817. Chapter 817 Goodbye Ash

    When the first grove came into view, Logia slowed down.

    She was the first to set foot in the territory of the North. For this rich land, she had heard many people mention: there is a green forest that never fades, the endless stream of water; the blue grass can spread the entire plain, stretched out When you enter the ground, you can feel its moisture and softness. There are only fish and crabs in the river. You don’t have to worry about the lurking sandworms swallowing the legs of the water takers. In short, like the previous Extreme Southern Region, it is full of greenery and vitality.

    However, she did not have a similar feeling.

    Probably because Months of Demon is not over yet, there are only solitary branches above the trunk. There are some yellow weeds in the ground. In terms of greenery, it is not as big as Oasis occupied by Iron Sand City. The only thing that made her feel the change was that the yellow sand of the ground had gradually turned dark brown.

    Logia looked around and found a sheltered place from the giant wolf, narrowed from a giant wolf to a normal appearance, then put on clothes, smelled the smell of the air, and continued to move toward the caravan.

    For several days, she has always been like this. After Sunset, it became a wolf-like run. As long as the direction is generally north, it will be alright. Sandworms and armor are all her choices. Sometimes she even recruits a group. Follow by Desert Wolf. During the day, he followed the Silver River trade route, and the businessman who was walking can also add the water bag.

    Of course, there is no “accident” in the journey.

    As the mad Flame Third Princess, Logia has always been very generous, and the bag of gold royal in the bag naturally caught the attention of others. Plus the ears raised high above the head are very sensitive, and the merchants’ unscrupulous planning will always be known to her in advance. At the beginning, she would let the vicious people pay a painful price. Later, after simply following the caravan, they used the smell to determine the position of the other party.

    Half a day later, Logia finally heard the sound of the waves.

    The harbor towns of the northern country do not have thick walls, and they can be seen on the high slopes. Some tents stand along the river, while one near the sea is full of people, and many people are busy repairing a square building that looks so lively. To her surprise, only a small part of the group was Sandpeople, and most of the rest were from the North.

    Walking into the Port of Clear Water, she quickly found the camp where the First Army was stationed.

    After notifying the guards, Logia didn’t wait long to see the black-haired woman who made her heart beat.


    I haven’t thought about what to say in the first sentence. The other party has already opened the mouth first. “I know you will come.”Her tone is calm, and there is no stranger in the golden eyes, just like the two were just yesterday.

    Logia’s ears couldn’t help but tremble. “Why?”

    “Because you are like me before,” Ash raised his lips slightly. “There is a goal in my heart that I want to pursue.”

    “Is it a fight?”Her eyes lit up.

    “No…It’s revenge,” Exceed Witch shook his head and turned and said, “Come with me, Echo will be very happy to meet you. ”

    Revenge When Logia squatted, she realized that the similarity she said only meant that both of them had goals, but their goals were not the same. She keeps up with each other’s pace, “Who is going to revenge?”

    “Hermes Church,” Ash shrugged. “It was just to vent your hate at first, but it took a long time to become a habit. It wasn’t until I met His Highness Tilly that I found out that there are more important things in the world than killing them. ”

    His Royal Highness Tilly…The wolf woman noticed that when the other person mentioned the name, there was a rare softness in the voice. Is this the person who changed the mountain? She knows that people like Ash, once set a goal, are hard to be influenced by the outside world, and it is inevitable that they will have such an influence.

    She secretly remembered the name.

    When passing by a flat building under construction, Logia asked Ash about another doubt in his heart. “I heard that since the Queen of Clear Water left this place, the Port of Clear Water was burnt into ruins. These people should not be Local refugees? Why do they look more than Sandpeople who have migrated to this point? ”

    “Of course not, they are all from Neverwinter City.”

    “Neverwinter City…You mean, King of Greycastle Roland Wimbledon’s territory? ”Logia didn’t dare to set the channel. “He sent his own man to repair the residence for the Mojin people?”

    “There is no need to send, these people are voluntary, because there are five to ten more silver royals for the construction. Listening to the workers, Ministry of Construction just sent a message, the people enrolled are filled with the city hall. .”

    Ministry of Construction? City Hall ? The wolf girl shook the tail blankly, “that…What about Sandpeople? ”

    She remembers that the first few Clans who moved in the first batch had two or three thousand people. The Great Chief wouldn’t have been tempted to mobilize people, and would not drive Sandpeople to work. If this is true, she will doubt the other’s motives.

    “Most people went to Endless Cape, and Your Majesty wanted to build a new city there.”Ash answer is very fast, “Brave Sand Clan is no exception – only the tribes involved in this construction task can live in the new home and get the same food supply as Neverwinter City citizen.”

    In the city of wasteland where there is no oasis or smoke? If she doesn’t know that someone who is as proud as Ash doesn’t bother to lie, she won’t think it’s true.

    What are you thinking about in the head of King of Greycastle?

    WellCan’t go there? ”

    “If it is a physical reason, you can stay to help the construction team build Port of Clear Water, and the treatment is exactly the same. In other words, as long as you are willing to work, you don’t have to worry about your stomach. ”Ash said it was a bit of a sigh. “His Royal Tilly has said that the ideal world in her heart is how much to pay and how much to get. People don’t win everything by taking advantage of it, but relying on both hands to save wealth. It sounds incredible, but I didn’t expect her unreliable brother to do this. ”

    Logia automatically ignores the last sentence, “Can…Why is Great Chief building in Endless Cape? There is nothing there…”

    “There is Black water,” Ash said. “Your Majesty wants to collect them in large quantities.”

    “Just, for this reason?”The wolf girl is in the same place. “He has done so many things, just for Black water? He obviously bought it from Iron Sand City like Queen of Clear Water! ”

    She does not believe in the goodwill for no reason. Most of the higher authorities are asking for money and land. This series of practices is completely contrary to the two – not only to the land to the Sandpeople, but then to the desert It is also the stationing of soldiers, how to see it is a big project that spends money like water, and this cost can buy hundreds of barrels of Black water.

    If the purpose of the other party is really the same, the style of King of Greycastle is too ridiculous, she can not help but worry about her father’s decision.

    Originally thought that Ash would open the rebuttal or explain, but the other party just picked a brow, “Yes…The ghost knows what he is thinking. ”


    “Can understand his sophistry heresy, the whole Neverwinter city is not a few, Andrea may be able to say on the thinking, after all, is a nostril breathing noble, other people are not likely to tell you the answer,” she shrugged, “but who cares about it, I didn’t come here for him, as long as Lady Tilly thought it was true then it would be alright. ”After she finished, she stopped. “We are here.”

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