Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 439 New Humanity, Blessing Golem

Seeing Roya and others confirming his guess in silence, Sid Yalefu's eyes widened even more. In addition to shock, his eyes were filled with curiosity.

Who is not curious about aliens?

Who doesn’t want to know about alien civilizations?

Who wouldn’t want to try dissecting an alien?

As a researcher, Sid Yalefu is much more curious than ordinary people, but his rationality is also much calmer than ordinary people.

It's the end of the world now, and they finally meet aliens who are willing to lend a helping hand to them. Shouldn't they want to please the aliens? Let aliens help eliminate the Destruction Golem and end the Dark Age?

As aliens capable of interstellar navigation, their strength and technology are simply not comparable to those of civilizations that cannot even leave the star system.

If the other party is really willing to help, maybe they can really be saved?

"You want to know why our world is like this?"

"Well, it's a long story."

Sid Yalefu took Roya and others to sit down at a long table, took out a bottle of red wine and poured each of them a glass of wine.

Sid Yaleford drank wine and thought about the past.

"In the Stone Realm, which is our planet."

"In the distant past, faced with various powerful monsters living in the stone world, we humans were only extremely small and weak existences, and could only survive under the terrifying power of the monsters."

"Then one day, our human ancestors used magic stones to accidentally create a golem."

"The golem is a magical artificial life, with a strong body, terrifying power, and a long life."

"This unintentionally discovered technology allowed human ancestors who were in despair at that time to discover the light of hope."

"Historically known as the First Golem Revolution."

"With the help of the power of the golem, the power of the human race gradually becomes stronger."

"From being able to silently endure the oppression of monsters, to being able to compete with monsters, and finally defeating all monsters, standing at the top of the food chain, successfully ruling the world, and becoming the master of the world!"

"The human being who defeated all the monsters and became the master, for the sake of money, power and beauty, in the blink of an eye, he turned on his friends who had fought the monsters together."

"Wars between people break out again and again."

"The golem-making technology continues to be perfected time and time again."

"Actually, if we keep fighting like this, it might be quite good. At least it won't lead to the cup we have today..."

"Surely it still happens, right?"

"It's just that the time will be delayed a little bit."

Sid Yalefu swallowed the wine in his glass in one gulp, his eyes full of lamentation for the human race.

A race that is smart, powerful, and at the same time extremely stupid.

"The war that was so long that there was no end in sight came to an end with the emergence of Oliver the Great."

"Oliver the Great unified dozens of divided countries, quelled wars that lasted for tens of thousands of years, and led people to create an era of peace."

"The greatness of Oliver the Great cannot be overstated even if we have to praise him for hundreds of millions of years."

"With the coming of peace..."

"The population keeps increasing, schools are built one after another, and more and more people learn to make golems. The theory and production of golems are developing explosively like a volcanic eruption."

"This period is called the Second Golem Revolution."

"New golems are constantly being produced, and golems are used in all aspects of people's lives."

"People make golems that they can keep as pets."

"People use golems for beast fighting competitions."

"People used golems to land on the moon, and even sent golems to the sun to retrieve samples from the sun for research."

"For golem researchers, it was undoubtedly a dream era."

"There are hundreds of millions of golem practitioners around the world, researching knowledge related to golems day and night."

"It's just that the theory and production of golems quickly stagnated after an initial explosive growth."

"Later on, there have been no new golem theories for hundreds of years. Apart from the style, the functions of the golems produced are not much different from those of hundreds of years ago."

"Has the Golem reached its limit?"

“Have we hit the ceiling in human development?”

"Crazy people have set their sights on what was once sealed as a taboo..."

As he spoke, Sid Yalefu's hand suddenly shook, and his voice suddenly became deeper.

"The human body golem is made!"

"Golems have so many advantages over humans, so can humans become golems?"

"If humans become golems, wouldn't humans be able to have strength, physique, and lifespan comparable to golems?"

"Because the research process is so cruel, the moment this technology was proposed, it was sealed as an untouchable taboo."

"But there has been no new progress in golem technology in the past thousand years. Both golem researchers and ordinary civilians have fallen into a state of madness. They are all eager for a breakthrough!"

"Many people are opposed to the research on the technology for making human golems, but more people support it."

"The technology is not yet mature. It would be really cruel to directly use living people to refine the golem. So wouldn't it be enough to use animals for research first? Wouldn't it be enough to use death row prisoners for experiments first?"

"How can human evolution be hindered because of some ethical issues?"

"So, the third golem revolution broke out!"

Sid Yalefoy lay down on the chair, his hazy eyes seemed to see the scene in the past when humans became crazy due to the human body golem.

"As the seal of the forbidden technology of human golem making was lifted, the theory and production of golems that had been stagnant for a long time experienced explosive growth."

"New theories are being proposed every day."

"New experimental data comes out every day."

"Soon, the world's first human golem was successfully made in less than ten years."

"The old man who volunteered to be the experimenter not only regained his youth overnight, but also gained powerful strength and a long lifespan from the age when he was half-foot in the coffin."

"People are going absolutely crazy!"

"With the continuous improvement of human body refining technology, the number of humans transformed into golems gradually increased, so that more than 50% of the population later became golems."

"Humans who become golems call themselves new humans."

"Those who are unwilling to become golems are oppressed everywhere and are despised as old humans."

"The advantages that new humans have over old humans are really huge."

"It has a strong physique and strength comparable to that of a golem. It can live for thousands of years. You don't have to worry about getting sick, and you can replace body parts at will."

"And the old humans, even though they refined their magic power to the extreme, Oliver the Great, who is known as the greatest man in the history of mankind and the strongest man in the history of mankind, was only 531 years old when he died."

"Ordinary people can live to be 500 years old, let alone 500 years old like Oliver the Great, or even 300 years old. Living to 200 years old is almost the limit, and you have to worry about various diseases while you are alive."

"Although you can't reproduce after becoming a golem, what does it mean to be unable to reproduce in the face of the temptation of gaining eternal life?"

"And there's no need to worry about human extinction."

"Because we have mastered the technology of genetic education, we only need to leave our own genes before turning into monsters. In the future, when we meet someone of the opposite sex or even the same sex that we like, we only need to fuse each other's genes to create a baby."

"A new era for mankind has arrived."

"Humanity has gained a new evolution based on the technology of making human golems."

"In the five hundred years since the first new human race appeared, almost everyone has chosen to become a new human race. The number of old humans has been less than 10 million, and it continues to decrease."


Sid Yalef's hands clenched suddenly.

His fingertips pierced the palm of his hand, and blood dripped to the ground.

"The creation of the human golem has a fatal flaw."

"Everyone knew about this flaw when the human golem was first created, but no one took it seriously at all."

"Because it will take five hundred years for this flaw to be revealed."

"What are flaws five hundred years from now compared to becoming a new human being?"

"Besides, the technology for making human golems is constantly improving. Maybe five hundred years from now, technology will be developed that can solve the defects?"

"Even if the defects cannot be solved in the end, it's just a matter of death."

"That fatal flaw is—"

"Feelings can go out of control."

"The full name is that the golem's life perception and instinct control system is out of control."

"Do you know why life has all kinds of desires? Why does it have all kinds of emotions?"

"The reason why humans have appetite is because their bodies need energy to maintain, so they have to eat, so they feel hungry."

"The reason why human beings have lust is because life will die, and they instinctively want their genes to reproduce."

"The reason why humans..."

"These emotions all come from the instinct of human beings or life!"

"Although the golem is a kind of 'life', the golem is completely different from ordinary life."

"Golems don't need to reproduce or eat. The body's sense of touch, hearing, and smell...these functions are not originally available. They can distinguish taste and sound, and they are all realized using technology."

"So the golem theoretically has no appetite, lust...etc. desires."

"After humans evolve into new humans through the creation of human golems, their physical hunger, fatigue, desire... and other life instincts are all simulated through the sensory energy system."

"But I don't know why. Once this system reaches the limit of five hundred years, it will lose control. To be precise, it will be inexplicably disconnected from the human spirit."

"The loss of control of the sensory energy system will have a huge impact on people!"

"The human spirit wants to eat, but the body doesn't feel hungry and doesn't feel full."

"The human spirit longs for intercourse, but the body does not respond."

"The human spirit wants to hear beautiful music, but no matter how beautiful the music is when it enters the ears of the golem, it is just a string of data."

"The body cannot satisfy the thirst of the spirit..."

"Human desires cannot be satisfied, unsatisfied desires continue to expand, and the ever-expanding desires continue to torture the human spirit..."

"It sounds like nothing, but when it actually happens, it's a pain hundreds of millions of times more terrifying than any punishment!"

"The new humans are gradually going crazy."

"At this time, the best option is euthanasia."

"Can hundreds of millions or even billions of new humans be euthanized?"

"Who is willing to accept death?"

"Which leader has the determination to make this decision?"

"In order to solve the problem of the new humans losing control of their senses, researchers who had not developed a proper method at the time hastily decided to use an incomplete solution."

"They created a huge golem and named it the Blessing Golem, which means a golem that can bring blessings to humans and make them happy."

"By letting the Blessing Golem absorb the out-of-control emotions of the new humans, the emotions of the new humans can be stabilized."

"Although this is a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution, and although it will cause the new humans to gradually lose their feelings, this method has many disadvantages, but until a real treatment method is developed, this can only be done temporarily."

"As more and more new humans lose control of their senses, the Blessing Golem absorbs more and more emotions. In order to allow the Blessing Golem to store more emotions, people continue to strengthen the Blessing Golem."

"However, when the emotions stored in the Blessing Golem exceed the limit..."


Sid Yaleford let out a long sigh, as if all the strength in his body was expelled with his breath, and his body slumped on the chair weakly.

After listening to Sid Yalefo's story, the three Rojas fell silent.

The three of them originally thought that the Destruction Golem was a weapon made by people in this world because of the war, but they didn't expect that the source turned out to be this?

It actually turned into an out-of-control Blessing Golem after absorbing too many human emotions?

Who would have thought that technology originally intended to make humans happy would actually become a force that destroys humans and even the world?

People in this world have not figured out why the sensory system goes out of control after being over 500 years old. People in this world have not figured it out until the end. However, Roja and others from the wizarding world know why. of.

The basic life span of a first-level wizard is three hundred. Even through life-extending drugs and witchcraft, he can only live up to five hundred.

If you want to break through the five hundred lifespan limit, you have to cast a domain base to condense the domain and become a third-level wizard.

The reason why he cannot live beyond 500 years old is that the balance between body, magic power and spirit is broken.

The human body, magic power, and spirit are like dolls that are held together by glue. When the glue loses its stickiness, even if the parts of the doll are maintained as if they were new from the factory, the doll will still fall apart because the glue has lost its stickiness. Come on.

Only by casting the domain base to condense the domain and increasing the balance of body, magic power and spirit can the stickiness of the "glue" be maintained and continue to survive.

In fact, people in this world have used human golems to create technology that allows everyone to live five hundred years, which is already very remarkable.

If the euthanasia policy was simply implemented when the five-hundred-year lifespan came to an end, the Golem of Destruction would not be born at all, and the world would be a paradise-like happiness and beauty. (End of chapter)

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