964. Chapter 964 birth

    According to Silvy’s intelligence, Devil’s investigation team is usually composed of two wild demons and three Dread Beasts, and will fly back and forth to the surveillance area at a certain frequency. There is an overlap between the teams, and the posture is quite similar. The “Eagle Wall” of later generations.

    Due to the advantage of the air unit in the field of vision, the army will certainly be discovered as long as it enters the investigation area. What Roland intends to do is to open up a no-fly zone in the sky, a blind spot in the field of vision.

    What is certain is that the detection of wild demon has neither radar systems nor instantaneous call technology. As long as they are not allowed to blow the horn, the disappearance of a small team will not attract any attention. Dread Beast, which is equipped with a special red mist tank, can enhance the team’s patrol ability, but it will also make the information feedback time longer. When the enemy finds that the Dread Beast is damaged, it will wait until the evening to return home.

    Even so, Devil, who is unclear about the specific location of the loss, wants to locate the attacker’s position immediately, not to mention the fact that the night team does not act, and the First Army can march. As long as the production sequence of the blind zone is reasonable, it will be able to gain time for one’s own side, which is equivalent to weakening the opponent’s mobility.

    Roland didn’t expect to completely block the hand, but even if it was delayed for two or three days, it would be of great help to the army – after all, the sooner he arrived at the bombardment site, the greater his chances of winning.

    The anti-Dread Beast sniper rifle is the product of his high hopes.

    In fact, it is quite a gun. In order to ensure the long-range lethality and ballistic stability, its caliber is set at 20 mm, and this is the dividing point between the gun and the gun.

    As for why not to do bigger, it is because Andrea’s ability has a distinctive feature – it must be held by hand. This point has been tested during the shelling training, even if it is the command of the family, once she loosens the barrel, no matter how the soldiers adjust, they can’t do the static shooting.

    And under the cannon’s recoil, forcibly fire?

    Tilly doesn’t blame it.

    It was just that the name of the sniper was too awkward, so Roland decided to give it the name of a gun.

    The new weapon itself has no high-tech technology, and its structure is much simpler than the Mark I Model heavy machine gun. The air-conducting rear seat, semi-automatic shooting, and the clip-on supply…The only extra component is the muzzle retractor, which is used to reduce the rear seat and has been used in the main gun of the shallow water heavy gunship.

    It took only two days to make it.

    One and a half of it is spent on screening materials and post-processing.

    Lucia’s alloy, Anna cutting, Candlelight curing and Doris’s magic…A few big witches work together to create, in terms of quality, the weapon is definitely a legendary creation. The material and processing accuracy are not mentioned. As long as the curing effect exists, the sniper barrel will not be deformed under high temperature gas and huge pressure, which is also a key factor to ensure continuous and accurate shooting.

    “Is this a sniper rifle?”Andrea looked at it for a while and quickly found out what was wrong. “Where is its scope?”

    “Nope.”Roland is a handkerchief.

    “No.She groaned. “I can’t hit the invisible goal.”

    “And the general sight can’t play its role, so there are three other people to help you,” Roland said, looking to the side of Silvy, Speer and Camila.

    “what do you mean……Let Ms. Camila connect me to Silvy, and then Lord Erl is responsible for supplementing magic power? ”Andrea finally understood the meaning of Macy’s phrase “They are waiting for you.”

    “Although I don’t want to leave the Fallen Dragon Ridge at all…Ah, aunt…But looking at the fact that Your Majesty is so sincerely giving me an invitation, I can only make it difficult to agree. ”Speer Earl pretended to be helpless. “Just next time I want to let me know, instead of letting the Macy girl fly with me. I am older, I am not as old as I was, and I was blown by the wind until now. Not good yet.”

    Roland silently rolled his eyes and apparently drank Lily’s purified water. He also asked him to go to the support of the next City Hall students, but it seemed to be a free service. In the end, it’s a frequent visitor to the political arena for many years.

    Camila’s reaction was much simpler, “His Royal Highness Tilly wants me to do my best.”

    “But I’m not sure if my ability will still work under Magic Eye’s observation.”Since the range of the stone and the bow and arrow is much smaller than the visual range, Andrea has never considered a similar problem at all.

    “So it’s necessary to try,” Roland gestured. “So…Let’s Go!


    Carter Lannis squats nervously outside the bedroom door.

    There are very few times when he is so upset in his life.

    I want to think about it, except for Your Majesty Roland’s unprepared approach to witch Anna, followed by today.

    His wife, May, is about to give birth.

    As she said, “her status is comparable to His Majesty The King,” Carter thought. Take a little bit of effort and see if you are all awkward. Isn’t that a child? Nana and Miss Lily are both there. The Medical Institute has sent several female nurses. What problems can I have? Even if it is difficult to produce, according to Your Majesty’s, you can also take your child directly out of the stomach and save the lives of two people.

    But this thought just came out for a while, and soon it was shaken again…Can people really cut off the belly production? This is also terrible, no, no, no, still hope that normal is good.

    How do you dare to doubt the knowledge of Your Majesty Roland!

    ButI have never heard of Ah who is coming out like this?

    The two voices played in the mind of Chief Knight, almost causing him to split his head.

    “Do not worry, adult,” Irene comforted. “May sister will be able to come over because…She is the strongest person I have ever met. ”

    Other members of the Star Flower Theatrical Group who came to visit also nodded.

    “Thank you,” Carter said despite his mouth, but his fears did not diminish. Under the entanglement, he felt a thin sweat on his forehead.

    Suddenly, there was a violent cheer outside the window.

    He walked to the window and saw that in the lanes of countless people, a team wearing new military uniforms slowly walked across the long street and headed for the border wall. The fabrics of the brown and green are obviously disorganized, but on these soldiers, they have a rock-solid sense of calmness. The whole army is like a flowing land.

    “Today is the day of the expedition?”Carter couldn’t help but ask.

    “Well, my husband is also inside,” Irene smiled a little, but full of pride. “He has been looking forward to this battle of revenge for a long time.”

    RevengeHe subconsciously.

    Yes In order to comfort those who died in Devil’s hands, he told me so. ”

    The former star Knight, now also fighting for ordinary people; Your Majesty’s ideal country in the past is now a little bit of reality. And he should have been one of them, even the first person to charge for Your Majesty. I don’t know when he is getting farther and farther away.

    For a moment, the annoyance replaced the dispute in the brain, leaving him a little distracted.

    Until a tender cry came from the bedroom door.

    In an instant, all the thoughts have become blank.

    The body responded more quickly than the brain. When he came back to God, he pushed the door open and rushed to the bed.

    A crumpled baby is crying on May’s pillow, and the nurses are doing the good work in an orderly manner.

    “Congratulations, adult, is a very healthy boy.”Someone laughed.

    YesYeah?Carter stepped to the bed step by step, kneeling on one knee, looking at the sweaty May, and I was so crazy.

    The long-awaited cheers are mixed with the child’s crying, like a ensemble celebrating a new life.

    May opened his mouth and seemed to be saying something, but she was weak and she could hardly make a sound.

    But Carter still understood what she wanted to say.

    At that moment, a warm stream flooded his eyes.

    “Now, you are a father,” she said.

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