Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 253: Good People's Day 1

After seeing Lin Yun and the others enter.

These stone golems seemed to be triggered, their eyes lit up one by one, and then they ran towards Lin Yun, looking as if they were about to attack Lin Yun.

"Stop." At this moment, Saya, who maintained her human form, said.

Then the stone golems really stopped.

Really convenient.

"Follow me." Saya continued.

Then these stone golems followed Saya, like a robot.

Although from a certain point of view, it is indeed a robot.

"In this case, can you still command them after being transformed?" Looking at this situation, Lin Yun frowned slightly.

"Well, it's probably like the feeling of using that staff to make the wights of the ancient tomb commit suicide. It's enough to concentrate a little bit." Saya raised his head and thought for a while, then said.

Does it mean that you need to be able to command?

It's acceptable, after all, as long as the command joins the battle, the rest is left to the combat intelligence of the stone golems themselves.

"Okay, then you can figure it out then." Lin Yun nodded slightly.

Just like that, with these stone golems, Lin Yun and the others quickly returned to the previous church.

According to the information that the crusader said before, passing through this passage is the bell tower, and then Nuginis is there.

So Lin Yun and the others rushed over quickly.

However, along that passage, Lin Yun and the others arrived in a room, and the disgusting smell of carrion filled the entire room. Human corpses were impaled on iron hooks hanging from the ceiling like cattle in a slaughterhouse.

Lin Yun remembered the places where the knights of the Dawn Blade Knights were bleeding.

Although it has been healed a lot by guided divine power.

But it can be seen that before this, they were hung on it like this.

"It's really a terrible smell." Because Lin Yun kept the posture of soul perception in order to guard against invisible creatures and ghosts, but forgot to change it back for a while.

The enhanced sense of smell made Lin Yun feel an unprecedented impact.

Almost threw up.

Let Lin Yun quickly switch back to the Polan posture, because he needs to consider that if the opponent is a soul eater, he may fly.

At this moment, an extremely weak voice came out.

"Holy Iomedae...save us..." the voice coughed wetly, "Use your hands...from the darkness...save us... "

Following the voice, Lin Yun and the others hurriedly looked over, "There are still people alive."

I saw a female dwarf hanging on a metal hook, her hands hanging limply like ropes. Every time she uttered a word, blood gushed from her mouth.

"Dylan." Lin Yun looked at Dailan.

"Commander, now we have to face the leader of the opponent. I think it's better to save her and deal with it slowly after we end the battle." Dai Lan said with a slight frown.

"At least make sure she won't die from blood loss." Lin Yun frowned slightly, then said.

"Leave it to me, my spells are not that necessary." At this moment, Xiao Jin walked out.

At this time, Nero had already stretched out his ghostly hand, reached over the hook about 3 meters above the ground, crushed it directly, and then put the female dwarf down.

Xiao Jin used the last treatment to slander the wound, and healed the female dwarf, at least it stopped the bleeding on her body.

However, it may be that the previous mental pressure was too great, and he was too exhausted. After he breathed a sigh of relief at this time, he passed out directly.

"It seems that he played dead and didn't look like he went out with those people before." Lin Yun looked at the female dwarf on the ground and sighed.

"We should hurry up." Nero reminded.

"I know." Lin Yun came to the side of several wooden crates, and then opened a gap, "Put her in."

"Okay." Nero grabbed the female dwarf again with his ghostly hands, and then put her into the gap.

Fortunately, this is a female dwarf with a petite figure, so it is relatively easy to cover it with these wooden crates.

Just hope some of those ghouls don't rush in.

And taking advantage of this time, Leon also took out two wands, one was a divine favor wand, and the other was a reduction wand.

Because he is not sure about the height and distance of the Soul Eater's flight, he may need to rely on these small gaps to make up for the penalty in range.

"Okay, let's go." Lin Yun clapped his hands, his face a little dignified.

With that said, he continued to follow the other door of this room and walked out.

"One-two-one. One-two-one. Keep going." The ghouls marched in the square in front of the clock tower to the tune of Nuginis' cheerful laughter.

At this time, Lin Yun and the others could see that it was a large-sized Soul Eater with a golden light on his body, looking at the ghouls below in mid-air.

Those ghouls were obviously once crusaders, and even at this time they were all wearing crusader armor.

Just don't know if it was intentional or not.

The armor on these crusaders looked very bright and beautiful, as if they were wearing these armors when they were alive.

At this moment, Nujinnis turned around and said, "Well, what do you think of my soldiers? They are much more beautiful than yours, aren't they? My games are also more fun."

It seems that Lin Yun and the others seem to have been discovered.

Or it should be said that from the very beginning, Lin Yun and the others seemed to be under the surveillance of Nujinnis.

After all, this is Nuginis' territory.

Zecarius was able to avoid Nuginis' peeping, but that didn't mean Lin Yun and the others could.

Because Nujinnis has an ability called remote vision, which can move the vision to a certain place and observe that place similar to the secret magic eye.

Although the time can only last about 54 seconds, it is enough.

"It's my honor to beat you up who is addicted to fantasy all day." Lin Yun smiled, and then saw Lin Yun suddenly came out of Zhanlan Rose, and then rushed in.

Wasn't the reason why he switched to Polanshi before that it was for now?

However, the trouble is that the attack speed of the judge is always faster than others.

"Group Human Immobilization Technique." I saw Nujinnis let out a sharp laugh, and then waved his hand, facing Lin Yun and the others, it was a super-wide-range spell.

Strictly speaking, it is not considered a super-large-scale spell, but the range of this group is within 9 meters of the distance between the target and the target, so in theory, it is like Solitaire, which can continue to a distance of one kilometer.

Although it is said that it is based on the caster level as the maximum number of chains.

But for Lin Yun's team, it was completely enough.

So, the demon is really too strong, too targeted at humanoids.

This is a 7th ring spell, but the Soul Eater is born able to use it.

Human beings have limits.

"D20+13+5+2=23, the will save is successful."

"Sure enough, you are worthy of being the commander. You were able to get rid of my human hold technique, but you got a little bit more power than ordinary people. Now you think you are equal to a god? Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. You are only worthy of being mine Breakfast. Destroy the good."

A ray of light descended from the sky, and landed on Lin Yun's body.

Kind? Who is a kind person?

Oh, yes, Lin Yun's face changed, because of his previous behavior, he became a person of the chaotic and kind camp. . . . .

After completing the Shattering Slash, the Soul Eater's eyes flickered red.

"D20+12+5+2=29, the fortitude save is successful."

"D20+10+5=25, plane knowledge test succeeded."

It is Soul Eater's Death Gaze. Soul Eater uses this ability to create ghouls. Through this ability, every six seconds or so, the life within about 9 meters around will be affected. If the Fortitude save fails, it will need to bear 1 level negative level status.

This negative level status can be stacked.

When a creature has been affected by this state until it reaches level 0, it will die suddenly and then transform into a ghoul.

And transforming into a ghoul in this way can give the soul eater a growth point.

By collecting such growth points, the Soul Eater can further evolve itself.

Consumes 1 growth point to gain +1 on attack rolls, CMB checks, saving throws, and caster level checks.

At the expense of 1 growth point, its maximum hit points increase by 10, and its caster level for spell-like abilities increases by 1.

At the expense of 2 growth points, its natural armor bonus, spell resistance, and Challenge Rating increase by 1.

The maximum number of growth points that can be obtained is 20.

For every growth point gained, it must pass a DC30 caster level check, and if it succeeds, it will evolve into a full body, that is, like Nuginis now, it can not only grow bigger, but also belong to the special soul eater of the evolution template.

Although it is said that the Soul Eater can only release the Thief's Gaze of growth points a day~www.wuxiamtl.com~, Nujinnis has been stationed here for nearly 50 years.

However, Lin Yun didn't even have the energy to think about it at this time, and he couldn't even look at the people behind him. He finally came within range, "anchor bomb." Above the blue rose, a pinch of flames was burning fiercely. Then it turned into ammunition and shot towards Nujinnis in the sky.

"D20+4+9+2+5+1+1+2=31, hit."


"D20+11+5=31, skillful hand fight is successful."

"What?" Nujinnis, who was looking at the "flame" flying up with a disdainful expression, suddenly became distorted.

With a high enough fire resistance and a pile of spells on his body, he is theoretically impossible to be hit, even if he is hit, he doesn't hurt or itch.

At this moment, his wings seemed to be cramped, causing him to fall straight down.

fell to the ground.

As a large soul eater, Nujinnis even felt a slight vibration on the ground when he fell down like this.

It seems that Nujinnis' stunts are not very high, and he couldn't even stand still when he fell.

Of course, it may also be because it was too sudden.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Yun has already "Lightning Stance, Blade Stance, Hundred Weapon Skills, and Silver Waves."

One step before Lin Yun came to Nujinnis who was lying on the ground, Zhanlan Rose had already retracted to her waist, and the rebellion behind her was pulled out.

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