Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 481 Belated Support

"Fortunately, the level 4 witchcraft spirit transfer master can still be used, otherwise I would really be dead."

"The feeling of death is really unpleasant!"

The effect of the witchcraft of turning the soul into a subordination is somewhat similar to that of opening a trumpet.

You can usually switch between the large and small accounts at will. When the large account dies, it will be seamlessly switched to the small account.

It only takes a while for the tuba to be resurrected.

"Originally, I thought that after I became a fourth-level wizard, I would slowly practice the trumpet."

"The large one takes the dark wizard route, and the small one can try the white wizard or green wizard route."

"I didn't expect to be forced to use a trumpet in this situation."

Roja looked at his calloused hands.

His current body is equivalent to that of him when he was fifteen years old. When he was fifteen years old, he had thick calluses on his hands due to years of sword practice.

It's a pity that his talent is not very good, and he is not even a quasi-knight at the age of fifteen.

"Oh, the big one is dead. I don't know if I want to be resurrected until the year of the monkey."

"What's the mission going to be?"

"Is there still a way for me to become a level five true god within a hundred years?"

He didn't expect that so many things would happen before ten minutes passed when he and Leia were separated.

"Leia, what on earth are you doing!"

"If I hadn't learned the fourth level of witchcraft to transform into a spiritual master, I would most likely have died here!"

"Is it really okay for you to be so careless?"

If Leia appeared in front of him now, he would rush forward without hesitation and give her two big cunts a fight.

Too bad Leia isn't here.

Now that things have happened, all he can do is move on with strength.

He is not the kind of person who likes to complain.

He dusted himself off and stood up.

Looking at Orson who was bitten into pieces by the blood-toothed demon wolf, Roja sighed softly:

"How miserable!"

If this person hadn't suddenly appeared, he would have safely left the fog.

But he doesn't blame the other party.

Don't bother to blame the other party.

"The fog is almost clearing."

"He has his mates out there."

"We have to find a way to fool him!"

After thinking for a while, he picked up a stone from the ground. This was a stone formed by Orson breaking the ground when he fought with the Bloodtooth Demon Wolf.

He hit himself in the chest with a rock.



Roja only felt a pain in his chest.

With a crisp sound of bone cracking, two of his ribs were broken.

"And the blood stains on my body..."

Because someone had cut off the blood artery in his throat just now, the blood spurted out and covered his body all over.

When someone asks him what the blood on his body is about, how should he answer?

It didn't take long for him to find a way.

When the Blood-toothed Demon Wolf fought with Orson just now, the Blood-toothed Demonic Wolf suffered many wounds, and a lot of blood flowed on the ground.

He rolled several times in the blood of the Blood-toothed Demonic Wolf, and the blood that belonged to him was directly covered up by the blood of the Blood-toothed Demonic Wolf.

"There is another small problem. I don't seem to understand the language of this world?"

From the conversation between those people just now, he found that he could not understand them at all.

But to him, this was just an insignificant problem.

The structure of human vocal cords is destined to have a limited number of syllables that humans can produce. As long as they are human, language has certain rules.

For example, all over the world, the pronunciation "mom" is used to address mothers.

Roja has learned hundreds of millions of languages ​​in the wizarding world, and there are no less than a million languages ​​related to human beings. He has already summarized the rules of human languages.

Just listen to the other person's expression, demeanor, syllables...

It won't be long before he learns a completely new language.

He lay on the ground and pretended to faint.

At the same time, he used the Witness of Two Souls to observe the people in his city, observe their lives, listen to their speech, and watch their writing...

A large amount of knowledge is collected and analyzed by the evidence of the two souls.

In just a few minutes, he had learned the language and writing of this world.

All he needs to do next is wait.

On the silent street.

The cold wind howled.

Snowflakes are falling.

In this cold night, Evan was sweating all over his body.

"Uncle Orson——"

He tried shouting a few words, but then there was no response at all.

"You were walking side by side with me just now and chatting, but in the blink of an eye you were gone..."

"Surely it can only be caused by the erosion of the demonic realm?"

"At this time I should..."

Remembering what he should do, he quickly took out the flare gun, loaded the flare with trembling fingers, and pulled the trigger toward the sky.


In the dull sound, a signal was shot into the sky, exploded in mid-air, and turned into the silhouette of a goshawk.

This signal flare is made of special materials, and the goshawk transformed in mid-air can only be observed with the help of special instruments within the patrol organization.

"The patrol branch is not far from here. Support should be here within five minutes."

It wasn't like he was doing nothing until backup arrived.

He focused his magic power in his eyes and searched carefully around him.

"This should be the location of the Demon Realm's erosion..."

"There is a feeling of space distortion..."

"How can we rescue Uncle Orson?"

He was only a newcomer who had been working for two months, and he didn't understand many things yet. Even the erosion of the demonic realm was the first time he encountered it. The only thing he could do was to ensure his own safety while waiting for support.


He punched the street lamp next to him.

Even though he didn't use magic, his powerful power still dented the iron street lamp pole.

"It's supposed to be a demonic realm!"

"Damnable demons!"

"When can we solve the demon realm and the demon clan!"

A thousand years ago, they had an extremely prosperous civilization.

It was a civilization built on knights.

It is a world where silver knights roam everywhere, golden knights are not uncommon, and there is a dream world that only exists in the legendary Knights of Divine Will.

However, one day thousands of years ago, the Demon Realm suddenly appeared.

The Demon Realm is something similar to a parallel world.

After the demonic realm and reality meet, it will erode reality and open the passage to the demonic realm. The powerful monsters and demons in the demon world will come to reality to destroy and kill wildly, eventually causing reality to fall into the demon realm and disappear completely.

The size of the real world continues to shrink.

Seeing that the entire reality will fall into the demonic realm, mankind will perish as a result.

Fortunately, three hundred years ago, the great sage Pumeis appeared. He sacrificed his life to set up a magic barrier to protect the only remaining space of mankind and isolate the demonic realm.

"In recent years, the demonic realm has been eroded more and more. Could it be that the demon-proof barrier of the great sage Pumis has..."

"I must be thinking too much!"

Evan shook his head, shaking off the ominous thoughts from his mind.

In the midst of his wild thoughts, support arrived.

Three men in patrol uniforms walked up quickly.

The team was led by a sturdy man with a strong build, sharp eyes, and an air of self-importance.

This man whose strong muscles almost burst his uniform is none other than Booker, the captain of the Third Patrol Squadron to which Evan Shiki and the others belong!

Evan rushed forward as if he had seen a savior and briefly told what happened.

"This is where Uncle Orson suddenly disappeared." Evan said, pointing somewhere.

"Well, it is indeed the erosion of the demon realm, but it doesn't seem to appear naturally. Could it be that it is a demon thief..." Captain Booker muttered while opening a handbag he was carrying.

He took out a box from his handbag.

Opening the box, six black stones the size of peanuts lay quietly inside.

Deep in the black stone, a golden rune can be faintly seen.

"In this case, three should be enough."

After taking the three black stones, he carefully put the box back into his handbag.

Then, he took out another palm-sized box from his handbag. This box contained a piece of white cloth with a formation-like pattern painted on it with blood-like paint.

He spread the white cloth with the blood pattern on the ground and placed the three black magic stones in his hand on it.

Inject magic!


A weak vortex appeared above the white cloth.

Wisps of mist were attracted by the vortex from nowhere and rotated with the vortex.

In just a few breaths, a vortex channel formed by dense fog has taken shape.

Through the whirlpool passage, they could see the space on the opposite side that was about to collapse.

Across the way is the gap between reality and the demonic realm!

Some people call it the world of mist, while others call it the world of confusion!

If they were a little later, this space would collapse, and no one would know what happened inside.

They didn't rush in.

They were observing the scene inside from outside the passage.

Looking at the pools of blood on the ground that obviously came from Warcraft, their faces became a little ugly.

This shows that Orson encountered an attack by a monster!

They continued to watch.

But when they saw the fragmented bodies on the ground, still wearing their patrol uniforms, their expressions became completely unbearable.

Captain Booker and the two teammates he brought were fine, but Evan was not.

Evan has grown up so long, when has he ever seen such a scene?

If it were just an ordinary dead person, his face would be a little ugly at best.

But being torn apart by monsters?

The internal organs were scattered all over the floor, and the head was torn apart?

Especially when the other person was a living person just a few minutes ago!

Evan only felt his stomach turning violently.


He couldn't help but spit it out.

Captain Booker on the side just glanced at him and did not blame him.

Captain Booker told those present:

"I'll go ahead, Ryan and Yodon, you two, follow me and cover me. Evan, you stay outside and be vigilant."

Captain Booker, who had made arrangements, took the lead.

The three of them carefully walked through the mist vortex and entered.

After checking, no danger was found.

Ryan came to the unconscious survivor and checked the survivor's physical condition.

Yodon took out a glass tube to contain the blood of the monsters flowing on the ground, and used tweezers to pick up the fallen hairs of the monsters and put them into the box.

As for Captain Booker.

He came to Orson's remains and sighed: "Oh, you were supposed to have a rest today to celebrate your daughter's birthday, but I was the one who forced you to work overtime on patrol. I was the one who harmed you."

He took off his coat and laid it on the ground, picked up Orson's remains piece by piece and placed them on the coat.

When he packed up Orson's remains, the interstitial space they were in was only a little away from completely collapsing.

They quickly passed through the whirlpool passage and returned to the real world. (End of chapter)

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