Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 877: The mission period is

Chapter 877 task deadline is

"Code name?"




"Please come in!" The young officer saluted the visitor.

The man is tall and fair-skinned, completely unlike a soldier who sleeps and eats all the year round. Passing the guard post, the man walked towards the lighted room in front.

The closer, the faster the heartbeat, the faster and faster the man walks, the pace is even a little messy.

For him, this place was the beginning of the nightmare.

It seemed that after a century of walking, the man walked to the door and slammed it gently.

"Come in!"

Sitting inside was an old man with gold-rimmed glasses. When he saw a man come in, he turned his seat and turned, smiling, obviously waiting for him.

The old man stretched out his hand and pointed at the chair opposite him, "I knew you would come and sit."

The man sits straight and puts his hands on his knees naturally. Since he entered the room, his expression has become extremely serious.

The old man opposite him always smiled.

"Think clearly?"

"Yeah." The man nodded, then asked, "What's the deadline?"

"For half a year, if you can't do it, you know the means of organization..." The old man stopped on purpose.

Sure enough, the man's eyes shrank suddenly, the struggle in his eyes disappeared, and he immediately said, "I promise!"

The old man laughed triumphantly, the laughter was flying, the kind of laughter that a winner can only have.

"You are young and your brother is young. The best you can think about is. Brotherhood is always more valuable than a confidante, isn't it? When you reach my age, you will know what life is most precious! Women, money And status are all clouds."

After the old man finished speaking, his stern gaze did not leave the man's face for a moment.

It's just that the man lowered his head, as if listening carefully, his hands hanging beside him had already made fists. The old man's words hit him like a heavy fist, making him breathless.

Yes, brothers are like brothers, not to mention that he is just such a younger brother, he can't let his younger brother be hurt any more. Then I can only sorry her.

The man struggled for a while, and soon his eyes became clear again.

Life is like this, always facing. What's more cruel is to let you choose the more important among the two people you think is the most important.

However, he no longer has to worry because he has already made a decision.

The man didn't know how he got out of the room. If he could, he would rather never come here in his life.

I don't know when the snow has started to fall, flying all over the sky in the night. He likes snow, but he is not in the mood to appreciate it.

If he was that person, how would he choose? Will he abandon her like him?

The snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the temperature in the night is getting lower and lower, but the man walks extremely slowly, making creaking noises every time he takes a step.

After all, he is not strong enough to protect even the most beloved.

Thinking of the boy's frail body, what else can he choose? He really couldn't push him into the abyss anymore, even if this time, he wanted his life, he would not hesitate.

But why is there a heart-wrenching pain somewhere in the heart?

The younger brother is the one he cares about most, that's it.

I want to try to convince myself.

"Miss Jiang, please stay, your Excellency is inconvenient to meet guests now!" Jiang Qingxue was stopped outside a high-end apartment.

Jiang Qingxue just came out of the hospital today and couldn't wait to come here. A actually didn't see her!

"Old K, it wasn't like this before. I used to come and go freely!" Jiang Qingxue realized that what happened last time was completely angry.

(End of this chapter)

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