Rise of the Dark Witch

Chapter 158 Shaman Soul Tree, Knight Stele Forest

While Roja was thinking, the woods suddenly started shaking.


The trees, grass, and thorns gave way on their own initiative, forming a passage leading deep into the dense forest.

The mandolin wizard glanced at the Holy Knight Technique and the Seed of Life in Roja's hands, and then looked at Roja's pupils.

"I have given you the Holy Knight skills and the Seed of Life. Now go to the most suitable training location I have prepared for you."

"I believe that with your talent, you will be able to become a Paladin in no time."

"Perhaps not only can I become a Paladin, but I can also cultivate the "Seven Trees Sacred Garden" to the highest level of the Seven Flowers?"

"Go ahead."

The mandolin wizard's voice was very soft, without any ups and downs, but it carried an unquestionable momentum.

Roya stuffed the book and seeds into his pocket, said goodbye to the mandolin wizard, and dragged the stone tablet towards the depths of the jungle.

Roya left, leaving Weiss alone to face the Mandolin Wizard.

Weiss sat nervously, watching Roja's retreating back, and wanted to get up and follow him many times.

I didn't feel that when I was with Roya. Only when I lost her did I realize how safe I felt when I was acting with Roya.

"Child, don't be nervous, raise your head and let me see you." The mandolin wizard's voice was so kind that Weiss couldn't help but do it.

Weiss raised her head and looked at the amiable old woman in front of her. It was hard to imagine that she was actually the evil wizard who spread the plague in the river area and harmed millions of people.

"You and I were really similar when we were young." The Mandolin Wizard looked at Weisi and sighed. She stretched out her skinny hands and stroked Weisi.

Looking at the mandolin wizard approaching, Weiss stiffened and was so scared that her heart almost stopped beating.

However, the next second, seeing the changes in the Mandolin Wizard, Weiss's eyes widened in shock.

The Mandolin Wizard is slowly getting younger!

The wrinkles on the face faded, the rough skin became smooth, and the skinny body gradually became plump.

When her hands touched Weiss's face, the Mandolin Wizard's appearance had changed from that of an old woman in her eighties or nineties to a beautiful young woman in her thirties.

Weiss had heard a lot about wizards. It was very easy to change the appearance with the skills of a formal wizard, and it was not worth being too surprised at all.

But the Mandolin Wizard didn't just look younger. What really shocked Weiss was——

What the Mandolin Wizard looks like!

Except for his still gray hair, the Mandolin Wizard looks exactly like her!

Why did the Mandolin Wizard look like her?

Could it be that?


Recalling what the Mandolin Wizard said to her just now, "You are very similar to me when I was young," the answer was already obvious.

The Craigie family are descendants of the mandolin wizards!

She has the same blood flowing through her as the Mandolin Wizard!

"Are you Weiss? Just call me grandma from now on." The mandolin wizard said softly.

"Okay, okay, Grandma Mandolin." Weiss replied stutteringly.

After the mandolin wizard caressed Weiss's face absentmindedly for a while, he let go of his hand and stepped back, sitting back in his seat.

The Thousand Resentments Fruit that Weiss had been holding flew towards the Mandolin Wizard under an invisible pull.

The Mandolin wizard looked at the Thousand Resentment Tree Fruit, "Now all the materials for merging with the Resentment Tree and turning it into a Shaman Soul Tree have been gathered."

"Resentful Soul Tree? Shaman Soul Tree?" Weiss blinked her big eyes in confusion.

"The Resentful Soul Tree is a cursed tree that grows in a cursed place and absorbs resentment and death. The Shaman Soul Tree..."

The mandolin wizard threw her hand, and the Thousand Resentments Fruit flew towards the big tree behind her and merged into the trunk of the tree.

"After becoming an official wizard, the wizard's lifespan can be greatly extended. A first-level wizard can live for three hundred years, and a second-level wizard can live for five hundred years."

"However, you can continue to add life span to the basic life span by using witchcraft medicine and secret techniques. Unfortunately, the life span that can be increased is limited."

"I became a first-level wizard at the age of seventy-three. Now I have been in the first-level wizard realm for 312 years. I am 385 years old this year."

The Mandolin Wizard sighed, "My lifespan has reached its limit. I was unwilling to die and wanted to continue living, so I found a way to become a Shaman Soul Tree by merging with the Resentful Soul Tree."

"Theoretically, there is absolutely no problem in becoming a tree and living for tens of thousands of years, but after two hundred years..."

The divine light in the Mandolin wizard's eyes suddenly dimmed, "Weiss, I will do my best to support you and help you practice. I only hope that if you can become a formal wizard in the future, you can go to the living tree world to find something for me. "

"What?" Weiss couldn't help but ask.

"You are still too far away from the official wizard realm. I will tell you when that time comes." Mandolin Wizard shook his head.

"Grandma Mandolin, Roya?" Weiss asked cautiously, looking at the direction Roya was leaving.

"Don't worry, for the sake of my lovely offspring's plea, I will not take his life." Mandolin Wizard replied.

From the mandolin wizard's answer, Weiss had already guessed Roya's ending.

With the Mandolin Wizard doting on her, if he continues to plead, the Mandolin Wizard might be able to let Roya leave unharmed?

But Weiss was still worried, worried that the Mandolin Wizard's doting on her was just a facade, just pretending, so she didn't dare to speak at all.

She could only read Roja's name deep in her heart and silently said sorry.

"With your strength, grandma, can't you go to the living tree world by yourself?" Weiss asked.

"The thing I want is unusual, but I have found a way. If my lifespan is not about to expire, maybe I can get it with my own ability." The Mandolin Wizard sighed.

"Grandma, didn't you fuse the Wraith Soul Tree into the Shaman Soul Tree to extend your lifespan? You can't go there now, but won't it be possible after your lifespan is extended?" Weiss asked strangely.

"I want to do this too, but unfortunately, there is a huge flaw after becoming the Shaman Soul Tree, that is, it cannot move at will, and can only stay in the same place as a tree." The Mandolin Wizard said disappointedly.

The Mandolin Wizard, who didn't want to continue discussing this matter, looked at Weiss and asked: "There are many wizard paths. Except for the White Wizard of the Nine-Ring Tower, I have dabbled in them all. Which one do you want to learn?"

Weisi's mind was agitated and she quickly replied: "I want to become a green-robed wizard and go to the living tree world to get what you need, grandma."

"Haha, I read that right, Weiss, you are such a good boy."

The mandolin wizard stretched out his hand and took out a Seed of Life that was larger, rounder and greener than the one given to Roja. "This is a Seed of Life refined from the core of the five-hundred-year-old tree of life." Seed, Weiss, just swallow it."

Weiss took the seed of life without any hesitation and swallowed it with a gulp.


Luo Ya dragged the stone tablet as he walked deep into the dense forest. The trees beside him swayed in the windless sound, making a harsh sound.

After saying goodbye to the mandolin wizard, Roya had been walking in the dense forest for ten minutes.

The lush woods that should have been full of life are now filled with the aura of death.

Feeling the aura of death lingering around him, and looking at the aura of death in front of him that was as strong as substance, Roja had no expression on his face.

"Is this the so-called most suitable place for Paladin training?"

"It's really a good calculation."

The cultivation of the Paladin, especially the process of nurturing the seeds of life and allowing the seeds of life to take root and sprout, requires a large amount of vitality.

There is no massive life force here, but instead there is an endless flow of death!

Although it is possible to obtain the vitality needed for cultivation by converting the breath of death into vitality.

But while transforming the energy of death and practicing the Holy Knight skills at the same time, is this something ordinary people can do?

Only a madman would choose this method!

But there are good and bad.

The advantage is that you can understand the transformation between the energy of life and the energy of death during the practice, and you can deeply understand the energy of life and the power of death, laying a solid foundation for further practice in the future.

The downside is that the difficulty increases dozens of times!

And there is more than just the power of death ahead.

"Due to killing too many creatures, is there too much curse and resentment attached to the body?"

"I hope that by relying on those of us who break through the Paladins here, we can absorb a little bit of the curse and resentment?"

"Not only does it become more difficult to practice, but you will also be cursed and resented after successful practice. Will anyone really accept this kind of deal?"

"Can anyone really come back alive as a Paladin from the Forest of Knights' Steles?"

"The Knight's Stele Forest is simply a marketing scam, right?"

After angrily scolding the mandolin wizard, the old immortal, in his heart, Roja dragged the stone tablet and continued walking deep into the dense forest.

The further we go, the stronger the aura of death becomes.

Later, it was already so strong that it could corrode Roja's skin until it made a sizzling sound without him defending himself.

At this time, Roja noticed the tombstones standing in the dense forest and the dead bones lying beside the tombstones.

At a glance, the number of tombstones can be seen to be hundreds or even thousands.

"Are these people all the great knights who entered the Knight's Stele Forest before to accept the knight's trial?"

"I wonder if they realized before they died that the Knight's Stele Forest was just a scam."

Roja came to a stone tablet, stretched out his hand and lightly touched the dusty stone tablet, and a paragraph of words appeared in front of Roja's eyes.

In addition to the name of the deceased engraved on it, there is also a passage carved by the deceased with his fingers before death.

"It's just a little bit close, why can't it succeed?"

"I think I, Gates, practiced swordplay at the age of three, became a knight at the age of twelve, stepped into the realm of a great knight at the age of fifteen, and already practiced knight swordsmanship to the ninth level before I was forty."

"After that, I spent twenty years practicing hard on my health and cultivating my internal organs to the strongest level."

"I have already reached the end of my journey as a knight, why can't I become a paladin?"



Looking at these words full of resentment and unwillingness, Roja let out a long sigh.

This Gates is undoubtedly a genius among geniuses in the road of knighthood. The great knight Tallu who has only half-stepped into the realm of paladin can only carry his shoes.

In another situation, he would have become a paladin.

It's a pity that he shouldn't have come to the Forest of Knights. Coming to this place not only made it more difficult to become a paladin dozens of times, but was also full of curses and resentment.

Roja looked at the stone tablets one by one.

"Do Paladins really exist?"

"Perhaps the Paladin does not exist in this world? The Paladin is just a scam made by wizards to comfort us?"

"Although I failed, I don't regret it!"

"Haha, only after I came here did I realize that I am not alone in exploring the path of the Paladin."

"How I want to discuss the art of swordsmanship with you, but unfortunately when I arrive, you are already dead, and by the time the next person comes, I will be dead too."

When Roja looked at all the stone tablets, half a day had passed.

Look at the words left by those who pursue the path of the Paladin before they die.

Some are open-minded, some are unwilling, some regret, and some curse God...

Luo Ya felt a lot of emotion in his heart.

"In my opinion, the realm of the Holy Knight that they strive for is just something they can become if they have the skills to become it."

"But can I laugh at them for it?"

"Because to put it bluntly, there is no essential difference between me and them."

"One day I will be like them, stuck in a certain realm, unable to break through with all my efforts, and eventually die unwillingly, right?"

Roja looked up at the sky, and when he saw it was pitch black, "Their end may be my end."

"I just hope that day comes later."

Roja punched his tombstone on the ground and sat down in front of it.

He used the Certificate of Two Souls to read "The Sacred Garden of Seven Trees", a book of paladin skills obtained from the mandolin wizard.

"It is indeed the top paladin technique from the Holy Tree Kingdom."

"After using the Seed of Life to cast the Holy Foundation, the vitality of the human body can exceed one thousand units."

"Then transform the vitality into the power of radiance, become a paladin, and cultivate the vitality to 3,000 units."

"At this time, he is considered a first-class paladin, equivalent to a first-class apprentice."

"After that, if you continue to practice, as your vitality becomes more and more vigorous, the Holy Foundation in your body will condense the buds of life. Every additional three thousand units of vitality can condense one bud of life, and a total of seven buds can be condensed."

"This realm is a second-class paladin, corresponding to a second-class apprentice."

"Then let the seven life buds on your body bloom. When all seven buds bloom, you will be the peak of the third-class paladin, and your realm and strength will be comparable to the peak of the third-class apprentice."

"As for letting the flower buds on my body bear fruit and become a first-level green-robed wizard..."

"It's too far away from where I am now."

"And I am from the Ten Thousand Demons Cave, and I am destined to follow the path of a dark wizard. Although the Ten Thousand Demons Cave does not exclude black wizards from learning other methods to become stronger, but as expected..."

"Sure enough, I'd better think about it later!"

Roja's strength is still too weak, his understanding of the wizarding world is too little, and a formal wizard is still too far away from him. It is too early to make a decision about which wizard path to choose, which is beyond his ability and knowledge.

"Start practicing."

With the help of Roja's efforts and the evidence of the two souls, Roja has fully understood the Holy Knight Kung Fu "Seven Trees Sacred Garden". All he needs to do now is practice!

"There is still a little more than a year before the deadline to go to the root of the earth, and we can't delay it in order to become a paladin."

"If we miss the time, it would be bad to be punished by the Ten Thousand Demons Cave."

Roja put the seed of life into his mouth and swallowed it slowly.

When Roja was about to let the seeds of life take root and germinate according to the method recorded in the Holy Knight's skills, and complete the process of casting the Holy Foundation.


Black vines suddenly shot out from the depths of the jungle, wrapping Roja tightly around him, and the roots pierced into Roja's skin.

Then, the power of death was poured into Roja's body like a gushing fountain.


Feeling the death energy injected into his body by dozens of units per second, Roja gritted his teeth.

"Mandolin Wizard, are you so impatient?"

Roja knew that it was useless to reason with the mandolin wizard. Even if he used brute force to tear off the vines, he would only face more vines.

All he could do was to endure it silently.

The mantra that Luo Ya recited silently used his mental power to control his vitality and carve life runes in his body, forming a small life rune array.

He guided the death energy in his body towards the life talisman formation.

Among the many magic techniques that Roja has learned, there are those that convert magic into elements such as wind, fire, and lightning, those that convert magic into vitality, and those that transform vitality into the air of death. There are various types and functions.

But because Roja didn't have time to study in depth, he didn't have a deep grasp of these magic skills.

Regarding the depiction of the life talisman formation that transforms the energy of death into vitality, Roja had just learned it from the Holy Knight Skills Book "Seven Trees Sacred Garden" not long ago.

He was obviously just learning the Life Talisman Array on a temporary basis, but he used it skillfully, easily converting dozens of units of death energy per second into pure vitality.

"Fortunately, the Proof of Two Souls has a great advantage in the carving of magic patterns such as talisman arrays. Fortunately, once a life talisman array is carved, it can be used for a long time."

"Otherwise I'll suffer a lot."

Roja did not immediately inspire the Seed of Life to cast the Holy Foundation.

Because the process of casting the Holy Foundation is very mentally draining, refining the energy of death while casting the Holy Foundation will affect the success rate, and if it fails, it will have a great impact on the body.

In order to increase the success rate, Roja is accumulating vitality.

Moreover, he also further purified the transformed vitality, making the vitality even more pure.

However, because his purification method was quite crude, it took hundreds of units of ordinary vitality to transform into one unit of pure vitality.

But he doesn't care. There is too much death energy here and too much vitality reserve. There is no problem in wasting a little.


Buzz buzz——

Listening to the buzzing vibration that reached his ears, Roja felt surprised.

"Why did the Holy Sword Lion's Heart Roar start to move on its own... It's not the Holy Sword Lion's Heart Roar!"

Roja was surprised to find that the tombstone next to him was shaking!

The tombstone he brought out from Knights Town with his name on it!

And after his tombstone shook, other tombstones in the Forest of Knight Steles shook as if a chain reaction had occurred.

Hundreds of vibrating sounds formed a strange rhythm that enveloped Roja.

Roja opened his eyes and found a figure dressed as a knight standing on each tombstone. They nodded to Roja with a smile.

When Roja took a closer look, the figures had disappeared, as if it was just an illusion.

Those figures may be an illusion, but the shaking tombstone is definitely not!

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