Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 471 A hundred years? Level five realm?


He is not a man who can be bought off with these small favors.

He believed that the other party's kindness would never be in vain. How happy he was when he got these things today may be how sad he is tomorrow.

"Are you going to test your own strength first, or take the next step immediately?" Leia asked.

"...Let's try my strength after becoming a level four wizard first." Roja said eagerly.


Leia patted her hand lightly, and the surrounding scene suddenly became distorted.

In an instant, the two of them came from the ancient mysterious church to an endless green prairie.

The wind blows.

The green grassland undulates like waves.

After Roja took a deep breath of the fragrance of the vegetation, his body suddenly shot forward.


Because his speed was so fast, the air turned into substantial ripples that could be seen with the naked eye and spread towards the surroundings.

If it were an ordinary grassland, a deep ravine would have been plowed on the ground.

However, this is the space transformed by Leia, so the green grass is only undulating rapidly, the young leaves are flying in the air, and the topography of the grassland has not been damaged.

One hundred times the speed of sound, two hundred times the speed of sound, three hundred times the speed of sound...

One thousand times the speed of sound, two thousand times the speed of sound, three thousand times the speed of sound...

In the end, Roja's speed stopped at six thousand times the speed of sound.

He was not very satisfied with this result.

"I have just gained advanced magic power, and my speed is six hundred times the speed of sound."

"After becoming a perfect human, my speed should be close to a thousand times the speed of sound."

"Breaking through the fourth level and reaching the top of the fourth level, the magic power has increased tens of millions of times. I can also increase it tens of millions of times without asking for speed, but dozens of times should still be there, right?"

"The result is that the speed only increased by about six times?"

"Only six thousand times the speed of sound?"

"Is it because I'm not the speed type?"

"Because I'm a plant wizard?"

The basic movement speed is six thousand times the speed of sound. Looking at all the fourth-level wizards, he is definitely in the first echelon.

After all, the speed of many junior level four wizards is only a little over a thousand times the speed of sound, and the peak level four wizards are less than three thousand times the speed of sound.

But Roja's comparison targets were not ordinary wizards.

But the top group of wizards in history!

Among the top wizards, it is not uncommon for those at their peak level four to have a basic movement speed exceeding 10,000 times the speed of sound.

Roya continued flying.

His speed had already reached his limit of 6,000 times the speed of sound, but his speed suddenly surged!

It’s space distortion and stretching!

By twisting and stretching the space to achieve an effect similar to shrinking the ground into an inch, the movement speed is accelerated.

He has the Kongqu witchcraft ring he got from Aita, but what he relies on to control space this time is not the Kongqu witchcraft ring, but his own power!

"After becoming a fourth-level wizard, the gravity emitted is powerful enough to change the orbit of the planet, and the existence itself can significantly distort time and space."

"Wizards believe that if you can observe, you can interfere, and if you can interfere, you can control."

"A fourth-level wizard who can significantly distort time and space already has a certain degree of power to manipulate time and space."

"Even if you are not a time-space wizard, you can still control time and space, but it's just not as good as a real time-space wizard."

He is not a fire wizard, but he can create fire, but not as much as a real fire wizard.

He is not a thunder wizard, but he can create thunder and lightning, but not as much as a real thunder wizard.

The same goes for the power of time and space.

Every fourth-level wizard has the power to control time and space to a certain extent, but it is not as good as a real time-space wizard.

"Three times?"

Roja made his speed three times faster by compressing space, from 6,000 times the speed of sound to 18,000 times the speed of sound!

"As a peak level four wizard, I should be able to control space more than three times. And I have extremely high space talent, so I should be able to control more space power than other wizards of the same level."

"Is it because I'm not skilled enough?"

"An ordinary level four peak wizard is about six times more powerful."

"If I say it, maybe it can be ten times that?"

Being able to control space to stretch and shrink ten times is equivalent to increasing his speed ten times!

Soaring from six thousand times the speed of sound to sixty thousand times the speed of sound!

Coupled with the Jenga of Time, he can easily break through the speed of light!

"I can already fly faster than light on my own."

"Super light speed doesn't seem to be that big of a deal."

After experiencing his own speed, he stopped.

He began to experiment with other abilities.

"Plant clone."

In the past, with the help of the ability of plant clones, he could easily create hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of clones with the same physique, magic power and spirit as himself.

The surging magic power turned into whirlpools, and in the center of each vortex slowly emerged a figure that was almost identical to Roja himself.


"Can't you?"

"You can't actually create a clone with the same physique, magic power and spirit as myself?"

"Alas, this is the limit of the secondary characteristics."

The ability to branch is a characteristic he awakened after practicing the second-level skills, and it is not even considered witchcraft.

When this second-level characteristic is in the second-level realm, its power is comparable to witchcraft.

But when it reaches the third level, it is of little use.

At the fourth level, it is almost useless.

"It seems that it will not be feasible to rely on plant clones to create wood soul armorers in the future."

He can still create plant clones and use the Wood Soul Armorer.

But those plant clones are too weak!

Even if he is made into a Wood Soul Armorer, his combat power is only at the third level of high level at most. He is not an opponent at the fourth level at all, and it will be of almost no help to him in battle.

He didn't expect that the Wood Soul Armorer, whom he once regarded as one of his trump cards, would fall behind.

"Should we really look for a fourth-level wizard and use a fourth-level wizard to sacrifice the armored soul?"

"The success rate of sacrificing the armored soul is less than 1%. How can there be so many level four wizards in this world for me to use!"

In his hometown of Shenwa Witchland, there are only a handful of fourth-level wizards.

Even if it is enlarged to the Flame Source Realm, the number of fourth-level wizards does not exceed thirty.

The success rate of Armored Soul Sacrifice is——

One percent!

"The Wood Soul Armorer is originally a creature of tricks, so it's normal for him to be unable to keep up with my progress in strength."

"As for the Kaihun sacrifice?"

"It's better not to do this kind of thing that will cause resentment and hatred from all over the world."

Then, he began to experiment with other abilities.

"Red Cannon, level four deployment!"

After he became stronger, Red Fire Cannon also became stronger.

At the third level, the red artillery can only accommodate a maximum of 100 million units, but now it can actually accommodate 100 billion units!

The amount of magic power simply increased a thousand times.

But the power is increased tens of thousands of times!

At the third level, the red fire cannon could only smash the moon with a full blow, but now it can easily destroy planets!

Even if the sun eats the attack of the red artillery, there will be no small changes.

For most level four wizards, the power of the Red Fire Cannon is definitely a good boost.

Kroya is not "most" level 4 wizards!

At the third level, the Red Fire Cannon, which can only hold 100 million units of magic power, is useless.

Now that he has become a fourth-level wizard, his magic power has increased tens of millions of times, but the magic power that the Red Fire Cannon can hold has only increased a thousand times? It’s not even considered tasteless, it’s just garbage!

"What I need is a weapon with unlimited output!"

"It's a weapon that can consume all my magic power at once!"

The red artillery is no longer useful.

"I hope there will be no problem with the Witch Array's Soul-Eating Resentment Swamp."

Theoretically, there is no upper limit to the power of the witch formation. As long as you are powerful enough, there is no problem in putting the sun into the witch formation as an energy source.

But after experiencing the defeat of the Wood Soul Armorer and the Red Cannon, Roja was really a little scared.

In order to test the power of the witch formation, the Soul-eating Swamp, he asked Leia to change the scene.

They came from the green prairie to a cosmic void.

Looking at the planets floating around him, he couldn't help but look at Leia a few more times, thinking to himself, "I wonder if these planets were imagined by her, or do they really exist?"

This thought flashed through his mind.

Then he started the test of the witch formation's soul-devouring swamp.


With him as the center, a dark black spherical formation with a dark atmosphere spread out.

Ten kilometers, one hundred kilometers, one thousand kilometers...

When the Soul-Devouring Swamp expanded to its limit, its diameter actually reached a horrifying three million kilometers!

The unfolding soul-eating swamp shrouded every planet.

From the sticky "swamp", black arms exuding an ominous aura stretched out.

These giant palms, which are larger than planets, grasp planets one after another.

Use force!


Those planets were directly smashed to pieces in a crisp shattering sound!

Soul-eating marsh is a witch formation that specializes in spirituality, but its physical attacks are not weak either.

After taking a look at the debris formed by hundreds of broken planets, he asked Leia to transform the new test subject.


The scene changes and a huge red sun appears.

They were standing in front of a star that was constantly burning, emitting light and heat, and could continue burning for tens of billions of years!

"This is the sun——"

Roja took a deep breath and used the witch formation Soul-Eating Resentment Swamp to cover the sun in front of him.

Under the power of the Soul-eating Swamp, the sun seemed to be trapped in the swamp. Huge black arms stretched out from the swamp, grabbing the sun and dragging the star towards the depths of the swamp.

I saw that the sun was constantly being squeezed and deformed by the power of the Soul-eating Swamp.


Reached the limit!


The sun was overwhelmed and exploded!

A supernova explodes, sending endless light and heat into the void of the universe.

Facing the supernova explosion, the most terrifying natural phenomenon in the universe, Roja didn't have any fear in his eyes. Instead, he looked as if he had seen the most gorgeous scenery in the world, and he was distracted.

After a long time, he came back to his senses.

"I actually destroyed the star?"

"The sun is so fragile in my hands?"

"Is this the power of the devil? This is the power of the devil!"

The three realms of level three, level four, and level five are called the trilogy of ascending to the gods.

At level three, gain the spirit of the devil.

At level four, gain the power of the devil.

At level five, you gain the realm of the devil.

He is now at level four and has the power of a demon!

What is a demon?

Looking at the broken sun in front of him, he suddenly understood in his heart - this is the devil!

"Finally, let's test my bloodline talent."

When he became a perfect human, his bloodline talent was greatly improved, from an ordinary second-level talent to a fifth-level true god talent.

When the bloodline talent upgrade was successful, he wanted to test its power immediately. However, he was still practicing at that time, so he could only give up temporarily with regret.

Now it finally works.

His eyes stared at the fragments left behind after the star exploded.

"Sharing souls together!"

Whoosh whoosh——

On those fragments, green vines grew out of thin air.

These vines absorbed star fragments and continued to grow. The vines became entangled together, eventually forming a huge vine that was tens of thousands of kilometers long, comparable to a planet!

Roja nodded slightly as he watched this scene.

"Can even light, heat and various solid states be absorbed and converted into energy?"

The previous sharing of souls was based on the bloodline talent of life.

The power of earth veins can also be absorbed, but the effect will be much worse.

As for absorbing stones, steel, seawater... these things into energy?


However, the upgraded fifth-level living souls can be taken together!

Even things like stone, steel, and seawater can be absorbed and converted into energy.

"Perfectly transforming quality into magic?"

"It's more powerful than nuclear fusion and more efficient than antimatter."

"Does that mean I don't have to worry about losing my magic power anymore?"

"The devil-free environment can no longer restrain me?"

"No magic power? Just stone and soil!"

"Unfortunately, it seems that spiritual power cannot be absorbed from the stone."

Roja vaguely felt that the upgraded power of sharing souls was not only this, but should be even more powerful.

"Could it be that……"

He stared into the vast void of the universe.


Traces of green seedlings are growing with difficulty using the void of the universe as the soil.

Even though it's slow, it's definitely growing.

These vines actually draw power from the void of the universe!

The void of the universe is not really empty, there is time and space.

Roja once thought that the power of space and time was different from matter and a higher-dimensional force.

Matter can be converted into energy.

There is no such possibility in space and time.

However, he is now using the power of sharing souls to transform the power of time and space into magic power!

As long as there is still space and time, he will be able to continuously gain power!

"Is this level five witchcraft?"

"It's really terrifying!"

He tested his advanced power, and the more he tested, the more frightened he became.

After roughly testing all aspects of the fifth-level soul-collecting abilities, he stayed where he was for a long time before he came back to his senses.

"Isn't it too scary to share the soul of a fifth-level talent?"

"Compared to the original version, the improvement is too great. If we continue to share souls..."

"We should give the advanced level five talent a new name."

"What should I call it?"

"Can convert mass into energy, can absorb magic power from the void..."

"Vines will grow when used..."

After pondering for a few seconds, he nodded and said, "I'll just call you Xu Zhitei."

Successfully mastered the power of the fifth-level talent of virtual matter implantation.

Roya looked at Leia.

"The next step is the Dark Spider King's advanced skills and level six witchcraft, right?" Roja said.

"Ah? There are still hundreds of years, do you want to start the mission now?" Leia looked at Roja in surprise.

"What do you mean?" Roja was surprised.

"Didn't I tell you? What do you need for this mission?"

"Isn't it just to save your sealed soul?"

"How to save?"

"Huh? So how can we save him?"

"Actually, it's very simple. You just need to enter the spirit world of the Dead Eye in the elf world, carry the prototype of the sixth-level witchcraft I taught you, and practice the advanced skill of the fifth-level witchcraft you learned, "Divine Desire Soul Dividing Chapter". Just break through from the fourth level to the fifth level within a hundred years." Leia smiled.

"Ah?" Roya was dumbfounded.

"You only need to practice inside. You don't need to kill enemies, take risks, or fight anyone. As long as you become a level five true god, you can successfully rescue me. There is no danger at all," Leia said.

"You, you..." Roja didn't know how to express his inner emotions at this time, "Are you crazy!?" (End of Chapter)

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