907. Chapter 907 reveals the fog (below)

    After discovering the enemy’s large forces, Logia knew that it was time to evacuate – as Roland Great Chief and Lightning said, such an opponent is not something she can handle alone, and the news is sent back to Neverwinter City. It is a matter of necessity.

    She has proved herself in the previous battles, and if Devil is rooted here, she will have many opportunities to play against this group of monsters in the future.

    Although she made a judgment in her head, she did not choose to leave the first time, but planned to find a high point to see the movement of Devil. Just a phrase “I saw a lot of Devil” is easy to feel that she has escaped from the landfall. If she can bring back more information, even the Great Chief will have to accept her.

    In this way, no matter whether the words that the other party said when they met, they are concerned or ironic, they will not break their own problems – what she wants is not an apology, but recognition. Even in the battle of life and death, she can play a sideline role. To the contrary, this is her personal glory, and said in depth, this is great for improving the weight of Wildflame Clan in the Great Chief.

    So she did it.

    Of course, these ideas will not be straightforward, but simply described as curiosity.

    Logia quickly found an abandoned stone tower not far from Taqila ruins. Although the tower was nearly half-destroyed and covered with moss and vines, it was also the best observation point for nearby.

    In order to facilitate the evacuation, she did not put on her clothes. Instead, she carried the bag behind her back and wrapped it in a cloak to climb the top of the tower.

    The big hole that broke at the top was just for her, and with the curtain-like rattan, Dread Beast flew over the head several times and could not find her.

    Then she finally saw the true face of the monster.

    That is not a living thing!

    “They are not…Live? ”When I heard this, Wendy couldn’t help but break the silence and ask.

    “I can only think so,” Logia whispered. “The guys don’t look like a creature, it’s like…”

    “What is it like?”

    “The iron bridge you built on the Scarlet Water River.”

    Everyone looked at each other and was somewhat difficult to understand. “Bridge?”

    “I was at that time…It’s also incredible, but it’s the truth,” she coughed weakly. “It has a straight trunk like a bridge deck. Four long legs are like bridge piers on both sides of the body, just…No matter whether it is the trunk or the limbs, there is no flesh and blood covered. Through the hollow skeleton and the iron piece, I can clearly see the scene behind the monster. ”

    Wendy couldn’t help but take a breath.

    A steel bridge that can act on its own? Is this something that Devil made?

    Logia took a moment to say, “Every skeleton monster is at least eighty-nine feet tall, and its top surface is fixed with a lot of Devil. It looks like a layer of Insect eggs. And its abdomen is hung with a huge skin, like an organ peeled from something, not only can feel its pulsation, but also through the epidermis can see the dark red mist inside. ”She clenched her fist and gently pressed it to her chest. “Oh Three Gods, the monsters look so evil.”

    Ash frowned, “…Yeah?

    “Then they crouched around the ruins, and hundreds of tubes fell into the ground in the skin, turning the surrounding land into dark brown agglomerates. The weeds and trees above were quickly withered, as if they had been drained from life. Most of Devil also sinks into the ground, leaving only a few hundred wild demons and more than a dozen Dread Beasts to continue to move around the ruins, which should be responsible for patrol investigations. ”

    “Have you seen a Devil with countless eyeballs and tentacles?”Wendy, while recording the findings of the wolf woman, asked, “They tend to stay high, and it looks like a squirming sarcoma.”

    “Do you have more Eye Demon?”Logia shook his head. “Lightning told me about it, but I didn’t find it in the Devil army.”

    “Then your injury is…”

    “I am too underestimated,” she said, a little frustrated. “I have been hiding at the top of the tower for three days. Dread Beast has also flown from this area many times, but there is no indication that they want to investigate this place. I thought that the horn that the previous wild demon blew did not attract the attention of the big troops. It was not until the evacuation that several teams of Devil had already lurked in the nearby. ”

    “WaitWill they still do this kind of thing? ”Sunset was surprised. “I heard from you that Devil is not a beast with a strong body but a simple mind?”

    “Devil at the bottom is really, but someone is not the same,” Tilly said. “There is a high rank Devil in this group of enemies.”

    “In the face of an unknown enemy, there is no perfect response.” Ash patted her on the shoulder. “You can escape the danger with your will and live back to Neverwinter City. It is very rare.”

    This is the first time Wendy has heard such a formal compliment from Exceed.

    “Maybe, fortunately…The guy didn’t come to me in person,” Logia said with a weak smile. “When the exposition disappeared, I immediately became a wolf, and accelerated by the night, which also caused their spear attack to lose their head. I don’t know how much the chase is, only know that Dread Beast is always hovering overhead. ”

    “You – killed all the soldiers?”Tilly asked in confusion.

    Wendy also gave birth to a suspicion in her heart. If she could not get rid of the enemy’s tracking, the wolf woman would inevitably be endlessly chased and intercepted. The serious injuries on her body also proved this point. In addition, she can only be beaten passively. It seems that she was already in a desperate situation.

    “No…They gave up the pursuit. ”Logia replied, “I don’t understand why…As long as I catch up with one day, I will definitely not be able to sustain it, but they have chosen to retreat. ”

    “red mist !”Tilly quickly reacted. “It’s the red mist that Devil is running out of. – Do you remember where they retreated?”

    She thought about her forehead for a while. “Probably it is about five or six miles from the grassland.”

    “What about maps? Get a map soon. ”

    Seeing Tilly slashing back and forth on the drawing, Wendy also learned what the other person said. Those skeleton monsters are probably a magic power machine that transports red mist, just like the Siege Beast shown by Church, and Logia’s description indirectly proves this, whether the army sinks underground or is contaminated by red mist. The land is exactly the same as the scene in the Devil camp behind the snow-capped mountains.

    If the Dread Beast from ruins set off can only approach the edge of the wild wasteland, does it mean that Neverwinter City is still in a safer position for the time being?

    After understanding the general situation, Logia was already exhausted, and blood was oozing out on the bandage wound around the wound.

    After comforting her to rest and paying attention to Nana’s return, Wendy left the bedroom with everyone and gently covered the door.

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