Restart Spain Sun Never Sets

Chapter 18 The World's 1st Army

Yesterday's duel between the Spanish army and religious rebels in Leon-Andalusia,

Our army has demonstrated the world's most advanced tactics, weapons and fighting methods.

At the cost of less than 3,000 casualties, we successfully defeated more than 60,000 religious rebels.

The Chinese army is equipped with the most advanced rifles in the world, and it is also the only unit in the world that has popularized machine guns in the whole army.

According to the evaluation of the war observation groups of various countries on the scene, a machine gun with frantic shooting will be the most terrifying killer in the world.

my country's army is already well-deserved number one in the world in terms of will to fight, weapons and equipment.

The uniforms and steel helmets designed for the army by His Majesty King Alfonso XII, also highlight the heroic and upright temperament of our soldiers.

It can be said without hesitation that our army is also well-deserved number one in the world in terms of military appearance and appearance.

This is the world's first modern Army team, and our lead will be maintained for a long time.

Spaniards, rejoice! For our great World First Army, for our great King Alfonso XII!

The Spaniards discovered overnight that their country's army had quietly transformed into the world's No. 1 army.

This is an incredible event, who used to be known as the world's No. 1 army, the Kingdom of France and later the German Empire.

Which of these two countries is not one of the best?

The Kingdom of Spain, which was at a disadvantage in terms of population and economy, turned into the world's most advanced and the world's most powerful army?

Many Spaniards are even in a state of skepticism, but more are ecstatic.

Since Spain's global colonial empire in the 17th century, it has naturally formed national self-confidence.

Although the decline in recent years has made it a little depressing, when the words Spain first appeared, it was easy to awaken their national self-confidence.

In the world, the weak fighting power of the Spanish army has always made the Spaniards tired and afraid of war,

Although he is still confident in the natives outside Europe, he is obviously not confident in the face of other European powers.

The anti-war voice in Spain has been constant throughout history, which is actually the same as modern football.

For example, my football team can't play anyone. Going out to play has never brought glory and cheer to the country, so the fans hate him, and the enthusiasm of a large number of fans is ruthlessly extinguished.

On the other hand, when my football team is a very strong opponent who will be valued by anyone who goes out to play, people will naturally love him.

Because what he brought to the nation was glory and confidence.

The same is true of the army. When the attractiveness of the army is greatly improved, it will naturally reduce people's war weariness.

The increase in attractiveness will not only reduce the war-weariness of the people, but will also attract a large number of young people to join the army.

And military uniform is also a very important part. A handsome military uniform will increase people's yearning for the army.

For example, in the history of Desan, no one can deny Desan's evil, but he can't deny that Desan's handsome uniform attracted young Germans at that time.

And when the photos of the Spanish Army appeared in major newspapers, countless young people yearned for it.

This is different from the gorgeously decorated armies of other countries. The Spanish Army is more decorated with the upright and heroic momentum of the soldiers.

However, the Spanish Army did not openly recruit troops at this time, so there was no scene of Spanish young people actively signing up.

While the Spaniards were all proud, the performance of the European powers varied.

Compared with the invincible Royal Navy, the British Army can be described as pocket-sized.

Although the fleet of the British Empire can guarantee our safety at sea,

But our army problem is always a big problem. I think the reform of the British army is urgent, otherwise we will be abandoned by the times on land.

Queen Victoria's favorite, British Prime Minister Dilisleigh said so in his speech.

Under the circumstances that everything could not threaten the status of the British navy, the British would not care too much.

In recent years, France and Germany have taken turns sitting on the throne of the world's first army, and the British have not responded much.

For example, the German Empire, also during the period of Wilhelm II, appointed Tirpitz as the German Admiralty, and the navy began to build ships on a large scale.

The rapid development of the German navy also deteriorated the relationship between Britain and Germany.

So the British response was relatively muted.

On the opposite side of the English Channel, the mighty French reacted more violently.

As a continental power, French competition from the land is essential.

Before Spain, the German army had overwhelmed the French.

In May, an article by the French government, Frightened French, which prompted the British and Russians to put pressure on the Germans,

But from the side, it can reflect the French's lack of confidence in the German Army.

The sudden emergence of the Spaniards in the rear made everyone in France in danger.

Sandwiched between the first and second most powerful army in the army, France is now in a very difficult situation.

In the previous transaction between the Germans and the Spaniards, the French felt that the two countries had a tendency to move closer.

Therefore, enthusiastic people in Paris, France, spontaneously began to march, asking the French government to find a solution.

The French government was also devastated. After the Franco-Prussian War, the French strengthened their army and never considered Spain in the rear.

In a possible German-French war, the only variable the French must now consider is the Spaniards.

The Austrians and the Russians were all allies of the Germans, and the Three Emperors Alliance was well known.

The only allies left for the French to choose are Britain, Italy and Spain.

Britain and France are feuding, Italy hates the French, and Spain is suspected of moving closer to Germany. A series of performances gave the French government a headache.

So the French government's diplomatic activities are more frequent.

The French are devastated, and the German government is not much better.

The Germans, who have been calling themselves the world's No. 1 army in recent years, suffered the exact opposite treatment to the Spaniards overnight.

The title of the world's first army was snatched by a second-rate country, which angered the Germans who were full of self-confidence.

The army has always been the golden sign of the Germans, and the consequences of losing this sign will inevitably lead to the seizure of large orders by Spain for the German military factories.

This was unbearable for the Germans, who could not easily accept the loss of their only signboard without overseas colonies.

So what the Germans faced was not the diplomatic dilemma of the French, but the voice of the people inside.


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