Reporting, I Have Been Reborn

Chapter 868: Can only think

Chapter 868 can only think about

There has been no news from Wei Zhenhui, and Su Mian was so worried.

Two weeks have passed, and it stands to reason that people should be almost there.

Su Mian was trying to find someone, and in the afternoon received a call from Wei Zhenhui to go to M country.

It turned out that the young comrade had gone abroad for further studies. It was troublesome for Wei Zhenhui to go abroad as a soldier, and the special approval procedures were completed.

However, Su Mian was still a little disappointed. If she could go to Country M, she might still meet Wei Zhenhui in Country M.

Now I can only think about it.

Wei Zhenhui was safe, Su Mian let go of his hanging heart, and devoted his time and energy to the pharmaceutical industry.

She really wants to thank Liu Hui, now she can go to the hospital in an open and honest manner, and no longer have to wrap herself in zongzi.

When people at Renhe Hospital heard that the genius doctor was a freshman at the Military Medical University, his jaw almost fell on the ground.

Freshman students have that kind of medical skills, and they will not let others live in the future.

Now everyone is really convinced.

Cold medicine of Mianhui Pharmaceutical...

Wait, they seem to have found something!

Mianhui, Su Mian, Wei Zhenhui.

I went, with such an obvious hint, they didn't realize that Su Mian was the wife of the Great Demon King!

Su Mian asked Wenwen to revise the prescription of the cold pill a few days ago, replacing the precious medicinal material with another common medicinal material.

Several old Chinese doctors were so angry that their beards were blowing to the sky.

Is there such a casual modification of the things left by the ancestors? That precious medicinal materials play a role in these medicines, can ordinary medicines replace them?

But when I am angry, I still do the same.

In this way, the price of cold pills from Mianhui Pharmaceutical has dropped by nearly 50%.

At this time, Jiang's Pharmaceuticals was also rushing to make it, because they analyzed the final ingredients, Jiang Qingxue was the last one, and 80% of the funds were invested in the production of cold pills.

She didn't believe that Su Mian could not be killed.

It is a coincidence that the two medicines were on the market at the same time. Mianhui's cold pill has a good sales foundation, and the price is more common this time, so it almost sold out.

Looking at Jiang's Pharmaceuticals, although the packaging box imitates cold pills, the price is almost 4 times that of the current cold pills.

There is a cold pill that is easy to use and common people, who will use that kind of medicine, which is very expensive and whose efficacy is not necessarily great!

Therefore, Jiang's Pharmaceutical almost lost without accounting.

Of course, this is not over yet, you can hear the people pointing and pointing wherever you go.

"Look at this package, it's obviously plagiarizing other people's cold pills, shameless! Open the door to do business, please show some sincerity, ok?

"That's it, it doesn't matter if you copy other people's packaging. Look at the price of this medicine. Why don't you grab it? The price of people's cold pills has been reduced, but you still increase it. You can eat the medicine as a meal!"

"It deserves to be sold out. In the future, I would rather eat **** than Jiang's medicine!"

"Big brother, what do you mean by that, the medicine of Jiang's Pharmaceutical Company is not as effective as shit?"

"I was too lazy to leave yesterday, so I bought a box at the pharmacy at the door. As a result, was that special medicine? It became more serious after taking a box. I used to take cold pills and just a few meals. Isn't it a lie?"

Dean Li told Su Mian what he heard.

Su Mian smiled and joked. If her medicine is casually copied, she still wants to live.

Even if Jiang analyzes the ingredients of the medicine and puts the herbs in front of them, they will not be able to produce the same medicinal effect as Su Mian.

Apart from the processing technology, the ancestral secrets of several old Chinese medicine doctors are not comparable to ordinary people, not to mention that the Jiang family only started by selling medicinal materials and has a little knowledge of pharmaceuticals.

(End of this chapter)

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