303. Chapter 303 Air Strike Preparation

    After nearly a week of assembly and testing, Roland and Anna completed the development of a bomb touch fuze.

    Compared with the fuze of the projectile, it does not need to withstand high temperature and high pressure, nor does it have a high G overload when it exits, so the structure is extremely simple. But it was such a thing made up of a striker and a spring, and the two also tested many times before they succeeded.

    The main problem is that no one knows how much spring force the spring needs to be able to catch fire when it falls unexpectedly, and it is guaranteed that the striker can stably trigger the bottom fire when throwing normally.

    He and Anna can only test a little by changing the thickness and hardness of the spring.

    Fortunately, the latter did a lot of early work with Lucia on weekdays, so Roland is getting more and more quality materials at hand. The final test was the No. 1365 alloy steel, which has a high hardness and low toughness. Even if the bomb falls from a height of one meter, it will not be compressed to the end.

    The right spring is selected and the rest is watered. Even if Roland hasn’t seen the true fuze, he can design it by himself.

    Lagging behind is definitely lagging behind, but it is enough for a stupid big black bomb.

    The finished version of the touch fuze is like a cylinder, 12 cm long, about five centimeters in diameter, threaded below, and can be screwed into the opening in the top of the bomb.

    Its interior is a downward convex groove, and the striker is similar in appearance and can be inserted into the groove. In the normal state, its upper part is placed at the notch by the spring, and the needle falls into the groove, just one finger away from the bottom fire. To be on the safe side, Roland also opened a hole in the head of the striker and fixed it to the ammunition case with a plug. The iron rod must be pulled out before the bomb can be shot.

    The simulated test-in test was conducted on a windy and sunny afternoon.

    Since the bomb was close to the weight of five Nightingales after filling the gravel and black gunpowder, Roland did not board the hot air balloon, but watched it with a telescope three hundred meters away from the bombing site.

    In addition to him, the First Army commander Iron Axe and Chief Knight Carter Lannis visited the test.

    “Would you like to throw a giant dynamite into the palace with a hot air balloon?”After listening to Roland’s battle plan, Carter couldn’t believe his ears. Attacking from a height of two kilometers, ignoring the city wall and the garrison power, completely overturned his previous operational philosophy – of course, in Border Town this year, he has been subverted many times.

    “As long as it is properly controlled, this is not an impossible realization,” Roland nodded. “Timothy is forcing a new militia team. If it can’t stop him, the Western Region will inevitably be attacked by the Pelican. Even if it wins, it will not give us a slight benefit. ”

    The secret letter sent by Tasa shows that Timothy still wants to use his usual old routine to consume his own strength, nor does it know whether the envoy team that Barov sent out can bring more people to Border Town before the other party.

    “If you can really put the wrath of Thunder on the head of Timothy, he will be scared to be overwhelmed!”Iron Axe said excitedly, “This is simply an irresistible heavenly punishment!”

    “I hope so,” Roland smiled.

    Although Tasa mentioned in the letter, Timothy probably has already figured out the formula of the black gunpowder and set up a workshop in the inner city to try to mass produce the dangerous goods, but he considered to choose the palace in the palace after repeated consideration. Above.

    The reason is simple because the palace is striking enough.

    Looking down from the height of two kilometers, even the most magnificent city of Greycastle is only half a slap in size, so you must find the spot in advance when you bomb. The palace is located in the center of the inner city, surrounded by red tile walls, the top of the palace is paved with pure white stone slab, it looks particularly eye-catching during the fall, almost impossible to admit the wrong target.

    But the workshop is different.

    He does not have the floor plan of Kingdom Capital, and the ground is unguided. It is difficult to describe the location of the target by language alone. In addition, the size of the workshop itself is not large. Once the bomb falls into the residential area, the plan will not pay off.

    Suddenly, a white shadow fell to the ground, causing a column of smoke in the test field, and the dull landing sound came.

    “It seems that the bomb has landed,” Roland put away the telescope. “Go and see the result.”

    After a week of training, Lightning’s bombing skills have made great strides. The missile landed less than five meters from the center of the target. The body was completely trapped in the mud, and the outer casing was greatly deformed under impact.

    When Anna looked at the landing, Anna cut the bomb with a black fire, and everyone saw that the dirt near the fuse had become a blackened–this proves that the high-temperature gas of the bottom fire ignited the black gunpowder that was scattered on the surface of the dirt, fuze It works fine. If the inside of the body is filled with nitrated starch, it can easily create a four- to six-meter deep pit and kill unobstructed people within a range of 50 meters.

    Now that the bomb has been developed, the next step is to arrange an operational plan.

    Roland’s eyes swept through the crowd and slowly began. “The odds of the Kingdom Capital plan is scheduled to be implemented next Monday. The first is Iron Axe, where you lead a team of 50 people and escort the witch to the suburbs of Silver Light City. There is a mountain ridge zone that blocks the view, whether it’s a camp or a flying balloon. ”

    “Follow, Your Highness!”Iron Axe responded.

    “Are we not flying directly from Border Town?”Wendy asked.

    “No, that’s too far,” Roland shook his head. It took at least a week to travel from Kingdom Region to Kingdom Capital. It took about three days to change to the distant view. It took six days to return. The basket can only carry two people with the throwing frame. Nightingale can’t go with them. The four witches have no fighting ability except Anna. It is too risky to spend six nights in the wild. He can’t be assured. “From the Silver Light City set off, you can complete the bombing in just one day and return home before the sun sets. ”

    “The next is witch, this time the mission staff are Anna, Wendy, Lightning, Macy, Nightingale and Silvy. The latter two are responsible for monitoring the surrounding situation of the camp. The attack process is carried out by the first four people in accordance with the training method, especially Lightning,” he looked at the little girl. “If you can succeed, you will see you.” ”

    Give it to me.The latter patted the chest.

    “The last thing I want to say is to pay attention to safety,” Roland said in a word. “I am waiting for you in Border Town.”

    Four days later, the first bomb “Dongfeng No. 1” was loaded by a carriage and boarded a cargo ship to Silver Light City under the escort of the First Army.

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