872. The final charge of Chapter 872

    After all, the giant stone gun did not launch a second round of artillery.

    To make it easier for the operator to observe the enemy and the point of the shot, Duke built six high platforms in the city for the cannon and the trebuchet. In other words, they are higher than the wall, and any action by the other party can’t escape the eyes of the attacker.

    This is a foolproof choice. The condescending perspective not only brings better efficiency, but also increases the range of shells and ripraps, and gives the enemy a strong sense of oppression.

    But in front of the incredible cannon of the Roland army, the high platform became a striking target.

    William felt for the first time that a quarter of an hour was so long.

    The explosion on the wall seemed to have not stopped.

    As the home soldiers struggled to fill the snow powder, a shell hit the right side of the platform.

    In an instant, the table seemed to have a bright sun, together with a huge stone cannon and more than 20 people absorbed, then the bright flames turned into countless tentacles, rushing in all directions, the buildings in the city were also violently trembled. And raised a yellow dust.

    A broken bronze tube flew out of the flame, hit the other side of the high platform and fell to the ground, falling into a group of citizens carrying the stone. The body of the body showed its fragility and weakness at this moment. When the barrel tumbling for two laps, there was already a pool of red and brown meat on the ground. Those unlucky ones whose hands and feet are crushed and still not deflated are holding their own broken limbs and screaming, hoping someone can give them a happy.

    But William hasn’t taken care of them at the moment.

    Wanglou is also a conspicuous target for the enemy. As soon as the wall turns into a sea of ​​fire, the nobles lose the courage to continue watching and retreat. This decision is obviously correct. The speed of the shelling of the other party far exceeds the imagination of everyone. There will be a round of shells landing at almost every tenth, and the accuracy of hitting is getting higher and higher. The surrounding area has become an extremely dangerous area.

    Initially there was a fireball rising outside the city, and then all squatted in the city, and moved closer to the high gates and the city gate. The smoke and the fragments of the city are flying, and the roaring and wailing are mixed together, just like the scene in hell.

    When the enemy finally stopped shooting, the six high-rises were destroyed, and the city gate was also opened up.

    According to the plan, Duke’s soldiers should immediately put down the iron fence or broken dragon stone to block the passage into the city, and at the same time prepare for the blocking, but after such a terrible bombardment, it has become an unrealistic requirement to continue to hold the post. . The flames flowed along the grease, and the charred bodies were seen everywhere on the wall. Even if someone escaped, they lost the courage to fight, not to mention the citizens who were forced to come.

    All that can be run has been run out of the way, and the rest is not scared of the soul, it is a serious injury, unable to escape.

    Although William thought that he would fail, he didn’t expect it to be so fast.

    Not yet hurt one opponent, the line of defense collapsed across the board, in the past two years…What did Roland do?

    “Adult, this…I can’t beat it…”

    “We still surrender.”

    “Yeah, surrendering does not mean giving up, we can find other opportunities.”

    “That’s right, as long as they stay in the eastern region, this hatred will be reported sooner or later.”

    “If Timothy Your Majesty is here, you will not blame you. You have tried your best, just blaming the enemy for being too ferocious.”

    After a moment of silence, William turned to look at Kalina.

    In order to protect him, the latter pushed a piece of burning wooden beam with his hand, and the scattered charcoal fire burned her hair to the corner, leaving two black marks on her face. Even so, her eyes are still as bright as before, and there is no such thing as frustration or worries. “I listen to you.”

    Duke took a deep breath, “You surrender.”

    adultWhat about you? ”

    “I have been preparing for two years, not to leave a name for not falling,” he said slowly. “You must let Roland understand that a powerful military force can’t conquer everything. Timothy Your Majesty is also fearless. Vasal. Kalina, where is my Knight group? ”

    The Chief Knight did not hesitate, “all in the second ambush area.”

    “You don’t have to hide, let them all come to the city gate.”William commanded, “The Viscount Arleighburke, removed the traps that were prepared before.”

    Removed! Why?Nobles are surprised.

    “Only those things can’t stop the enemy. It’s better to let them come in, and come up with an upright and victorious charge. At this point, someone has to give an account.”Duke found that when the last moment came, he was unexpectedly calm. No matter what, this scene will be written into history books, and he can be worthy of Your Majesty.


    After one hour, Roland’s army finally appeared at the gate of the city wall. Their actions were very cautious. First, a small team removed the broken door panels and occupied the entrances and exits on both sides. The follow-up troops followed suit. Stepping into the city, they quickly piled up a simple camp in the middle of Long Street, and two strange firearms were pushed to the front.

    William didn’t care what the other side was going to do. He raised the reins and walked slowly out of the corner with the Knights, lined up along the street.

    Seven Knights and fifteen squires are his last counterattack force.

    This also convinced Duke of the necessity and superiority of the noble system.

    In the face of such a desperate situation, but also summons courage to charge the enemy, only understand the loyalty, honor and responsibility of what noble can do.

    He pulled the lower armor, set up a long gun, faced more and more intruders, and long export gas –

    “Today we have failed, but history will not forget us. Everyone’s name will become a poem, and it will continue to be rumored in the songs. Take the courage to fight fearlessly to the last moment! The Knights of the Borg family, charge me! ”

    “Wan wins -!”

    William waved the reins and led the crowd to accelerate along the long street, launching the final sprint to the enemy position.

    The thick smoke and the flame that had not been extinguished became the best embellishment on the battlefield. For a moment, Duke felt that this was the best place for him.

    Soon the speed of the charge was shortened to half, and the speed of the horse was also mentioned as the highest, but he did not hear the hoof of the hooves as drums behind him. Looking back, William couldn’t help but look at it – he was surprised to find that more than 20 people who had started to charge had disappeared, and only Kalina was left with him.

    This street is not just a road. It connects many winding roads and alleys. At that moment, William understands the cause and effect.

    Why?Will it be like this?

    He wanted to ask this sentence, but when he looked at the woman’s affectionate eyes, he suddenly felt that everything was not important.

    This ending seems to be good too.

    – At least you are around, aren’t you?

    William smiled and pressed the rifle down to the enemy closest to him.

    Then a dense bomb rain covered him.

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