enough to seriously injure the opponent, right?

"Go to hell!"


Dooley, who was about to go on a killing spree and beat the damn intruder to a pulp, suddenly fell down

His body was beyond his control!

"what happened?"

He was struggling on the ground trying to stand up.

His strength was so powerful that he created deep pits on the ground, but even if he managed to stand up, he would soon fall down.

Boo hoo hoo.

Thin white needles shot from a distance and pierced into his body.

As more and more thin white needles penetrated his body, he felt that his body was becoming more and more uncontrollable.

"Could it be that……"

He concentrated on taking a closer look.

He could vaguely see thin threads emanating from Roja's body that were invisible to the naked eye. These thin threads were connected to the white thin needles integrated into his body, controlling his body like a puppet on strings.

"Is this a thin line of mental power?"

"Are you a spiritual knight?"

Those invisible thin threads of mental power seemed so fragile, but no matter how hard he tried, they could not be pulled apart.

It should be said that all his attacks have no effect on these thin lines of mental power.

"After drinking the potion, you are indeed very powerful, already comparable to a third-class apprentice. Unfortunately, your mental power has not been improved at all because of the existence of the potion."

Dooley's mental power is very weak, and he cannot even open up a level of mental space.

In front of Roja, whose spiritual power has reached the peak of the third-class apprentice, he has no power to fight back.

If Roya wanted to, he could even make Dooley brain-dead with a look.

The reason why he was willing to play with the other party for a few minutes was just to know how strong he was at this stage.

After a fierce battle, he came to a conclusion——

Sure enough it doesn’t work!

If he does not use his spirit to attack the enemy, he will not be able to defeat an enemy with the power of a third-level apprentice with just the strength of his great knight, no matter how exquisitely he uses his vitality.

He just used the long life needle formed by condensed life force to shoot into the acupuncture points in Du Li's body.

As long as there are too many, even Dooley who drinks the magic potion will be defeated.

The problem is that Dooley died before he was defeated.

So he had to use his mental power decisively.

Under the control of the spiritual threads, Dooley was played by him like a puppet on strings.

As the threads of mental power continue to increase, in the end, even Dooley's thoughts will be controlled by him, right?

"why why why--"

Dooley, who knew he was bound to lose, lost his mind and yelled crazily.

"Why is that scumbag who killed my daughter, chopped her into pieces and threw her into the cesspit, not sentenced to death?"

"Why is that damn guy in a mental hospital?"

"He killed so many people, he killed my daughter..."

"He is still taunting me in court, he is still laughing at me..."

"Wuwu, I just want to avenge my daughter..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's not me who's wrong, it's this society! It's the world!"

Du Li stared at Roja with red eyes, "Are you from their side too? Are you willing to be played by those rich people? Don't you want to kill them? Kill them with me!"

Faced with Du Li's crazy questioning, Roja just said coldly: "So you are still a hero who resists an unfair society? Then why haven't I seen you kill a few rich people? Instead, all those who died were weak and innocent children. girl?"

"Innocent?" Du Li's expression suddenly became extremely ferocious, "She has no idea how much I love her! She has no idea how hard I work for her!"

"Everything I do is to give her a happier and better life!"

"Why can't she understand?"

"Why doesn't she know how much I love her?"

"They don't understand the sadness of their parents, they act recklessly, they run away from home, they sell their bodies for a piece of cake and a bed..."

"They all deserve to die! Damn it! Damn it!..."


Dooley's face was distorted and he yelled crazily.

"It's so ugly."

Roya flicked his finger on the spiritual thread, and Duli immediately fainted.

He expressed sympathy for the tragic experience of Dooley's daughter being murdered and the murderer going free because he had money.

He decided to become a demon thief and use lynching to take revenge, and he expressed his understanding.

But after gaining power, he actually extended his magic hand to those innocent girls who ran away from home like his daughter?

"It's a brain circuit that is really incomprehensible." (End of this chapter)

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