Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 421 Six Magic Stones, activated!

With the help of the Six Magic Stones, Roja's mental power suddenly surged to the point where he could crush even a fourth-level wizard.

What's even more strange is that he can actually control these mental powers that have increased by countless times. Although he was assisted by the Six Magic Stones, it still felt as exaggerated as using computer programming to control excavator embroidery.

In the moment when his mental power surged, his mental power flowed towards his body, limbs and bones.

At first, every move he made was like a computer that was stuck. The ice dragon's body, which was too heavy to control, was instantly controllable under the huge mental power.

At this time, the spiritual spear that the Lord of the Nightmare Realm shot at him was already close at hand.

Facing the spiritual spear approaching him at ten thousand times the speed of sound, Roja frowned.

When he focused his attention, his thinking speed suddenly soared.

The enhancement of mental power to thinking speed is extremely terrifying.

He felt that his thinking speed had increased by more than tens of thousands of times!

At a speed of thinking tens of thousands of times, the time of the entire world seemed to have stopped. Even the mental spear that was shot towards him at a speed of tens of thousands of times of sound was frozen in mid-air, moving slowly at a snail's speed.

"Is this the thinking speed of a fourth-level wizard?"

"As long as a fourth-level wizard concentrates, the world will slow down to the point where time stops."

"If body movements could keep up with the speed of thinking..."

Roja stared at the spiritual spear that was getting closer and quickly thought of a response strategy.

After being strengthened by the Six Magic Stones, his mental power was strong enough to crush a fourth-level wizard, but compared to the Lord of the Nightmare Realm, he was only half a pound.

When the quality of mental power is the same, the Lord of the Nightmare Realm's use of mental power is far superior to him!

The two of them are like a blank slate wizard who has mental power but can't use it, and the other is a wizard who has learned top spiritual witchcraft. The two are very different in the efficiency of using mental power.

"If I take this attack forcefully, I will definitely be seriously injured!"

"Can we just avoid it?"

"But with an attack at ten thousand times the speed of sound, even a fourth-order ice dragon would not be able to dodge it."

The fourth-level ice dragon cannot hide, but Roja can!

Because he has - Jenga of Time!

After using the Origin Transformation to transform into a monster, the use of witchcraft and witchcraft is restricted.

But being restricted doesn’t mean you can’t use it!

Just now, Roja was unable to use additional witchcraft because he did not have enough mental strength to control the fourth-level ice dragon.

It’s different now!

"Jenga of Time, Trio!"

The ice dragon, which originally moved at a speed of three thousand times the speed of sound, directly reached a terrifying top speed of nearly ten thousand times the speed of sound under the power of the Time Jenga Trio.

He controlled the ice dragon to deflect his body slightly.


The Lord of the Nightmare Realm's spiritual attack missed him by a hair's breadth.

"Huh?" The Lord of the Nightmare Realm looked at Roja in surprise, "You can actually dodge my attack? Are you really a second-level wizard? You can actually control the fourth-level ice dragon so powerfully... But don't think so. It’s over!”


The mental power spear that passed by Roja suddenly shattered and turned into mental power chains that tightly tied the ice dragon's thousands-meter-long huge body.


Luo Ya suddenly felt as if his body was bound by red-hot iron chains, and there was an intense stinging pain all over his body.

In the hands of the Lord of the Nightmare Realm, mental power is like plasticine that can be shaped at will. One second it was a mental power spear for attack, and the next second it was transformed into a mental power chain that can bind the enemy.

This ability to change the form of mental power at will as needed really shocked Roja.

However, the Lord of the Nightmare Realm, who successfully used the spiritual chain to restrain Roja, had an expression of anger and horror on his face.


The Ice Dragon is too fast!

She only has one chance to stop the Ice Dragon!

When her mental spear was dodged by Roja, her failure was doomed.

The ice dragon's huge body swooped down towards her at nearly 10,000 times the speed of sound!

The force contained in this collision can penetrate even planets!

The Lord of the Nightmare Realm is very strong.

Her power can easily crush third-order domain lord level monsters.

It's just a bit reluctant to face the fourth-order domain lord level.

As for the ice dragon, which has the best physique among the fourth-order domain lords, with the assistance of the Jenga of Time...

Faced with the huge monster that was crashing towards her at 10,000 times the speed of sound, as a nightmare with weak strength, it was impossible for her to withstand it!

If you dare to resist head-on, you must be prepared to be seriously injured or die!

“Damn it, ahhhh——”

The Lord of the Nightmare Realm roared unwillingly.

call out!

The Lord of the Nightmare World, who had been sitting in the center of the altar, absorbing the original power of the Nightmare World, moved and narrowly avoided the impact from Roja.


The ice dragon's huge and heavy body slammed into the altar.

The entire altar was instantly shattered into pieces, and the second-level wizards who were performing rituals to collect the original power of the nightmare world were reduced to ashes before they even had time to scream.

The ground shook violently due to his impact.

The continental shelf is falling apart.

If Roja hadn't slowed down at the last moment, his body might have sunk tens of thousands of kilometers underground.

He twisted his slender neck, opened his mouth, and aimed at the original power of the nightmare world floating around.

"Stop! That's my thing—"

The Lord of the Nightmare Realm on the side screamed angrily, and launched crazy mental attacks on Roja one after another.

Even if Roja's mental power has been strengthened by the Six Magic Stones, he can hardly bear the mental power attack from the Lord of the Nightmare Realm.

The intensity of his mental power is already comparable to that of the Lord of the Nightmare Realm, but the difference in the use of mental power between the two is too far!

It's like playing a game.

The two have similar brains, reaction speed, and gaming talents.

One is a novice who has only played a few matches and has not even played ranked.

One is a professional player who has been playing for several years and has won a world championship.

Isn't it obvious which of the two is stronger and which is weaker?

If there was a mental competition with the Lord of the Nightmare Realm, Roja wouldn't be able to withstand it for even ten minutes!

But what Roja needs to do is not fight the Lord of the Nightmare Realm.

There is only one thing he needs to do——

Absorb the original power of the nightmare world!


He opened his mouth wide and breathed in wildly.

The original power of the nightmare world scattered around him kept pouring into his mouth under his gluttonous mouth.

"I wonder what benefits these original powers of the nightmare world have on the Six Magic Stones?"

"Will I be able to see the ninth-level truth wizard again after the Six Magic Wizard Stone successfully absorbs the original power of the nightmare world?"

"Maybe I can learn another level 5 witchcraft?"

"Even if it's not level five, level four is pretty good."

While Luo Ya was happily thinking about the future, an ominous feeling suddenly emerged deep in his heart.

The flow direction of the original power of the nightmare world that he swallowed was not the Six Magic Stones?

But it was the blood curse located deep inside his body!

He knew that all the ice dragons in the Ice Dragon Hell Realm were cursed with blood.

However, Bloodborne Curse is just as its name suggests, a curse targeting blood.

These curses against the ice dragon family pose no threat to him who does not have the blood of the ice dragon.

This is how it should be.

But why was the Bloodborne Curse actually corroding his body after absorbing the original power of the Nightmare Realm and becoming active?

"wait wait wait!"

"Did you go to the wrong place?"

"I'm not an ice dragon! I don't have ice dragon blood!"

This can target the entire ice dragon clan, kill all the ice dragons in the world of Ice Dragon Prison, and make the royal family of the Ice Dragon Empire, one of the five empires of the Shenwa Witch Realm, tortured and terrifying. Bloodborne Curse!

Once he is infected with this blood curse, how much time and energy will he need to spend in the future to solve it?

Or can't be solved at all?

However, the Bloodborne Curse, which had grown stronger after absorbing the original power of the Nightmare Realm, did not listen to Roja's explanation at all. They just relied on instinct to continuously infect Roja.

"Could it be that--"

Suddenly an idea flashed in Roja's mind.

"The Bloodborne Curse doesn't target the ice dragon bloodline?"

"But a god?"

Countless pieces of knowledge about the Ice Dragon Hell Realm emerged in Roja's mind.

These pieces of knowledge were continuously analyzed and integrated by him, and finally he came to a hypothesis——

"The gods are strange creatures born from the corpse of the demon god. The gods possess extremely terrifying power."

"However, the evil gods become demons and become demon gods. The souls of evil gods are incomplete and incomplete. The limit of all evil gods is level seven! It is absolutely impossible for evil gods to reach the eighth level!"

"A god who cannot cultivate to the eighth level on his own wants to become a quasi-ancestral demon god by inheriting the eighth level godhead."

"In a distant era, a certain seventh-level evil possessed the ice dragon clan in the Ice Dragon Hell Realm, and attempted to obtain the godhead of the eighth-level ancestor demon god of the ice dragon through the God-succession Ceremony..."

"At the last minute, something unexpected happened."

"I don't know whether the ice dragon clan noticed the truth of the matter and resisted, or whether there was an external force to interrupt it. In short, the plan of the seventh-level evil being to inherit the godhead of the eighth-level ice dragon ancestor went bankrupt, and its body was trapped in The ice dragon is also cursed.”

Although there are still many unanswered questions, Roja believes that his guess is accurate.

But why did the Six Magic Stones ask him to activate the originally dormant Bloodborne Curse?

Want to harm him?

It's not necessary!


Under the influence of the blood curse, Roja screamed in pain.

He kept twisting his body, trying to get rid of the blood curse in his body, but this was a blood curse that could work even against level 7 experts. What could he, a level 2 wizard, do?

His body, bloodline, and even spirit were constantly declining under the erosion of the Bloodborne Curse.

The Lord of the Nightmare Realm on the side looked at Roja who screamed in pain after absorbing the original power of the Nightmare Realm, and couldn't help but gloated.

"Hmph, how can a second-level wizard absorb the original power of the nightmare world?"

"As the Lord of the Nightmare Realm who has been recognized by the origin of the Nightmare Realm, it is extremely difficult to absorb the power of the Nightmare Realm's origin. Problems will occur if I am not careful."

"You, a human wizard, do not belong to the Nightmare Demon clan, nor have you been recognized by the origin of the Nightmare Realm. You dare to directly absorb the power of the Nightmare Realm's origin. You are simply committing suicide!"

Roja died in pain because he could not absorb the original power of the nightmare world. This tragic ending made the Lord of the nightmare world very happy.

But instead of being happy, she was more heartbroken.

What was swallowed by Roja was the original power of the nightmare world that should have belonged to her!

How can you not feel heartache?

If she had to choose between Roja's death and the original power of the nightmare world, she would rather choose to let Roja live and get the origin of the nightmare world, rather than die together with Roja now with the original power of the nightmare world!

"Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! -"

She continued to unleash mental attacks on the screaming Roja.

Even though Roya was already mortal, she still had to do that.

First, it was to torture Roja and vent her resentment.

Secondly, if you kill Roja early, maybe you can get some of the remaining original power of the nightmare world from Roja's body?

Under her crazy mental offensive, Roja's screams became even more tragic.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes...

so weird!

Why did Roja endure her mental attack for so long and still not die?


Suddenly, the Lord of the Nightmare Realm felt chills all over his body.

The ice dragon, which was thousands of meters long, actually stopped screaming and turned to look at her with its eyes that had been stained with scarlet for some time. The eyes were full of violence that was almost overflowing. emotion.

"You, you..." The Lord of the Nightmare Realm was so frightened that he stepped back, "Aren't you the second-level wizard just now? Who are you?"

However, the "Ice Dragon" did not answer the Lord of the Nightmare Realm's doubts. It just flapped its wings, and its huge body suddenly rushed towards the Lord of the Nightmare Realm at thousands of times the speed of sound.

"Damn it! It's targeting the original power of the nightmare world in me!"

The face of the Lord of the Nightmare Realm suddenly changed.

Facing the "Ice Dragon" who had a strong physique and withstood its mental attack for nearly an hour, but nothing happened, she had no intention of resisting.

At this moment, she had only one thought in her heart.

That is - escape!

She should have left here.

She has successfully obtained the original power of the nightmare world, so there is no point in staying in the nightmare world that is about to be annihilated.

But because the remaining part of the original power of the Nightmare Realm was robbed by Roja, she was so angry that she wanted to kill Roja with her own hands, so she did not leave immediately.

However, it was precisely because of the hatred in her heart that she was unable to think calmly and come up with the optimal solution.

Eventually, she was targeted by the "Ice Dragon"!

Facing the "Ice Dragon" whose physique was far stronger than hers and whose mental attacks were ineffective, all she could do was run around in a hurry.

She was running away while using her best charm technique.

"Wow, such strong muscles..."

"Wow, what a beautiful body line..."

"I have completely fallen in love with you. Please allow me to be your slave. Please allow me to serve you for the rest of my life..."

The charm technique used by the Lord of the Nightmare Realm with all his strength is so powerful that even a fourth-level spiritual wizard can fall victim to it if he is not careful.

But "Ice Dragon" doesn't do this at all!

After several consecutive attacks were dodged by the Lord of the Nightmare Realm, the violent emotions accumulated in the eyes of the "Ice Dragon" were about to burst.

The Jenga of Time, twenty-four pieces!

This blood curse that occupied Roja's body actually used Roja's witchcraft!

And the power is still greater than that used by Roja himself!

The "Ice Dragon", which originally had thousands of times the speed of sound, directly reached nearly one-tenth of the speed of light under the power of the Twenty-Four Rings of Time!

Facing a blow that was one-tenth the speed of light, the Lord of the Nightmare Realm exploded instantly like a balloon hit by a heavy hammer.

The flesh, flesh and spirit were swallowed directly by the "Ice Dragon"!

After planning in the nightmare world for so many years, the Lord of the nightmare world, who thought he had finally escaped the fate of becoming food and gained freedom, finally became food.

The "Ice Dragon" who devoured the Lord of the Nightmare Realm was not satisfied.

A pair of sharp claws ripped it apart in the void!

A terrifying space crack was torn out by it using its claws!

The place where this space crack leads is a world frozen by ice.

In this frozen world, in the ice that has existed for who knows how many thousands of years, there are ice dragons sealed in ice.

The "Ice Dragon" actually tore a passage directly to the Ice Dragon Hell Realm!

"Ice Dragon" flapped its wings and passed through the space crack to the Ice Dragon Hell Realm.

It flew over the Ice Dragon Hell Realm, its tyrannical gaze staring at the frozen world below.


Under a dragon roar that resounded across the sky, the bodies of the ice dragons that had been frozen for hundreds of millions of years shook.

Then, a trace of unknown power flowed out from the body of the frozen Ice Dragon and surged toward the "Ice Dragon" suspended in the sky.

The blood curse of the ice dragon in the entire ice dragon prison world has been absorbed by it!

After absorbing all the blood curse, a certain creature is about to be completely resurrected with the help of Roja's body!

At this time, deep in Roja's spiritual space, the Six Magic Stones, which had been silent since the emergence of the Bloodborne Curse, finally started to move.

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! -"

The Six Magic Stones rotated rapidly, forming an invisible vortex.

Under the attraction emanating from this invisible rotary dig, the blood curse in Roya's body flowed towards the Six Magic Stones uncontrollably.

It was only at this time that Bloodborne did not realize the existence of the Six Magic Stones.

It's afraid!

It's struggling!

It cursed!

"I will never return to your body!"

"I am me! A new me! A real me! Not a part of you!"

"No! No no -"

The blood curse wailed and was completely absorbed by the Six Magic Stones.

Maybe we shouldn’t call it Bloodborne Curse, but Truth Abomination?

After absorbing the blood curse that had no idea what it had to do with the God of Truth, lines appeared on the surface of the Six Magic Stones.

The Six Dharma Wizard Stone is a six-sided cube.

Generally, after absorbing a god of truth, lines will appear on one of its faces.

After successfully absorbing the six evils of truth, the remnant soul of the ninth-level wizard sleeping deep in the Six Magic Stones will awaken.

However, after absorbing the blood curse this time, patterns appeared on all six surfaces of the Six Magic Stones?

Does it mean that the remnant soul of the ninth-level wizard has awakened?

Does it mean that he can meet the ninth-level truth wizard's remnant soul again? (End of chapter)

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