Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 187 Perfect Human, Changes in Spiritual Space

Time passes day by day.

The amount of forest magic potion is reduced one bottle at a time.

After using five bottles of forest magic potion, Roja has reached the unprecedented Nine Flowers realm.


After glancing at the remaining dozen bottles of forest magic potion, Roja decided to continue practicing.

His journey as a knight has reached the peak of the second-class paladin, which corresponds to the peak of the second-class wizard apprentice.

One step further is a third-class paladin who is in the same realm as a third-class apprentice!

The path of a knight does not require as high a level of mental power as a wizard, so Roja can now continue to reach higher realms.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three bottles of forest magic potion were broken at the same time, and the surging potion power poured into Roja's body.

Above Roja's head, a blue crystal slowly rotated, emitting blue light that could speed up his practice and illuminated Roja.

In Luo Ya's spiritual space, a stone tablet engraved with Luo Ya's name was buzzing, emitting strange fluctuations that could assist the cultivation of vitality.

With the help of the knight's inscription, azure crystal and forest magic potion, the life pattern tree on Roja's body became more and more solid, and the essence of vitality in his body became higher and higher.

Finally, the first bud of life slowly bloomed.

As the life buds bloom, a strange life force is released from the blooming life buds.

——The power of shaping life!

The power of plasticity is a strange vitality released when the bud of life blooms.

This life force will only appear during the blooming process of life buds, and its only function is to shape the body!

Official wizards are hailed as extraordinary beings that transcend human beings. Becoming a formal wizard is the process of a person's leap to god.

Now that formal wizards have surpassed humans, what about third-class apprentices?

The limits of human beings!

What about the third-class Paladin?

Perfect human being!

The reason why third-class Paladins are known as perfect human beings is because of the existence of the power of shaping life!

The power of shaping life flows in Roja's body.

Any flesh and blood that is touched by the power of plasticity, whether bones, muscles or internal organs, will be quickly broken and reorganized.

The body after reorganization is slightly different from before.

The number of bones, the arrangement of muscle fibers, the layout of the internal organs... Roja's body is constantly changing, becoming more perfect and more like a "human being"!

Is the human body structure reasonable?

Is the human bone count and internal organ layout immutable?

Is there any way for human beings to become more like a "human", a perfect "human"?

Humans are not perfect!

The human body has many flaws!

The existence of the power of plasticity can improve the defects of the human body and make the structure of the human body more perfect!

Maybe just adding a few bones will make the force output more convenient and smooth, and you can punch more powerful punches with the same consumption.

Maybe just adjusting the layout of the internal organs can greatly increase the operating efficiency of the internal organs.

Maybe just increasing the number of nerves can double the body's reaction speed.

However, everyone's "perfection" is different, so it is of little use to modify your body based on other people's templates.

In the process of the Paladin condensing the life buds, the existence of the life buds not only improves the physique and increases vitality, but also has a more important function of collecting the defects of the human body.

When the buds of life bloom, the power of plasticity will improve the collected defects in the human body.

The more life buds are condensed, the more human defects will be collected, and the human body will become more perfect under the influence of the power of plasticity.

Other paladins could only condense seven life buds at most, but Luo Ya could condense nine!

Others' plastic power can only improve the defects of the body, but Roja's plastic power can even improve the defects of the brain!

Roja's body kept hearing "crackling" sounds, and he was constantly being injured and healing.

Every time an injury heals, the body becomes stronger and more perfect.

One flower, two flowers, three flowers...

Five flowers, six flowers, seven flowers...

When the eighth bud of life began to bloom, Roja's spirit suddenly became extremely focused.

What benefits can the unprecedented eighth and ninth life buds bring him?

A life-shaping power that was more peculiar than the previous life-shaping power flowed out from the eighth life bud, flowing towards Roja's brain, spine and heart respectively.

Roja's three "brains" became more and more powerful with the improvement of the power of plasticity.

The basic functions of the brain such as computing speed, analytical ability, memory ability, etc. have increased dramatically.

The brain is the most difficult part of the human body to cultivate, and it may not be possible to improve it by one percent even after one year of cultivation.

However, under the influence of the power of plasticity, Roja's brain suddenly became several times stronger!

What shocked Roja even more was——

His mental space was actually affected!

As the brain continued to be strengthened by the power of plasticity, Roja was surprised to find that his mental space actually shook and made a cracking sound.

After absorbing the life-shaping power released by the eighth life bud, Roja stared at the cracks on the wall of the spiritual space without moving for a long time.

The body is broken and crippled, and there are many ways to heal it using the wizard's methods.

The mental space is different!

The spiritual space is the most important and fragile part of a wizard. Once injured, it is extremely difficult to treat.

If the spiritual space is broken, even a second-level wizard will surely die.

"Practice a Holy Knight technique, will actually cause the spiritual space to break?"

"Maybe it will be the same as the previous power of shaping life, destroying and repairing at the same time..."


"no the same!"

"The power of plasticity only acts on the body and the brain, and does not affect the mental space."

"The reason why my mental space changes is because my brain becomes stronger and it indirectly affects my mental space."

"As the brain becomes stronger, why does the mental space break down?"

"What went wrong?"

"Is there a fatal flaw in my improved Holy Knight technique "Nine Trees Sacred Garden" that even my two soul certificates cannot penetrate?"

For a moment, Roja was afraid.

He didn't dare to continue practicing until he figured out what was going on.

If the spiritual space is really broken, then he is doomed!

Roja used the Certificate of Two Souls to check his body over and over again, and checked the Holy Knight skills again and again.

Huangtian paid off, and he finally realized the problem.

"No way?"

"Could the crack in the spiritual space be..."

Roja, who was originally frightened because of the crack in his mental space, actually became happy after realizing the truth of the crack.

"Continue to practice!"

Roja couldn't wait to continue practicing the Holy Knight skills.

With his efforts, the ninth bud of life slowly bloomed.

As the life buds bloom, the power of plasticity flows out from the life buds, continuously strengthening Roja's brain, spine, and heart.

Roja's mental space shook even more violently, and there were more cracks in the mental space.

Click, click, click——

The spiritual space is beginning to be broken!

Pieces of fragments fell, and two huge holes opened in Roja's spiritual space.

However, in the face of this huge mental injury that can make every wizard feel despair, Roja smiled.

"Haha, hahaha..."

"Is this another benefit of three 'brains'?"

"Is this the Rendu and Du meridian in the spiritual space?"

Roja's spiritual space was not broken, but broke through the constraints and expanded the size of the spiritual space!

Why do people always think that mental space is located in the brain?

Because spirit is the embodiment of consciousness, and consciousness resides in the brain!

In other words, what if humans had three brains?

Should we have three spiritual spaces?

the answer is--

That’s right!

Since there are three brains, there should be three mental spaces!

But the size of the mental space is not static. When the second and third brains, the spine and the heart, have not yet grown up, the two mental spaces represented by the spine and the heart are very small, and cannot store even one unit of mental power. .

As Roja continued to practice, the two spiritual spaces represented by the spine and the heart gradually became larger and stronger, and finally the barriers between the spiritual spaces were opened, allowing the three spiritual spaces to communicate with each other!

Roja, who opened three mental spaces, gained not only the only benefit that his mental space became larger and could accommodate more mental power.

There is another thing that is completely beyond Roja's expectation——

The flame of consciousness!

The flame of consciousness is the spiritual flame located in the deepest part of the spiritual space and represents a person's consciousness.

The flame of consciousness is where a person is both strongest and weakest.

Even those who are as powerful as a fourth-level wizard will die once the flame of consciousness is extinguished.

A person generally has only one flame of consciousness.

After opening three spiritual spaces, Roja actually had three flames of consciousness!

As long as one of the three flames of consciousness still exists, Roja's spirit will not die!

Even if two of the flames of consciousness are extinguished, the other two extinguished flames of consciousness can be rekindled with the help of the third remaining flame of consciousness!

"The Perfect Holy Foundation actually has such benefits?"

"Three spiritual spaces, three flames of consciousness, which apprentice can do it?"

"It's impossible even for an official wizard, right?"

"If these official wizards find out about this, I'm afraid my end will be quite miserable."

After Roja used the last bit of forest potion to consolidate his cultivation.

open one's eyes.

Roja looked down at his white hands.

"Fifty thousand units of vitality."

"A force of 160,000 kilograms."

"With three mental spaces, the mental power has tripled, reaching a terrifying nine thousand units of mental power. If I use the Divine Seal Breaking Limit Bead later, my mental power will be able to break through the human limit of 10,000 units!"

The Divine Seal Limit Breaking Bead is a precious treasure that Roja obtained during the wizard trial, which can allow his mental power to break through the limits.

After using the Divine Seal Limit Breaking Bead, a pure-blood wizard apprentice can break through the limit of 10,000 units of mental power, and a mixed-blood wizard apprentice can break through the limit of 3,000 units.

Roja had previously estimated that after using the Divine Seal Breaking Limit Bead, his mental power limit could be increased to about 8,000 units.

Although it is still not as high as the limit of 10,000 units for pure-blood wizards, it is already a lot.

Although the mental power limit of a pure-blood wizard apprentice is 10,000 units, how many can reach the limit?

Except for a small number of spiritual wizard apprentices who may reach 10,000 units, even those geniuses who eventually become official wizards have only seven or eight thousand units of mental power at most during the wizard apprenticeship stage.

And Roja's current spiritual power has reached nine thousand!

After he uses the Divine Seal Breaking Limit Bead, the mental power that each mental space can hold will increase from 3,000 to 8,000.

He has three mental spaces, so the total amount of mental power is——

Twenty-four thousand units!

A very scary value!

It's completely comparable to those spiritual demons!

Faced with the physical and mental changes, Roja was so happy that he couldn't smile from ear to ear.

"All nine life buds have bloomed. I should be considered a peak third-class paladin now, right?"

"how to say……"

"Under the same level, the Paladin is much weaker than the Wizard!"

"There is no way, after all, the destructive power of life force cannot compare with magic power."

"Especially since I haven't learned any witchcraft related to life force at all now."

There is no distinction between vitality and magic power, which is higher or lower. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and they are basically the same level of ability.

But in terms of destructive power, vitality is indeed not as good as magic power.

In pure destructive power, the magic power is ten times the vitality!

In other words, Roja now possesses 3,000 units of magic power, and his destructive power is comparable to 30,000 units of vitality!

After Roja used the Origin Transformation to transform into a legendary monster, the amount of magic power could skyrocket to hundreds of thousands of units, and its destructive power was comparable to millions of units of vitality!

But the purpose of life is not just fighting and destruction.

The vitality nourishes the body and prolongs life.

With Roja's current vitality, there is no problem in living for two hundred years. You must know that the basic life span of a first-level wizard is only three hundred years.

Life force can also heal injuries and can be transformed into the power of death. There are also many witchcrafts that are driven by life force.

When it comes to fighting, the green-robed wizard who specializes in vitality is no less difficult than the black-robed wizard.

After feeling the changes in my body.

Roja stood up and stretched.

"It's time to get on with the mission."

Two years ago, Roya took over the task of thoroughly investigating the disappearance of the pharmacist from Mhua Witch Medicine.

Now it's time to end this mission.

Roya took out a few leaves, which were left by Mhua Medicine Master when Roya and Mhua Medicine Master met for the first time.

In addition to the "Elementary Chapter of Insights on Demonic Vein" recorded above, there is also the contact information of Mhua Witch Medicine Master.

Roja arranged the leaves in a certain order on the ground, bit his fingers and drew bloody runes on each leaf.

He clasped his hands together and recited the incantation silently.

The leaves on the ground floated without wind, and the runes carved on the leaves glowed faintly.


An old shadow appeared!

"I've met Mr. Mhua Witch Medicine Master!" Roja immediately knelt down to greet him.

"Royal Nange, since you took the initiative to contact me, do you think you know the whereabouts of the abducted pharmacists?" asked the Mhua witch pharmacist.

"Yes, I already know where the pharmacists are being held. I will find a way to rescue them later, but I also received unexpected news. Three months later, the dryads will hold a meeting, and the location is..."

After Luo Ya told Mhua Witch Medicine Master everything he knew.

Mhua Witch Medicine Master looked down at Luo Ya for a while, and then said: "The pharmacist's rescue will be left to you, and I will send someone else to deal with the rest."


The shadow of the Mhua medicine man disappeared, and the leaves fell from the air.

Luo Ya quickly caught the leaf and scanned the leaf with his mental power.

""Intermediate Chapter of Insights on Demonic Veins" and "Advanced Chapter on Insights on Demonic Veins"? There is also a third-class wizard apprentice's technique "Record of Demonic Treasures"?"

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