630. Chapter CAP captured Pure One

    Nightingale has never felt such blame and remorse in her life.

    She had thought that if she stayed with Roland, it would hurt someone to hurt him.

    However, she is still standing in the castle bedroom of Quiet Valley Town. There is no bruise on the whole body. Roland is lying in bed, and she is unconscious.

    His body does not see any magic power reaction, and the internal organs are equally intact. It is neither a curse like the rest of the species, nor a direct destruction of the organ’s ability to kill. Even the well-informed Agatha can’t see it. The category and method of cracking this ability.

    All kinds of conventional awakening methods are exhausted, and it still does not help. Roland has no reaction to the external stimuli. If there is no breathing and heartbeat, I am afraid that it is no different from death.

    She now finally understands Agatha’s warnings –

    In the face of the power of the witch, there is no absolute security protection.

    Unfortunately, this insight came too late.

    Just then, the rapid footsteps coming from outside the door, Lightning pushed the door open, “The Pure One woke up!”

    The witch in the room suddenly got excited.

    “Don’t worry, it doesn’t make sense to run around and explore,” Wendy said. “And we don’t know her ability. For safety reasons, it’s better to ask Miss Agatha and Nightingale to ask about the situation first.”

    As a predecessor trusted by her sister, her calm tone made everyone calm down a bit.

    Nightingale took a deep breath and nodded to Wendy. “Give it to me.”

    During her years of escape, she knows that negative emotions are not good for changing the situation. Especially at this critical moment, she must not evade her responsibility because she made a big mistake.

    She must bring Your Majesty Roland back.

    “Let’s go,” Agatha sighed.

    When leaving the room, Nightingale couldn’t help but look back and saw Anna sitting on the bed and still sitting still, her eyes still staring at Roland, as if everything else could not attract her attention.

    The feeling of guilt is stronger.


    A servant’s room on the first floor of the castle has been transformed into a special prison room. There are dozens of God Punishment Stones embedded in the walls of the four walls. The black holes formed by the layers are stacked to form a cage for isolation. . Only in the center of the room can you drive magic power.

    Nightingale naturally knows who they are trying to interrogate.

    After the end of the war, the First Army soldiers found three remaining Pure Ones in the square pit of the No. 3 trench. One person was out of action, one was in a coma, and the only awake person shivered. It is known from her mouth that there are five Pure One hidden in the ground, namely Zero, Isabella, Black Veil, Maggie and Vanilla – and the last one is herself.

    According to Vanilla, she and Maggie were only responsible for confirming the location of Your Majesty Roland and transporting three others to the battlefield, not knowing much about the rest. As for Zero, Isabella, and Black Veil, Pure One is directly under the management of the Pope. Its status is comparable to that of Archbishop. Its ability is also Holy Church secret. Few people know the details. Now that Black Veil is dead, Zero disappears, and the only breakthrough is Isabella.

    The reason for Isabella’s coma was that after inspection, it was found that the loss of consciousness caused by the exhaustion of magic power, as long as it took a day or two, it would naturally recover. In addition, in her hand, I found a broken Weigel, but because the magic stone was completely destroyed, Agatha could not recognize what Sigil was.

    I didn’t expect Isabella to sleep for five days. During this period, Nightingale was so anxious that she couldn’t wait to forcibly awaken her with a dagger. If it wasn’t for Wendy’s dissuasion, she might have done so.

    “Are you discovering that she woke up?”Agatha asked Lightning.

    The little girl shook her head. “She woke up herself. When it was Ash’s turn, she sat on the bedside and told us that such a prison had no meaning for her. ”

    Nightingale’s face sank. “Is she challenging us?”

    “I will know when I ask,” Agatha calmly said.

    Guarded by the layers of the First Army, the two walked into a small house with no windows, and the turpentine torch on the top of the head glowed dimly. There was nothing but a vertical wooden bed and a low table in the room.

    Pure One sat on the bed and motionless, the curls on the shoulders were glazed into a golden red, and the body was still wearing the Blood’s Officer’s robe, and the dust on his face had solidified into a yellow spot.

    “It seems that Zero has completely failed.” Before the Nightingale asked, the other party took the initiative to break the silence. “She has never been the darling of the gods…”

    “God’s darling?”Nightingale sneer.

    “Reassured, I will tell you everything I know,” Isabella sighed softly, as if she had not heard the sarcasm in her words. “And then…Let it be disposed of by you. ”

    Pure One’s attitude makes Nightingale not help, because she can tell the difference, the other party’s words are true.

    But it’s too late to take the soft clothes now. “Don’t you claim that this cage can’t keep you? Now decided to accept the fate? ”

    “My ability is to eliminate the role of the God Punishment Stone. As long as there is room for display, no more God Stone has any meaning.”Isabella said slowly, “But beyond that, I can’t penetrate the wall or sneak, so you don’t need to prepare such a special room for me.”

    “Can your ability affect God Stone?”Agatha was surprised.

    “They look like they are black holes that are bottomless, but that’s right…”Isabella admits, “I can eliminate them.”

    “What do you mean, the God Stone worn by Your Majesty Roland will be ineffective, is it yours?”Nightingale’s both hands are pinched.

    “I had no other choice at the time. Zero had been blinded by gods. She believed that only one of the two could get a smile from God.”

    Agatha kept her hand quietly. “Is the person who makes You Majesty Roland unconscious? Is it Zero? What is her ability? ”

    “Unconscious?”Isabella frowned slightly. “Soul Battlefield should be able to win the game in an instant. If Roland doesn’t become Zero on the spot, it means that Zero has failed to swallow. Is it because he can’t afford such a huge memory that he can’t wake up? ”

    Nightingale and Agatha look at each other, “Soul Battlefield?”

    “Yes,” Isabella whispered, “That is a contest between spirit and will, the loser loses everything, and the winner…Get everything. Zero has never failed in the Battle of Soul since she was awakened. There are thousands of mortals and witches she devour. In addition to their memory and knowledge, there is a long life…So far, she has lived for more than two hundred years. ”Speaking of this, she closed her eyes with some sadness. “I never thought that she would be defeated by a mortal prince.”

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