Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 444 Am I a pure and kind god?

at night.

Admiral William stared through the window at the stars dotting the night sky.

The night view is so beautiful and intoxicating.

But now, who else can appreciate this beauty?

Staring at the sky, all one feels is fear.

"Do enemies come from the stars?"

Admiral William pressed his hand gently against the glass.

The stars in the sky seem so close, but in fact they are so far away.

Since the birth of human beings, we have had beautiful fantasies about the starry sky. The stars in the sky are all incarnations of gods, and each star has the name of a god.

Some names send good wishes.

Having a name symbolizes the coming of disaster.

The world of stars that the ancients could only dream about is finally within their reach in modern times!

They landed on the moon.

Their machines arrive at Neighbor Star.

They sent unmanned spacecrafts carrying information to the distant void of the universe.

"We have been looking for life other than ourselves in the universe, and now we finally see it, but..."

"What it brings is destruction?"

"We humans are too small compared to the void of the universe."

Admiral William's resolute face, which remained unchanged even in the face of any difficulties, showed a look of helplessness.

Duh, duh, duh——

A crisp knock on the door sounded.

"come in."


The door is open.

Uniform footsteps stopped behind him.

Feeling the fiery gaze from behind, Admiral William did not look back. He just slipped his eyes from the night sky, looked at the burning earth, and listened to the noise coming from dozens of kilometers away.

The world has gone crazy.

Maybe before the giant rock star beasts arrive, they humans will destroy themselves?

Since he is destined to die, it might be a good choice to indulge.

He understands those people.

He doesn't condemn those people.

But he will never release the beast called desire in his heart like those people and become a monster that is no longer a human being. He has something in his heart that he insists on, and even death cannot shake it.

"Do you want to join them?" Admiral William asked in a deep voice.

"We are soldiers, soldiers who protect our home and country! Even if the doomsday comes, we will never do such things!"

"So why are you here? Is there something wrong with the refugees you take in?"

"Even we want to indulge before the end."

"Oh? Indulgent?"

"As one of the five great empires in the world, our Republic of Selis is the oldest existing country in the world, but in the past hundred years..."

Admiral William listened silently.

Their Republic of Selis has a long history that lasts for thousands of years, and is the only ancient civilization that has continued from ancient times to the present day.

They, Selis, have experienced ups and downs over thousands of years. They have been on the verge of extinction several times and almost turned into the dust of history.

But they all got through it.

One of the disasters that almost wiped out the country and species occurred a hundred years ago. It was the most dangerous one in history.

Fortunately they survived.

And it has gone from backwardness to prosperity, from a weak country that was bullied by others to one of the five empires that now controls the world.


They failed to take revenge!

They failed to take revenge on the country that once slaughtered wantonly on their land and brought countless disasters to their country and people!

Not only that, because they were supported by the most powerful super empire in the world, the Federation of Stars, another one of the five hostile empires that was hostile to them, not only did the other party not receive the punishment they deserved, but as a sinner, they lived a better life than they did. These victims are wealthy and often make fun of them.

Although thirty years ago, in order to deal with the coming of the rock star meteorite, all the countries in the world gave up their hatred and formed the United Empire, and finally produced 360,000 anti-matter missiles capable of destroying planets.

But hatred is only temporarily put aside for the sake of a more ambitious goal, not forgotten!

Nowadays, the star patrol plan to use 360,000 anti-matter missiles to destroy rock star meteorites has been shattered. The rock star beast will arrive on the planet in a month, and humans and even the planet will be destroyed by then.

Since it is doomed, then——

"Are we going to continue to be patient at this point?"

"I want revenge! I want to take revenge on them! I want to make them pay for the thousands of people they slaughtered on this land!"

"Please allow us to be willful for the only and last time in our lives!"

Admiral William was silent as he listened to the requests of the soldiers behind him.

They are all good soldiers. As long as he shakes his head and refuses, they will endure it no matter how helpless they are, right?

He had many high-sounding reasons for rejection.

For example, now they are all members of the United Empire.

For example, this happened a hundred years ago, so we should let go of our hatred.

For example, force should not be used directly, and they should be given a chance to repent first. If the other party is really unwilling, then resort to force without delay.


After General William frowned and thought for a long time, he said solemnly: "You are my soldiers, and your mistakes are my mistakes. If the blame comes from above, I will take responsibility."

Although Admiral William did not directly nod in agreement, everyone present knew what Admiral William wanted to express.


Hearing the sound of the door closing behind him, Admiral William sighed slightly.

"Is this the first and only time in your life that you are willful?"

"I also want to be willful."

As he spoke, where no one could see him, Admiral William showed a smile that was a little happy, a little willful, and a little crazy.

That night.

Missiles emitting tail flames took off from various military districts of the Selis Republic and turned into tens of thousands of meteors that fell.

An island country located to the east of the Selis Republic was submerged in the brilliance of meteors.



Seeing that the murderer who once slaughtered their country finally got the punishment he deserved, everyone in the Republic of Selis roared with excitement.

On top of the tower.

There was neither joy nor sadness on Roja's face as he watched this scene.

He's seen too many crazy things from people these days.

At first, he will be happy because of the brilliance of humanity shining in the apocalypse, and he will feel sad because of the darkness of human nature.

But after watching too much, he gradually stopped feeling anything.

Although he did not treat the people of this world as equals to him in the beginning, before, he treated the people and objects of this world with the attitude of watching movies.

When watching a movie, your emotions will rise and fall as the plot progresses. Is it normal?

It's just that for him now, the people and things in this world can't even be considered a movie! Not even an ant!

It's just some irrelevant dust.

"Is this what heartlessness feels like?"

"Is this the price of growing up?"

"This kind of change that gradually treats other lives as nothing... doesn't feel like anything."

Roja is neither afraid of nor pursuing this change.

He will not take the initiative to erase his feelings, nor will he try to retain them.

Everything goes as it should.

He just does what he wants to do.

Are wizards cold-blooded and dark?

As a wizard, you should strive to be a cold-blooded and dark person?

He is a wizard, but he is also Roya Nangle. What should a wizard be like? What does Roya Nangle have to do with him?

As a knight, you should be upright and kind?

As a king, you should develop the country and love the people?

Knight and king are just the titles given to him by the world as Roya Nangle. They are nothing more than dispensable things to him.

How could he change his heart for such a thing?

He can do whatever he wants!

Whether he is a knight, a king or a wizard, he will never let anything define him! You will never let outsiders’ opinions influence you!

The wind howled.

The black robe he was wearing rustled in the cold wind.

Not long ago, he had some resistance to Leo's decision to sacrifice all the creatures in the world.

Even if it is just to clear the tenth floor of the three-level endless tower, it is really cruel to sacrifice the life of a planet just to save a hundred years.

However, with the changes in his temperament these days, he no longer feels much about Leo's actions.

As he looked down at the world.

On the high tower under his feet, there was a small figure climbing upwards.


The little figure climbed up the 100-meter-high tower and came behind Roja.

It was a woman with messy black curly hair, frighteningly pale skin, and a mysterious aura about her body.

Roja had long sensed the existence of this woman. This woman was obviously coming for him, but he didn't care.

As for why he restrained his aura and reduced his presence, even the second-level wizards should not be able to sense his presence, but a little girl with no magic power in her body and no spiritual space could notice him?

He knew the reason.

It's prophecy.

This world is a demon-free world where magic and the power of earth do not exist. However, the demon-free world just does not have special powers such as magic. It does not mean that people living in this world do not have any special abilities.

Maybe many people are wizard geniuses that are rare to see in the wizarding world for hundreds of millions of years? Is it just that the environment restricted them and prevented them from becoming wizards?

Among tens of billions of people, it is quite normal for some people to have awakened special abilities, such as the ability to predict.

Prophecy is a mysterious power involving cause and effect, a power more advanced than the power of time and space.

But prophecy can only be learned by those with talent.

This talent cannot be learned.

Without talent, even if a seventh-level wizard has worked hard for hundreds of millions of years, it will be meaningless.

If other wizards saw someone with the gift of prophecy, they would probably capture him and study it, right?

But Roja didn't have this idea.

When primary school students encounter university textbooks, do they need to study and study them?

Does it make sense to read college textbooks without even mastering the knowledge in primary school textbooks?

It’s just a waste of time!

Roya has always been a self-aware person.

After he becomes a seventh-level and eighth-level wizard, he may start to study prophecy and the power of causality and destiny, but forget it for now.

The girl with the ability of prophecy climbed to the top of the tower and knelt down behind Roja.

"Almighty, omniscient, and benevolent god, please give us humans another chance."

The girl kept kneeling down to Roja.

Her forehead hit the ground and she was bleeding.

"I am neither omnipotent nor omniscient, and what's more..." Roya originally wanted to say that he was not kind at all, but as he spoke, he suddenly fell silent.

Thinking of something, he turned around and looked at the thin woman who was kneeling to him, "Your prophecy ability should be able to see that I am not the only person with power in this world, right? Why don't you look for them? Why do you think Am I kind?"

The girl replied without hesitation: "Because I see the all-embracing light in you. I can see that you are a pure and kind existence. Only you can save the world."

If another wizard had said this to the girl, he would have felt that the other person was complimenting her, and he might have killed her out of disgust.

But Roja knew that what the other party said was true.

He is truly a being of pure goodness.

Because of the fifth-level witchcraft he practiced and learned - the Dark Spider King!

The Dark Spider King is a low-level introductory witchcraft in "Three Lives and Souls", which can absorb the evil thoughts of the wizard you learn.

If people no longer have evil thoughts, wouldn’t it mean that only good thoughts and obsessions are left?

It is not incomprehensible that Roja, who has no evil intentions, is a pure and kind person in the eyes of a girl with prophecy.

It's just that the good and evil in the eyes of ordinary people have completely different meanings from the good and evil thoughts in "Three Lives and Divided Souls".

The evil thoughts in "Three Lives and Divided Souls" refer to the intention to harm others at the expense of one's own interests, which means harming others and harming oneself.

People who have no evil thoughts will not do anything harmful to others or themselves.

Killing others for your own benefit is not an evil thought, it is just the instinct of all living things.

Because you think he has no evil intentions and is a purely kind existence, so he will not do bad things for his own benefit. That is a big mistake!

Faced with the girl's plea to him to save the world, he neither agreed nor refused.

He, Leo and Bellica will later fight against the Rock Star Beast. In a sense, they who kill the Rock Star Beast are the saviors of the world.

So I should nod and agree to the girl’s request here?

But if the strength of the rock star beast exceeds their expectations, they will start the sacrificial ceremony and sacrifice all living creatures in the entire world.

While the odds were slim, he couldn't guarantee that wouldn't happen.

But he has so many trump cards. If he really wants to protect the world, he can definitely do it!

After all, this is only the tenth floor of the Endless Tower.

But why would he do that?

Is this world worthy of his protection using his trump card?

"Do you want me to protect this world? Yes."


"Have you ever heard of the trolley problem? Five innocent people are tied up in the direction of the trolley. Just pull the lever to change the direction of the trolley. But there is also an innocent person in the other direction. We should save it. Five people at the expense of another?”

"...Lord God, what do you want us to do?"

Roja held his hand, and a black long sword appeared out of thin air in his hand. (End of chapter)

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