one year later.

early morning.

Hu Shu Street Park.

On the wet grass, a man and a woman faced each other.

Anna was wearing loose white training clothes, and the black underwear underneath was vaguely visible in the white training clothes that were wet with dew.

The satin-like black hair was tied high on the back of her head, revealing her swan-like white and cultivated neck.

He held a one-meter-long wooden stick across his chest.

His eyes stared sharply ahead.

Five meters away from Anna, Roja was holding a wooden stick that was also one meter long, sweating heavily and breathing heavily.

There were more than a dozen children watching the two people confronting each other.

"Brother Luo Ya, come on!"

"As a man, you can lose to a girl!"

"Try to meet sister Anna once today!"

Amidst the cheers of the children, Roja suddenly shouted and rushed towards Anna.



Roja waved the stick wildly at Anna.

However, Anna just calmly flicked her wrist and blocked all of Roja's attacks.

Anna's displayed speed was much slower than Roja's, but she was able to block all of Roja's attacks.

It was as if Roja deliberately chopped Anna's stick.

Actually it wasn't, it was just that Anna completely predicted Roja's attack and made a response strategy in advance.

Half a minute later.


Roja couldn't stand it anymore, threw away the wooden stick in his hand and collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Sister, you are so awesome."

"I started practicing swordsmanship when I was seven years old. How can you possibly be as good as me after only practicing for three months?"

"I think it's not a matter of time, it's a matter of talent."


Anna looked at the children surrounding Roja.

"Brother Luo Ya, don't be discouraged. You will definitely be able to meet Sister Anna next time."

"Brother, you are sweating all over. Do you want some water?"

"I have chocolate here."

Some of these children pinched Roja's arms, some beat their legs, some touched their heads to comfort, some took out their own snacks...

Isn’t it also a gift to be welcomed and loved by so many people?

And it's a talent that is far more powerful than hers.

"Sister, if you work out with me every day, it won't waste your time, right?"

"No, I think I can improve much faster by sparring with you than by myself. If it weren't for your poor physical strength, I would have wanted to sparring with you all day long."

"Haha, sister, please stop comforting me."

"Just think of it as me comforting you."

Anna didn't lie.

She originally just thought that Luo Ya's physique was too weak, so she decided to teach Luo Ya sword skills and help him exercise his body.

She just didn't expect that after sparring with Roja, a newcomer who had only been exposed to swordsmanship for a few months, she actually felt that her understanding and application of swordsmanship had improved rapidly.

When she was in school, her swordsmanship was ranked outside the top 30, but now her swordsmanship is comparable to that of Yasi, who is in the top ten.

As for the reason——

She guessed it was related to her mood.

I heard that some people's swordsmanship has been stagnant for many years without making any progress, and then they suddenly improve after a sudden enlightenment.

Perhaps the state of her sparring with Roja was similar to an epiphany?

However, she only improved rapidly in swordsmanship, and her magic power and spirit were still ranked among the top 30 in the school.

After all, tricks can be achieved quickly, and magic power and spirit can only be improved through accumulated practice over time.

Her talent is average and she doesn't have enough resources, so it's difficult to catch up with others.

She is in her third grade and has only two months left before graduation.

Can she catch up with other classmates and pass the examination of the Royal Knights in two months?

In previous years, only about five people from each class of their Red Lotus Academy could join the Royal Knights.


She looked at Roja with a gentle smile.

As long as she has her family by her side, what if she can't join the Royal Knights?

"I'm going to the magic training room."

"I'm covered in mud and sweat. I need to wash my body well after I go back."

"Remember to use hot water. It's still quite cold in the morning, so it won't be good if you catch a cold."

After giving Roja a few words, Anna said goodbye to everyone and left.

Everyone in this world has magic.

For the sake of social stability and preventing people from using magic to cause destruction, only a few people can legally possess magic, and the rest will be sealed with magic seals.

But there is a way to unlock the demon seal.

It can be temporarily unlocked when teaching magic courses in school.

It can also be unlocked in a nationally certified magic training institution.

For example, private individuals are not allowed to own guns, but they can shoot guns during some military trainings, and marksmanship clubs can also legally practice marksmanship.

The school's magic courses can only be attended by students.

As for the magic training machine, anyone can enter it as long as they have money.

Practicing magic training in a magic training institution requires a lot of money.

Anna doesn't have that much money.

However, as a student of the Red Lotus Swordsman Academy, she has four hours of free time every week.

Standing in front of the magic training institution.

This is one of the most impressive and substantial buildings in the entire city of Sweet.

Passers-by looked at the people coming in and out of the building with envy. Since the end of their student days, most of them have never been able to experience the magic again in their lives.

"There are only four hours a week, so make sure you make good use of this time!"

She took a deep breath.

Enter the magic training institution.

Take out your student ID card.

Choose your room.

Come to the magic training room.

[Next, we will remove the magic seal from your body, please be mentally prepared]


【Ten, nine, eight...】

At the moment when the countdown ended, Anna felt that something that had been binding her body disappeared.

Powerful power surged out from deep inside her body, filling every muscle and every inch of her skin. Even her hair became hard one by one.

She stood there with her eyes closed.

It took a full three minutes for her to fully adapt to the sudden magic in her body.

She opened her eyes and looked around.

The magic training room was empty, except for herself and the long sword she picked and brought in outside.


The long sword is unsheathed.



She held the long sword tightly in both hands and swung the sword one after another.

After practicing basic swordsmanship for half an hour to warm up, she began to practice various magic skills taught in the school.


Two hours flew by.

She stopped practicing and looked a little ugly.

Compared with the recent rapid advancement in swordsmanship, her improvement in magic power and use of magic power have progressed too slowly!

"Four hours a week..."

"Two hours were wasted in one go, and nothing was gained."

"I'm thinking of bringing Roja here so that he can practice with me. Maybe my magic skills will improve by leaps and bounds like my sword skills?"

Four extra hours of practice time per week is too little!

When she thought of those rich students practicing for as many hours as they wanted, she could only sigh helplessly.

She has no money!

If she is willing to agree to Doyle's pursuit, he should support her, right?

If she asked her friend Yasi for a request, Yasi would probably agree to her with a smile, right?

She can't do it!

"Even if you can't join the Royal Knights, it doesn't matter..."

Entering the Royal Knights is the dream of every child in this world.

She has dreamed of joining the Royal Knights since she was a child, and she doesn't want to give up easily.

As long as there was still a glimmer of hope, she wanted to work hard.

"But there's no point in trying hard!"

"If you want to pass the knight test, is that the only way?"

She remembered a book she found on her father's bookshelf - "Fire Fighting Demon Sword".

It was when she was sorting out her father's bookshelf that she discovered the sandwich on a worn-out book.

From the mezzanine, she got a secret book called "Fire Fighting Demonic Sword", a book with extremely advanced skills in the use of magic. It can convert ordinary magic power into Fire Fighting magic. The destructive power of Fire Fighting magic is ten times that of ordinary magic. !

She just took a few glances and came to the conclusion——

"It's definitely a secret skill level!"

"Those big families that have had official knights for generations may not necessarily have such powerful secret skills!"

This secret technique looks very powerful from the description, but it is very difficult to learn, and it can backfire on your body if you are not careful.

She has been struggling with it ever since she saw "Fire Fighting Demon Sword".

Do you want to practice?

"If I don't practice, I will most likely fail the knight test."

"Cultivation? What if something goes wrong with your body?"

"I don't want my brother to worry."

"If something happens to me, how sad will my brother be?"

Her expression kept changing.

Finally she bit it!

"Try it first!"

"If it goes well, keep practicing."

"If it feels difficult or dangerous, then stop."

"Absolutely no risk!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

In the end Anna couldn't resist the temptation.

She sat cross-legged and circulated the magic power in her body according to the magic power operation method of "Fire Fighting Demon Sword".

The operation route is extremely complex and requires extremely high control of magic power.

After successfully converting ordinary magic power into Yandou magic power, unbearable pain will be felt throughout the body.

"Run the magic power and convert ordinary magic power into Fire Fighting magic power. This process is very difficult, but you can still do it with more practice."

"The real difficulty lies in the severe pain that comes from the body after acquiring the magic power of Yandou!"

"Once you are distracted by the severe pain, the operation of the magic power will go awry. At the least, your muscles will crack and your internal organs will be damaged. In the worst case, you will be unable to control Yan Dou's magic power and explode and die!"

She silently carried the magic power according to the operation route.

In her initial expectation, she would have to practice hard for at least a month before she could learn all the magic power routes.

As a result something unexpected happened.

"So smooth!"

"It's as if I have been practicing hard for decades and have this operating route deeply engraved into my genes."

"what happened?"

"Am I actually the genius of "Fire Fighting Demon Sword"?"

She couldn't master ordinary magic skills, but when faced with higher-level and more difficult secret skills, she actually mastered them easily?

It made her feel like she was dreaming.

She wanted to slap herself hard several times to see if it was fake.

"Is this a success?"

"Can we directly convert ordinary magic power into Yan Dou magic power?"


"Try it?"


Red magic burst out from her body.

"it hurts!"

She felt like a balloon about to explode, every bone and every muscle in her body was screaming.

But her spirit was surprisingly calm.


She moved and flew out from where she was.


In the past, when she hit with all her strength, her limit was only 300 hours.

It actually exceeded 600 speeds!

The speed actually doubled!


Anna, who had released the magic power of Yan Dou, fell to the ground exhausted.

She simply lay down on the ground and looked at the ceiling with a silly smile.

She was very tired, her muscles ached all over, and it was difficult to even blink her eyes.

But she was very happy.

She learned the Flame Fighting Demon Sword!

The first time she learned it, she learned this extremely difficult and powerful secret technique in less than two hours!

"Maybe God is helping me?"

"Maybe I can really join the Royal Knights?"

"Since I met my brother, everything feels better."

Roja's smiling face appeared in front of Anna's eyes.

The seemingly ordinary smile made her heart feel warm. (End of chapter)

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