892. The person who was thanked in Chapter 892

    Either Church is hiding something, or the nun is lying.

    In the latter case, Isabella really couldn’t think of any necessity to make up the order. After all, it was a fact that it was abandoned. From the bleak look of the group, I am afraid that the monastery will become a dead place after half a month.

    If it is the former, Church recalls all the staff to Hermes, but has no defense against the ladder and the old Holy City. What do they want to do?

    She temporarily suppressed the guess in her heart and looked at the leader. “What is your name?”

    “Back to Your Excellency, my name is Autumn.”

    “You never thought about fleeing here?”

    kindofThe nun was stunned.

    “While this courtyard is thick and thick, it is not impossible to climb. One and a half months is enough for you to build a wooden ladder, or to pile up firewood under the gate, directly burn the door leaf and blow the wire, which is a feasible method. ”Isabella strangely said, “Since you can think of sending a representative to report on the situation, why not choose to go out together? Even the food supply has been interrupted here. Even if there is no Dawn army, there is only one dead road to stay. ”

    The silence was silent for a while before I muttered, “But…When I left here, where can we go? ”

    This sentence made everyone in the room bow their heads.

    “I have never left the monastery…”

    “So was I…

    “Although I can’t eat enough, I can still get something at least every day. It’s not much better outside.”There are also voices of orphans.

    “Going to others to ask for something, it has become what it used to be.”

    “The book says that we should not take begging as a matter of course.”

    No, I don’t.I lived like I used to. ”

    So that’s it, looking at the confused people, Isabella suddenly felt it. They are not all due to Church’s orders, but life habits make it difficult for them to have other options. This is a mixed news. The nuns are well prepared to say that the heart is killing the Holy City. If these orphans become Church’s diehard believers, then Your Majesty should have a headache.

    “I also want to ask you a question,” she took a breath and asked in a deep voice, “Why call me My Excellency Pope?”

    “This…”In the autumn, the timid look, for a while, said, “Your Excellency Mayne is now dying, three Archbishop have passed away, and Hermes has not issued a new appointment or dismissal order. According to the principle of automatic replacement, you are the closest to the temple. People.”

    “Isabella Your Excellency, please help us!”

    “Don’t leave us here, we are willing to accept any punishment!”

    “Please take us to Hermes!”

    The nuns pleaded again.

    It seems that the reason they call themselves Your Excellency is not premeditated, but hopes to regain the attention of Holy City, Isabella thought. Although the principle of replacement does not apply to the high-level Church, but how do the people who fall into the water account for these details, as long as there is a line of life, they will catch it, even if it is straw, it will not let go.

    Thinking of this, she quickly came up with an idea. “I have an important thing to tell you this time, I have heard it!”

    Everyone immediately held their breath.

    “Church is no longer the old Church,” Isabella sighed. “Mayne is not the real pope. He not only betrayed O’Brien, but also stolen Pope’s throne!” In fact, O’Brien adults want to pass the other person! ”

    This is like a stone that stirs up a thousand waves, and everyone suddenly feels awkward.

    “The man is his first Pure One, Zero.”She didn’t know what kind of thoughts Your Majesty would say about this, but since she started, she decided to do her best. “Greycastle is not an enemy of Church’s. In order to fight against real enemies, O’Brien even hopes to Allied with Greycastle.”

    “What you mean is…Evil Beast? ”Someone couldn’t help but ask.

    “It’s more terrible than Evil Beast,” Isabella shook his head. “These are all recorded in the Church of St., and only a few people can see it. Mayne was reluctant to let Pure One take power, secretly launching a rebellion and clamoring for the ambassador to go to Greycastle’s Zero, and the Battle of Cold Wind Ridge broke out. Fortunately, Mayne’s tricks didn’t work. I survived this battle, and the rebellious Lord Envoy died in more than a month. Needless to say, this is the punishment of gods. ”

    “So there is no such thing as a deadly battle, and there is no single monastery until the last moment -” she paused, “you are safe now.”

    Whether it is a nun or an orphan, it shows an unbelievable look.

    WellGod’s Officer’s punishment…”

    “Theirs are not qualified to be called God’s Officer at all, and I am not guilty of you.”

    After a quiet moment in the courtyard, a huge cheer broke out. “Great, Your Excellency is kind!”

    “Long live Isabella Your Excellency!”

    “Long live the Pope!”

    Isabella pressed down and pressed everyone down, “I have said that the Pope is not me. The replacement principle does not apply to the transfer of the right to teach. I am only the agent of Your Excellency Pope, just like before. .”

    “Then you also represent Hermes Church!”Autumn is excited.

    “So I have a task to hand over to you,” Isabella couldn’t help. “Of course, after you fill your stomach.”

    The people who stood up and finally brushed up and smashed down. “Please tell me.”

    She knows that these people are not so supportive of her because they believe her.They are abandoned, the door to fate has been closed to them, and now there is a return to Church’s hope, naturally willing to give everything – even if this “Church” is not true.

    If the real Hermes Church is still alive, they may be thinking about whether the choice is correct after they get out of the woods and calm down, but now this premise no longer exists – and when the First Army arrives, everything she says will become a reality.

    Break the old concept, make up a half-truth story, and instill a new “fact” into them, so that Your Majesty Roland can truly master the land.

    “It’s very simple, I need you to restore the order of the old Holy City.”Isabella said in an orderly manner, “Autumn, you first bring together the other two monasteries and tell my words to them. Then organize the rations for all children before tonight. It is the Greycastle First Army that you are connected to. They already know the rebellion of Mayne and others and will not bother you. Next, you need a notification from each household, by the way, who is gone, those people are still there, if you encounter a traitor of the God’s Officer or the congregation, immediately notify me. ”

    As a series of orders were issued, the nuns quickly responded and then turned to be busy. Despite their situation and no substantial improvement before one hour, the look on everyone’s face has become completely different.

    The door was quickly dismantled. When a nun took the children to line up and left the monastery, one of them suddenly bent down to her.

    “Thank you, Lady Isabella.”

    The same is true for every child.

    “You are so good, adults.”

    “I won’t forget you.”

    This sound almost runs through the entire team.

    Thanks…Isabella closed her eyes slightly, and since she became Pure One, hate and curse have received a lot, thanks to the first time I heard it.

    She does this not for gratitude, but for the means to achieve her purpose. For the same purpose, she can also put these people to death without any worries. So…This kind of gratitude is superfluous to her.

    Obviously thinking about it, she felt as if something was in her heart…A feeling that has never been seen before. Slightly bulging, while warm as light. She thought she would resist, but unexpected…This feeling is not so annoying.

    Is this the purpose of Your Majesty Roland?

    Isabella gently spit out the air and slowly walked towards the camp at the end of the team.

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