753. Chapter 753 Truth Reproduce

    A group of people crept into the building and climbed to the second floor.

    There is still a burning smell of wood in the aisle, and scattered books and papers can be seen everywhere, probably left by the students who have been evacuated.

    Looking for the smell of coke, everyone quickly found the location of the incident – a classroom near the end of the walkway.

    Walking into the room, Lily noticed that the corner of the room had become dark, the wall was cracked, and the crack continued to the floor. The area of ​​fire is not large, and it can be seen that the range of fire changes is obvious. The dark wood is deep to shallow, and the circle is like ripples. It is not like natural arson.

    But what most worried her, was the cracks.

    They are almost like the ones that are pulled out with an axe. The gap is completely carbonized, and the fingers are stretched in, and you can feel the faint residual temperature.

    “It should be that it is right here,” Mystery Moon turned around the corner, “Asia, and I will hand it over to you.”

    “hmm…If someone comes, you remember to interrupt me,” Asia walked to the center of the classroom and showed her ability to trace back.

    As the explosion time was determined, and the distance was not more than one day now, she quickly found the key node before the incident – as the magic power emerged, the broken wall became intact, and the seat of the east was restored. Completely simultaneous. There are a lot of students in the empty classroom. Some of them are sleeping on the table, some are gathering together, there is no teacher on the stage, it should be a noon break.

    Maggie and Vanilla, who saw this for the first time, couldn’t help but marvel at it, and then seemed to be afraid of disturbing Asia, and quickly caught their mouth. In particular, when they saw a “student” coming to them as if nothing had happened, they passed through their bodies like a ghost. The two men hurriedly stepped back and almost fell to the ground.

    “Don’t worry, these are illusions,” Evelyn explained enthusiastically. “Asia can look back on time and reproduce things that have happened.”

    “This…this…”What a great ability! ”Amy was also the first time to glimpse, but there was no fear of it, but a face of admiration.

    “Haha!”It’s not that great,” Asia said, a little embarrassed to touch her head. “Compared to Nightingale’s sister, my ability is nothing. ”

    “Nightingale? Are you talking about the big blonde sister who often follows My Majesty and rarely shows up? ”

    “Yeah, she is the most powerful witch in the Western Region, maybe even the whole kingdom!”

    “Spirit, great!”Amy’s eyes sparkle.

    “Wait,” Mystery Moon suddenly interrupted them. “Look!”

    Lily frowned. “This is…”

    School bullyingEvelyn whispers.

    I saw five or sixty-year-old children surrounded the two girls in the corner, fiercely quarreling about something, and the two people in the encirclement reacted differently, and a flat-bottomed hands were held in front of everyone, shouting loudly. The other one shook his head behind the former and looked scared.

    Since the primary universal class does not have a uniform age for admission, the largest group of these people seems to be fifteen or six years old. The body is taller than the two girls, and it has an overwhelming advantage. But the short-haired girl who did not let her instigated was not intimidated by the people of the other party. Even if there was only one person, the momentum would not fall.

    From the mouth shape of both sides, it can be inferred that the content of the dispute is related to their place of birth…For example, roll back to the eastern region, rebel King’s running dog and the like.

    Soon the dispute evolved into a shoving. The tall man took the lead and tried to push the blocker to the ground, but the boss hands just grabbed her shoulder and were kicked in the knee. The whole person slanted down. .

    The scene became confused at the moment.

    Like a muddy hand, the girl is drilled from the encirclement, and it is a fat man who has fallen on one foot and attracts everyone’s eyes to himself.

    No one is going to take care of the poor girl who is sobbing. The occupants are swarming toward the short-haired girl, while the latter stalking in the second half of the classroom, using other students as cover, the movement is so flexible that it is nothing to do with the cat. Two different. Because the head is not dominant, she will kick the opponent’s knee or ankle near each foot, and the opponent will fall to the ground with a single blow, and she will not be able to stand for a while.

    “This little devil, so strong!”Mystery Moon is tongue-in-cheek.

    “Come on, beat them!”Amy couldn’t help but clench her fists as if she were on the scene.

    However,Her strength is too weak,” Vanilla worried. “And if you only attack one part, it is easy for the opponent to guard against it. ”

    “Hey, do you know this?”Mystery Moon looked at her strangely.

    “Hold, sorry, I was just before…”

    “Church taught this, right?”Evelyn comforted, “It’s okay, since you can pass Your Majesty’s review, it’s not the same kind of people as the vicious Pure One.”

    Lily didn’t say a word, she also agreed with Vanilla’s opinion that the student who was kicked down, although looking very embarrassed, could still limping after climbing and continuing to contain short-haired girls. And this time they are more cautious about the protection of their legs, and the other party is not so easy to succeed.

    Suddenly, the tall man grabbed a chair and slammed her from behind when her attention was distracted by the other two.

    Be carefulAmy shouted.

    But the illusion records only what has happened, and her reminder does not allow the girl to detect the sneak attack from behind.

    The chair was on her head and knocked her over to the ground. At the moment of the fall, she tumbling from the front of the two people’s sniper escape, licking her head and gnawing her teeth on the ground.

    It can be seen that the girl’s fingertips have been stained with blood.

    The blood slowly crouched from the tips of the hair in her ear, dyed the cheeks on the half.

    The tall man also seemed a bit worried. Probably he didn’t expect the other party to bear the slamming slam. He hesitated for a while before throwing the chair on the ground and walking towards her step by step.

    Just when everyone thought that the situation was timed, the girl suddenly showed a painful look and screamed at the same time—although the witches present could not hear the sound, she could see from her expression how much pain she was suffering at the moment. Even when she was hit by her chair, she didn’t change her color.

    Then an electric light jumped out of her fingertips, and soon it was the second and third…The electric light spread along the floor, leaving a distorted orange-red Orbit behind it, and when it touched the window, it suddenly burst into a bright flash!

    In the blink of an eye, Mars is like a stone, the glass is broken, and the wall is also blasted with a big hole. Everyone panicked and fled, and could no longer care for the short-haired girl shrouded in electro-optical light.

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