Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 489 Lina’s choice


Sweet City West End.

Linna dragged her tired footsteps into a park with blooming flowers - Zijinhua Park.

Zijinhua Park is located in the West District of Sweet City, a relatively remote place.

As soon as she entered the park, she immediately felt scrutinizing eyes looking towards her.

When she thought about what kind of place this place was, she immediately shrank her head and wanted to turn around and leave.

But when she thought about having less than ten dollars left in her pocket, she stood there and hesitated for a while, then kept walking with her head down.

Sit down on an empty bench.

She turned around and looked around secretly.

There were many girls about her age in Zijinhua Park.

Those girls were dressed in gorgeous and voluptuous clothes, with bright jewelry on their ears, necks, and wrists, and many of them had lip studs. They didn't look like high school girls of seventeen or eighteen years old at all.

Of course, there are also a few runaway girls who look similar to her, with eyes full of confusion.

She muttered in her mind.

"I heard that you can meet 'good people' here who can provide accommodation and food. They say they are good people and they say they are staying overnight, but in fact they are just..."

Lina never thought that she would fall one day.

Watching the other girls in the park leaving with the men one by one, after rejecting another man who invited her.

She thought about leaving.

"I haven't even had a boyfriend yet."

"Since I can remember, I have never held hands with any other man except my father."

"There are quite a few boys chasing me in school. If I ask them for help and am willing to offer my body..."

"Why don't you go home?"

However, as soon as this thought emerged, she immediately shook her head and denied it.

"What's the point of going back to that cold home?"

"Maybe he still hasn't noticed that I ran away from home."

"Even if I die outside, I will never go back!"

She touched the ten dollars left in her pocket.

"Can still handle one meal."

"Find a bridge to sleep tonight, and find a job to do tomorrow."

"There are so many stores recruiting people. As long as I am willing to lower my requirements, I don't believe I can't find a job!"

With this in mind, Lina stood up.


A tall man stood in front of her at some point, and she was completely enveloped by his shadow.

She had already stood up, but her feet gave way and she sat back on the bench again.

She looked up.

I found that he was a meticulously dressed man in a suit and tie, an office worker who could be seen everywhere.

Just like dad.

After her parents divorced, she lived with her father.

Her father is an office worker who works in a newspaper office and often comes home in the middle of the night.

The father and daughter did not speak a few words throughout the year.

The opportunity for her to run away from home was——

Her father came to talk to her because her monthly test scores had dropped too much compared to last time.

You actually suspected that she was fooling around outside?

Have a bad boyfriend?

Obviously the real reason was that she had a fever during the exam days, and she endured the poor performance caused by being unwell during the exam.

As her father, the other party didn't notice that she had a fever in those days.

Still doubting her?

So she had a big fight with her father, and the next day she became more and more angry, and finally ran away from home with all the pocket money she had saved.

Seeing the office worker in front of her, she couldn't help but think of her father.

I feel scared and disgusted, but also feel a sense of intimacy.

"What's the matter with you?" Lina asked knowingly.

"this is for you."

The man put a small cake in a gift box into her hand.

She couldn't help but swallow her saliva as she smelled the cake.

When she suppressed her appetite and wanted to refuse, the man had already sat down beside her, took out another small cake and started eating it silently.


Unable to bear it any longer, Linna opened the cake box and ate it quickly.


This might be the best cake she has ever tasted in her life.

Although it’s just a strawberry cake that costs less than twenty yuan.

When she finished eating, the man sitting next to her also finished eating.

The man stood up and pulled her up.

"I, I didn't mean that..." Lina resisted slightly, "I'm very grateful for your cake... but I didn't mean... I actually wanted to leave Purple Flower Park..."

But under the strong pull of the man, she staggered along.

Finally she accepted her fate.

"I feel so dizzy."

"Where is this?"

In a daze, Lina's eyelashes trembled slightly.

The light in the room was so dazzling that it took her several attempts to adjust to the light and open her eyes.

"I, I am..."

She remembered.

After she left Purple Flower Park with a middle-aged man dressed as an office worker, she lost consciousness not long after.

"my hand……"

"My feet..."

She found that her hands and feet were immobilized.

She was chained to a steel stand that resembled a cross.

While she was still confused about what happened and whether she was dreaming.


The harsh sound of sharpening knives suddenly pierced her ears.

Goosebumps appeared all over her body in an instant.

She hurriedly looked in the direction where the sound of sharpening the knife came from.

There she saw a familiar figure.

Even though he had changed his clothes and no longer looked like an office worker, there was no doubt that he was the person she met in the park.

"Who are you!"

"What do you want to do?"

"Let me go quickly -"

She questioned, cursed, and screamed.

Her voice caused Dooley, who was sharpening his knife, to pause.

Dooley put down the half-sharpened knife and came to Lina who was locked on the steel cross. His cold gray eyes stared at Lina's pretty face.

Under Dooley's gaze, Lina, who was shouting crazily a second ago, suddenly closed her mouth in fear.

"I, I... you, you..."

Lina opened and closed her mouth, and it took a long time before she could say a complete sentence.

"I have decided to accompany you, why do you still do this?..."


Linna only felt a pain in her cheek, and her thoughts instantly went blank.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! -"

She coughed violently, spittle mixed with blood spitting out of her mouth.

It took her a while to realize what was happening.

This man actually hit her?

Even her father never hit her!

She was about to scold the other person angrily, but when her eyes met the other person's cold gray eyes, her heart froze and she dared not speak.

"Hmph! Bitch! Do you think I brought you here because of your body?"

"I'm not that kind of person!"

"Don't think of me as the beast that killed my daughter!"

Duley glared at Lina and cursed several times, then turned around and opened a frozen warehouse in the basement.

He rolled out a wheelchair from the warehouse covered with beautiful white silk. From the outline of the silk, you could see that the person sitting in the wheelchair was a little girl.

Dooley pushed the cart in front of Linna.

Under Lina's confused gaze, he gently lifted up the silk on the trolley.

The moment I saw clearly the appearance of the human body sitting on the wheelchair.


Lina couldn't help but vomited. (End of chapter)

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