Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 479 The danger deep in the fog

Ark Federation Empire.

Sweet City.

Queen Street.

late at night.

On a quiet street filled with mist.

A young man wearing a simple black robe stepped out of the mist.


"It's so cold!"

After passing through the space vortex, Roja found that he had arrived in a strange city.

Luo Ya, who only wore a thin black robe, had goosebumps sprouting up all over his body like bamboo shoots after a rain under the cold wind.

Although the wizard's black robe he is wearing is only the standard robe of the wizarding world, it should not be a problem if it is warm in spring and cool in summer, and can be isolated from the ordinary cold air.

But all the characteristics of the wizard's black robe, like his strength, are all sealed.

With the power to destroy even stars, he became an ordinary person who could not run 100 meters in ten seconds.

The wizard's black robe, which has stronger defense than most magic armor and is so strong that it can withstand nuclear bomb attacks, is now just an ordinary robe.


Snow-white breath came out of Roja's mouth.

Due to the low temperature, his cheeks turned red and his teeth were chattering.

"If I, a fourth-level wizard, die in the hands of the enemy instead of freezing to death on the streets, I will be laughed to death if I tell anyone about it."

He looked around.

Looking around at the tall buildings made of turned heads.

Look at the retro-looking cars parked on the roadside.

Looking at the transparent glass used in the clothing store window, you can see the exquisite dresses and suits inside through the glass.

"Is it the modern world after the second industrial revolution, with cars, trains, light bulbs...?"

"The seventh-level elf world, the Death Eye Spiritual World, is very different from what we imagined!"

In his expectation, the Death Eye Spirit World should be a world filled with the aura of death and a paradise for undead creatures.

The place he went to should be a place similar to a refugee shelter.

I didn’t expect it to be a modern city?

Listening to the barking of dogs from far away, you can feel the tranquility and peace of this city and this country.

He looked up at the snowflakes falling from the sky.

"The season is probably winter."

"As for the time, it's around ten o'clock in the evening."

"First put on thicker clothes, find a safe and warm place to live, and find a way to solve the problem of food and clothing..." Luo Ya smiled bitterly, "I have to pick up garbage again."

"I can only feel sorry for you."

"Proof of Two Souls!"

Fortunately, the power of the Certificate of Two Souls has not been sealed, and it is still at "Level 4" strength.

There is a huge difference in strength between the newly awakened dual soul certificate and the dual soul certificate after becoming a fourth-level wizard!

The newly awakened twin souls need to take a rest in a few minutes.

The certificate of two souls after the fourth level can last for several months without any problem.

Not only the duration, but also the observation distance are not at the same level at all.

As long as he uses the "fourth level" dual soul certificate, everything within a radius of hundreds of kilometers will be invisible to him, and he can even see the trajectory of atoms clearly.

But with such a powerful proof of two souls, he just wants to use this power to pick up some clothes, money, and food.

Roja didn't have any psychological burden on using the Two Souls Certificate to pick up trash.

At the moment when the certificate of two souls is opened.


He was surprised to find that the mist deep inside him was no ordinary mist at all!

Feeling the crisis of his life, he quickly used the Two Souls Witness to find a way out of the fog, as well as the dangers that might be hidden deep in the fog.

After seeing what was hidden and in the mist, he felt a chill run through his body.

Just now it was because of the cold weather that my body felt chilly.

Now it's because of the dangerous situation that my heart is chilling!

There is a magical beast hidden in the depths of the mist. The strength of that magical beast is not strong from the perspective of a fourth-level wizard, but it still makes Roja's heart feel cold!

That monster is weak.

Even if he only has the strength of a knight, with the proof of two souls, he can still defeat him.

The problem is that he doesn't even have the strength to be a knight now, he is just an ordinary person!

At this moment, Roja cursed all eighteen generations of Leia's family in his heart.

"Leia Leia, didn't you say you would send me to a safe place?"

"Why did you appear in a monster's hunting trap when you first appeared?"

"You are killing me!"

"What good will it do you if I die?"

Roja knew that Leia was still waiting for him to save her, so she would never harm him intentionally.

So it can only be accidental?

"How can you be so careless about something so important?"

"No wonder you were caught and sealed, and you need to be rescued by a little fourth-level wizard like me!"

Complaints are complaints.

Roja's reaction was still very quick.

Almost as soon as he discovered the danger, he immediately thought of a countermeasure.

"It didn't attack me right away?"

"As long as I leave the fog range without attracting its attention, it should be safe, right?"

"still have a chance!"

In order not to attract the other party's attention, Roja decisively used——


There are many types of hypnotism.

One is to use mental power to influence the spiritual will of others.

One is to induce others through actions, eyes, and words.

As a fourth-level wizard, Roja possesses a vast amount of knowledge.

There is a lot of knowledge belonging to wizards, and there is also a lot of knowledge for mortals.

He knows how to build a space battleship.

He was proficient in the art of hypnotism.

Even if he has no mental power, his hypnosis skills are the best.

He adjusted his breathing.

He controls the movement.

Even the movement of his clothes contained a certain rhythm.

Roja seems to be just an ordinary person in every aspect. Although everyone can see him and hear his words, they strangely don't attract attention and subconsciously ignore him.

He is like a stone on the roadside, no one cares.

One step, two steps, three steps...

He walked towards the outer edge of the mist step by step.

Step by step, he moved away from the monster hiding in the depths of darkness.

"Good, it looked away."

"It took its attention away from me and started yawning out of boredom."

The knowledge that was of little use to a wizard saved his life in an emergency!

He didn't have time to feel happy yet.

Looking at another figure that suddenly broke into the fog, Roja's expression changed suddenly.


What sounded at the same time as Roja's heartbeat was a dull beast's roar.


The beast's roar with strong murderous intent came from the depths of the mist.

A demonic wolf bigger than a calf swung through the mist, passed by Roja, and pounced on the man on the other side who broke into the mist.

On the silent street.

Two men wearing long black coats with a cross sword hidden under the coat were walking while observing the surroundings.

Among the two, one is a young man in his early twenties, and the other is a middle-aged man in his forties.

The middle-aged man looked serious and kept one hand on the hilt of his sword, ready to fight at any time.

The young man had a tired face and his hands in his pockets, looking very unhappy about working overtime late at night.

"Why do we have to go out on patrol in the cold weather? We have been patrolling until tomorrow morning for four days! We haven't rotated yet! We have to work during the day and at night. The higher-ups really treat us like cows and horses!" Evan tightened his tight-fitting clothes Coat, complaining.

"There is no way, eleven people have disappeared in a row." Orson was still vigilant about the surroundings, "I learned from the survivors that they broke into a fog, and monsters appeared from the fog. It is most likely due to the erosion of the demonic realm.”

"Devil erosion? That's not something we patrols can deal with, right? The formal knights of the Knights should deal with it." Evan said.

"The duty of our patrol is to determine whether it is a demon invasion and what the danger level is. If it is not dangerous, we will solve it ourselves. If it is too dangerous, we will report it and the higher-ups will send members of the Knights to deal with it." Orson explained.

"I heard that after becoming a patrol rider, you can unlock the seal and gain the authority to use magic, and you also have the opportunity to become an official knight, so I worked so hard..." Evan stared down at his toes, kicking the stones with his toes in boredom, " Are there any precedents among the apprentice knights in our patrol team who have become full knights?"

Faced with this question, Orson remained silent.

Everyone in this world can awaken their magic power after exercising.

Depending on the level of qualifications and the degree of training, more or less magic power can be obtained.

The strength of people with magical powers is extremely terrifying.

No matter how ordinary people exercise, they can only have a strength of two to three thousand kilograms at most. After awakening the magic power, anyone can easily lift tens of thousands of pounds!

In order to prevent the world from becoming chaotic due to magic, everyone was planted with a demon seal.

Only a very small number of approved people can legally use magic.

For most civilians, there is only one way to legally use magic - join the Knights!

But how difficult it is to join the Knights!

Their Ark Federation Empire has hundreds of millions of people, while the number of official members of the Knights is only over 10,000.

There are no more than a hundred people in the country who can become members of the Knights every year!

As for the trainee knights who are patrolling everywhere, although they can temporarily unlock the demon seal and gain the authority to use magic power during work, they have no skills, no potions, and no time to practice. Their strength cannot be improved at all, and they can only be An apprentice knight.

Upgrade from apprentice knight to official knight?

Looking at the hundreds of years of history of the entire patrol organization, only three trainee knights who have made great contributions have been awarded the title of honorary knight.

Thinking of changing from a trainee knight to a full knight in the riding organization is nothing more than a dream.

However, even if the chance is slim, every year there are still many young people who dream of becoming an official knight and decide to join the patrol organization in order to become an official knight.

Evan does.

Orson was the same way back then.

But unlike Evan, a young man who still harbors unrealistic dreams, Orson, who has passed middle age, has already recognized the reality. (End of chapter)

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