Chapter 3597 [3597] The news is explosive

"No way. Director Zhang doesn't know where he came back from. He never told us whether he took a plane or a car or what time he arrived. He never said these things." Qiu Bowen knew this junior, It is added that Mr. Zhang does not take the blame.

   "Do you think he's on the plane?" Shen Youhuan turned around and blinked at her fiercely.

  He didn't show her a picture of that person or describe that person's appearance, only a few simple sentences summed it up, how could she recognize that person.

   Xie Wanying expressed her own judgment: "When I went to pick up the patient on the plane, the first thing I saw was the seriously ill patient."

  Everyone speculates that she has sharp eyes.

  The stewardess who led the way said it later, and the young man didn't take the initiative to tell anyone that he was sick and uncomfortable. If you don't pay attention, the young man closed his eyes and rested his mind, as if he was resting and sleeping on the plane, making it difficult for people to notice the abnormality.

   "It is not ruled out that someone deliberately stepped aside after attracting my attention, so that I can then pay attention to this patient."

  People's attention depends primarily on visual attention, because most people like to rely on vision to obtain information from the outside world. The historical process of human development makes people instinctively know that the information obtained by vision is the richest and most meaningful.

  After vision has become the main channel for people to obtain information, scientists must focus on the research of human visual attention in the study of human attention.

  Visual attention research, whether it is static image research or dynamic research, may not yet have a final conclusion in the scientific community. Phased research experiments can get some preliminary consistent results: differentiation.

   "Small black suitcases are relatively rare. It makes people feel like this person is carrying a lockbox to make a movie." Xie Wanying expressed her speculation.

  Others were surprised that she could remember such fine details, as if she had installed a video recorder in her brain that could play back accurately at any time, but she had actually recorded it subconsciously.

   "Perhaps she is really talking about him." Qiu Bowen said, thinking that her analysis made sense.

   "I'll give him a try." Shen Youhuan's interest was suspended.

  The phone beeped.

  Xie Wanying's heart continued to pound.

   "Are you back?" Shen Youhuan asked impatiently when he heard the click on the other side and someone picked up the phone, "Are you in our hospital?"

   "Get something to eat outside."

   "The plane meal is not delicious, is it?"

   "You know I fly?"

   "Someone said they saw you on a plane, so they asked if you were on the plane."

   "Did Dr. Xie say that? I also think she should remember."


  This person is as terrifying as Mr. Zhang.

  He Xiangyu was startled, touched his heart, and turned to look at the younger sister again.

  Xie Wanying held her breath and listened.

   "Why did you come back? Brother Qiu said that he doesn't even know why you want to come back." Shen Youhuan asked with a smile.

  Brother Shen occasionally speaks carelessly, but it is a good thing, and he can answer everyone's questions at once.

   "I recommend someone who wants him to study in Guozhi, but Lao Zhang disagrees, saying that he has no time to take someone with him, so I have to take him by myself." The other party said, and directly called Mr. Zhang Lao Zhang.

   "I heard from Director Zhang that you want to bring a team to our hospital."

  He Xiangyu touched his forehead, this brother Shen is also a bad guy, he obviously knows a lot of things.

   "Well, Lao Zhang said that he will also form a team in the near future."

  (end of this chapter)

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