894. Chapter 894 Eligibility for Salvation

    With the presence of First Army soldiers in the church, he did not cover the origins of the War of Divine Will, but simply translated the witch empire into Church’s history.

    But just the news is enough to make High Priest horrified – whenever he mentions Church’s internal secrets, Jacob’s eyes will be a big point, and in the end it will become almost like a lantern. He seems to want to refute, but when he comes to his mouth, there is only a voice that is swaying. Obviously, some of the information is beyond his understanding, but they are in line with the various rumors in Church.

    Looking at the old priest’s breathless appearance, Roland paused for a while – he was not because he had nothing to say, but worried that he would continue to talk like this, and the other party would be discouraged. Although there is nothing wrong with it, he is still not addicted.

    It wasn’t until Jacob came back, he continued, “It seems that you know nothing about Church’s qualitative, otherwise you shouldn’t be so shocked. I want to blame me for nonsense, but I find that there is no doubt before and after. The clues – I think everything about Devil and War of Divine Will is passed down from generation to generation by the Pope, in order to make this goal…Or the belief is not forgotten. However, the powers are naturally afraid of the witch, not to mention the original Pope’s last wish, even the four hundred years of the past are not to mention. It is said that it is going to fight for humanity, but in the entire Holy City of Hermes, how many other believers know this? ”

    “Unfortunately Greycastle is different…In the Western Region Neverwinter City, this kind of news is not a secret. Every one of my ministers knows the existence of Devil. The plan against War of Divine Will is also written in the policy outline – from farmer to blacksmith, all citizens are Struggling for it, this is the biggest difference between me and you! It can be said that a few years ago, I was preparing to defend against the human Judgement Day. ”Roland looked at the iron-blue face with great interest. “Church is the only savior of mankind?” You are too high to look at yourself a little. Regardless of whether I can defeat this powerful enemy, at least one thing is certain -“

    He went to the old priest and said in a word, “Church can’t even win, can you save the whole man?” Don’t be crazy about it! ”

    We provide comprehensive supportJacob’s expression immediately froze, then the blood quickly faded, the face of a moment from green to white, as if there is no words to have a lethal–obviously he did not think of such a problem, just self-deception in the bottom of the heart of the blind, and now suddenly revealed, His last hint of persistence also collapsed.

    The old priest slowly fell to the ground, no longer solemn and proud when he appeared.

    “Take him back to prison,” Roland waved. “It’s no use to send the age to the mine, let him live well. When Red Moon comes down, let him see for himself how the people of Greycastle are fighting Devil – hopefully at that moment, he still remembers how to confess to gods. ”

    “Yes, Your Majesty.”The soldier forced Jacob up and took his arm and stepped back.

    “In addition, it did a good job.”Roland looks to Isabella, “If it weren’t for you, Holy City wouldn’t be back in order so quickly.”

    The latter opened the line of sight very rarely, and there was a slight rush. “You…Don’t you mind at all? I issued orders in the name of the Pope’s agent and integrated those who were abandoned. ”

    Regarding the fabrication of a new history, Church has been completely split into two. He has learned from the reports of Edith, Hawk Face and Isabella himself, and Pearl of the Northern Lands is highly esteemed, saying that this is not only I hope that the old and new Holy City will be included in Greycastle’s jurisdiction, and I will be able to absorb the influence that Church has accumulated over the centuries. Even if the fugitives had a separate stove, Roland, who actually controlled Hermes, even made a three-pointer.

    Roland is more realistic. The plateau is located in the middle of the Impassable Mountain Range, opposite the big gap, and is a strategic location in the War of Divine Will that must be defended. Originally attacked Hermes has the intent to replace it. Now it is a good thing to use the original human natural resource to save the next part of the expenditure.

    “If I prove that it works, why should I mind?”He smiled. “But even so, the sentence of the service can not be waived.”

    “I never thought about it…”Isabella said quickly.

    “Of course, there can be no rewards,” he waved. “If you need to be a substitute in the future, you can enjoy the same treatment on that day. How?”

    “The substitute’s…Welfare and benefits

    “Replacing the popular saying should be considered the Imperial Prime Minister or King.”Roland laughed. “Of course, it does not include duties and powers. It is just a matter of eating and drinking.” For example, the spacious deluxe suites, the cuisine provided by the royal chef, and the Chaos Drink. If you don’t want this, you can also switch to the gold royal reward -“

    “No, Your Majesty,” Isabella shook her head. “The first one is fine…I mean, please come as you please. ”

    “Well, that’s it.”He is happy.


    With the First Army’s main joining search operation, the details of this strange city are also presented in front of Roland.

    He was surprised to find that the old priest said that “untouched” is not an exaggeration. Except for the collapsed Hermes Cathedral, other buildings are basically intact, the broken walls of the city have been repaired, and the trebuchet on the top is also All are retained.

    The large number of Berserker drug pills mentioned by Isabella was quietly stored in the underground secrets, and the final result was a total of more than 420,000. As soon as she thought that Zero had planned to fight Devil with millions of mad warriors, Roland was glad that she had not been able to get out of this step.

    After counting the quantity, a large fire was born on the wall of Wanzhang, the pellets were burned, and the remaining debris was pushed down the wall and consolidated with the permafrost. So far, the Berserk Army that worried him. The spread of the matter has finally come to an end.

    And the results in the search report are far more than that.

    For example, food.

    For example, weapons.

    New supplies are discovered every day, and their number is enough to arm several Kingdom Capital Knight groups. It’s no wonder that Lord of Dawn Anpei Moore and his vassal will be unable to hold back, and he will run around and want to rob. Roland found that in addition to the gold royal and jewellery, Church’s high-level collective evacuation took almost no strategic supplies, which confirmed from another aspect that they would not return again on this trip – it’s simply a split-up The days have gone.

    The behemoths on the northwest side of Greycastle are now smouldering and dust settled.

    Roland also took a break, and all he had to do was wait for Iron Axe to clear the eastern region, and the army gathered at the borders of neighboring countries to join the main force in launching a two-strike offensive and pinching the Kingdom of Dawn.

    Since it is rare to have time to relax, he plans to visit this territory that has been run by Church for hundreds of years – after all, in the memory debris, the Holy City of Hermes is not complete.

    And the place he most wants to go is undoubtedly the illusion land that Isabella mentioned – the reflection church. The legendary Falling Star Queen Alice achieved a fascinating heritage spanning a hundred years through illusion playback; it was there that Zero completed the transition from Pure One to Pope’s.

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