922. Chapter 922 Train Times (below)

    “Half time…Just repair this track to the depths of quite wasteland? ”After listening to Roland’s plan, Barov, who has seen many “miracles”, still dared to widen his eyes. “Ministry of Construction is just building a normal road connecting Long Bien and Longsong. It took more than half a year. Time, now this distance is at least five times more than Wang Guo Avenue. Are you sure Mr. Karl can do it?”

    The scene also sounded a whisper, and Kingdom Road was Roland’s first super-large project after taking over Longsong Stronghold, using up to 2,000 workers, which was seen as unnecessary in many people’s eyes. The new road has to go further, and with the limitation of the construction period, even if all the workers in Neverwinter City are thrown in, it is difficult to meet.

    Minister of Construction Karl van Bate I did not speak a word, as if thinking about the feasibility of the plan.

    Roland knows what these officials are thinking about. After all, there are still many urban construction projects. Impossible put all the natural resources on the railway, but in fact, compared to the cement gravel road that needs to be graded and repeatedly crushed. The laying of roadbed meteorites is much more convenient.

    As for the seemingly complicated rail installation, it is the quickest part.

    He has seen Anna’s black fire soldering demonstration, a component like a track that connects two breakpoints at a time, averaging less than ten seconds. Compared with the traditional bolt or hot-melt connection, not only the quality is better, but also a lot of manpower and materials can be saved. In addition to the lack of the feeling of the old train, the sound can be described as perfect.

    In fact, the experimental track in front of everyone is a quasi-seamless rail. In addition to the joints left against the steel’s own temperature stress, the entire top surface forms a smooth straight line, and the wheel barely feels tremor when rolling.

    At the time, Anna only took half a day to complete the process.

    This is why Roland is confident that the duration will be so short.

    In other words, if the worker spends ten days laying out the road base, the Leaf may take five days to place the sleepers and rails, and Anna will be fully welded in one day. If you don’t deliberately accumulate the number, that is, take the Macy set off in the morning and go back to the castle to eat lunch at noon.

    It’s just that he didn’t elaborate on this. After all, not everyone is familiar with the ability of the witch, and the other half is only a rough estimate. When he first arrived in Neverwinter City, he went straight to the wolf woman and the meeting. He had no time to ask Tilly to ask which witches to come to Sleeping Island. If there is a suitable ability, the railway progress may be faster.

    See Roland not saying much, the officials turned their attention back to the train.

    The train itself is undoubtedly much more antique than the modern railway. A complete front is divided into two sections. The first half consists mainly of the fourth-generation Steam engine and the transmission, while the second half is the coal storage. The cab is in the middle, and in addition to controlling the speed and whistle, it is also the driver’s responsibility to add coal to the boiler by manpower.

    Although the train is affected by the expedition, it is still in the semi-finished stage, but it is still much more perfect than the other world’s first Steam engine. For example, steam directly works on the crankshaft rather than through the flywheel belt. For example, the wheels on both sides are applied with a linkage without dead ends, instead of single-wheel drive by the gear group.

    In design, Roland simplifies a variety of cumbersome functions, almost directly abruptly a number of major components together, if in the future, it is more than the shortcomings of the stars-brakes need to rely on human twist winch, cab rigid connection on the beam, the driver can fully feel the steam engine Work “Restless”, without any electrical equipment, notify the crew need to rely on whistle or voice, etc…But here, it is already the best solution that can be solved by the existing technology of Neverwinter City.

    Just like the original Steam engine, solve the problem first and then improve it step by step.

    “Your Majesty, this thing…Can you drag multiple goods? ”Minister of Chemistry Cam Schuire is curious, “How about the cement boats in the river?”

    “I think it would not be a problem to transport five or six ships at a time,” Roland said triumphantly to see the color of surprise again. “But this is just the beginning. As technology advances, it will drag on a hundred cement ships. The goods are not a problem.”

    OneOne hundred ships? ”Barov swallowed, as the City Hall Premier Minister, he fully understood what this amount means.

    So,What about speed? ”Petrov’s voice trembled slightly.

    “This is not easy to say, it depends on the actual test results, but it will not be slower than the cement boat.”

    However, the windless automatic paddle wheel cement ship is already a very fast means of transport in their eyes. It should be known that the land transportation of this era is mainly based on the carriage or livestock, on the uneven soft road. Efficiency can be imagined. Slightly running faster, vehicles without any suspension system can survive to the broken shaft, so shipping is the main means of delivery of the Kingdom of Greycastle – and in the river, the steamboat without the need of wind is obviously unable to sail The advantage of comparison.

    When the train’s carrying capacity is only stronger, and the speed is not lost, a group of people have completely lost their silence.

    Roland couldn’t help but smile. If it was two years ago, he would only be used as a madman by others. Looking at these officials’ subconsciously wanting to deny, but with the look of what should be done, he couldn’t help feeling quite comforted – even though those descriptions were based on the situation of the ship’s technology, but Now that the war is coming, it is not bad to strengthen the confidence of everyone.

    Moreover, he is not aimless.

    This is only the first generation of industrial products under the source of power.

    After the second generation of source power, that is, after the advent of the internal combustion engine, the epoch-making means of transportation will become the king of terrestrial transportation.

    “Your Majesty, can you show us something?”After a while, the old Premier Minister spoke.

    “For the time being, it is currently missing a few key parts and it has not really been completed. After all the debugging is done, it is estimated that it will take about a week. ”Roland shook his head.

    “The plan you gave to the Ministry of Construction before the expedition was to connect the mine to the dock with a track, right?”Barov asked again.

    “What happened?”He noticed that the other party seemed to have something to say.

    “If it’s as you said, it will definitely have a positive impact on City Hall’s war propaganda,” Barov said in his mind. “Can you let your citizens see the same day on the train?” Watch this incredible scene?”

    Roland immediately understood the intention of the Premier Minister. It seems that in the past few years, the old Premier Minister has also realized the importance of guiding the people.

    “Just do what you said.”He raised his mouth.

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